The Class of '65
Hi John—
I’ve attached the “40th Comm Plan” so you can see the context of our activity as it
relates to the 1965 Web site. I have also rooted around in my email files for historical notes that may prove useful. You’ll
recall some specific suggestions via the previous emails.
We are approaching some deadlines. We need to get the 40th Reunion Still On The Road elements up
and running on the Class Web site. I cannot direct 708 people to the site in my pending Letter #2 if it is still “Under
Question: What do you and Mike believe can be accomplished in the near term? I will go forward with your guidance.
Many thanks for all the help. (You can call me at 248/645-9977 if it is easier…)
I would like to get the following up on the site ASAP:
SOTR event logo. It is attached.
2. A listing of the Reunion Committee with semi-humorous responsibilities (letterhead attached for your use;
it illustrates Garamond type face and PMS 357 color).
3. List of current intended and 75% possible attendees (Pete Frederick has the data which I plan to incorporate
in a February letter mailing; Pete, can you supply?).
Soon, I plan to provide you with a tentative schedule of events. This will also be used in the February Letter.
I need to sort it out first with Pete and Roger.
Lastly, is there some way we can encourage Class Web site users to email classmates
urging their attendance? Could we create an Address Book of last known email addresses and let people click contact notes?
Just a thought, but we can try to drive traffic to the Web site and then, have class mates use the site to create email messages
encouraging attendance. I suppose it would open new dialogues, but that would be an added benefit.
Many thanks for the extra efforts!
I’d like to get started determining how we can best incorporate 40th Reunion information on the Class
of 1965 Web site. I expect we will also have a link to some sort of College Reunion site, but my focus is on our site.
My initial thoughts include:
- Use of the Still On The Road (SOTR) event logo (which you
- Listing of the Reunion Committee with their interesting responsibilities
(a simple lift off the reunion stationery which I believe you have; if not, let me know)
- Schedule of events (early version attached as an example;
needs updating)
- Listing of planned and possible attendees (which would be
updated periodically)
- Perhaps a gizmo wherein classmates could send emails urging
other classmates to attend (this may be too elaborate…)
I would like to get a dialogue underway so we can have things up and running by the end of the year (if possible).
We’d use the Garamond font and the PMS 357 dark green, hopefully.
The class Web site could be very helpful in sharing timely information through the winter and spring. What do
you think? How should we proceed that best suits your needs?
Best wishes.
Bruce Wagner
Am copying John Sottile on this email, and will see that we have
a page on the site listing those who will be attending the reunion.
From: Bob Murphy [] Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2004 7:44 PM To: Peter Frederick;
Robert Blake;; Ken McGruther; Carl Boe; Mike Gonnerman; Roger Hansen; Bruce Wagner Subject: Re: 40th Reunion Communications Plan Draft
FYI I attended much of 64's 40th which was held over last Memorial Day weekend and very well attended. The event
they all talked about was a symposium in which all their class members who did/are currently serving on the Dartmouth Board
of Trustees gave a brutally honest assessment of their tenure and the major issues. I think they had 7 class members
(!) in that position. I don't know that we reach those numbers but maybe something along those lines would be interesting.
The football/Dean of Admissions flap is something else again. It is on the front page of the local paper here
in Hanover virtually every day. It is hard to see
how the Dean (Karl Furstenburg) can survive this - even President Wright has distanced himself from him. Sometimes sports
do pass coaches by, but it's hard to see how John Lyons got so stupid so fast. My local friends who seem to be in the
know (Ralph Manuel, former Dean of the college, Dave Bradley, Blackman quarterback and former Dartmouth admissions officer)
are pretty clear that the admissions standards for athletes were radically changed in 1996, right after Dartmouth's last undefeated
football team. Speculation, of course, is that all the good press received by the football team denigrated Dartmouth's "intellectual mission". This 1-9 season was really
So I'm now a women's hockey fan. They are #2 in the country - last week defeated #1 Minnesota 7-5, then lost
the next day 5-4 with 35 seconds left in OT. I guess the women hockey players must be less embarrassing to the institution
than football players (ignoring Keible et al from '65, football supporters cite Jeff Immelt, CEO of GE, Hank Paulson, CEO
of Goldman Sachs, etc.). It's an interesting story, but we should assess what proportion of our classmates would be
lured to Hanover by something featuring football ( I would,
but don't have a sense of the class at large.)
One thing I've seen recommended is posting the names of definites or maybes everywhere possible, so that other maybes
will say "If Joe is goingl, maybe I'll go just to see him".
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, December
19, 2004 6:14 PM
Subject: Re: 40th
Reunion Communications Plan Draft
Sorry for the delay in responding, it took me some time to find Australian chardonnay in a box. Now I'm ready to go.
I agree with your objective, we want to make sure everyone one in the class is aware of what a great time we're going
to have and how they can be part of the event. We want folks to want to be there. we do not want to tell them to be there
but rather provide sufficient information so they will make the decision themselves.
I liked the President's campaign, he stayed on message, he said the same thing so many times that a majority bought
it. Our message should be simple, not require any deep thinking, and be repeated many times.
We are still moving forward, making decisions, still active.
This may be the last chance to talk with a classmate who remembers you, we are active moving on, but recognize that all of
us might be interested in talking with like souls about what to do when we aren't still on the road.
Is there a soul so old that he doesn't have at least one road
trip story. How about the road trips we've taken since graduation. How about the trips we plan to take?
How did we end up where we did?
What paths did we take? Did the Dartmouth have a lot,
a little , or no impact on our choices or current position. Don't you want to know why your classmates did what
they did and how they ended up doing what they are doing? Think your trip would be of interest to others?, we do!
A basic rule of physics (Ed, I need some help) is that everyone
must be someplace. If by rule you have to be someplace, why wouldn't you be in Hanover
with your class? Be there so your classmates will know where else you've been.
I'll need more than boxed Chardonnay, perhaps it's time to break out the good stuff! My point is we need several
catch phrases, themes, anchors for us to attach some dialog. We have a newsletter, an alum mag column and two reunion letters in
which we can keep repeating the message. I think our most important marketing tool will be the website and e-mail.
Each of 24 responses so far have included an e-mail address. We need to develop at least one of these concepts for a presentation
on the web site and e-mails. Wags::: we need to include in the plan a "hold 'em" e-mail to those that have said they
would attend and don't respond to a second mailing.
I would vote against a tchotchke item mailer, since the postage and handling of sending anything to 750 people
will be expensive, especially since only approximately 150 to 200 classmates will respond. I would suggest that Carl
work with one of the above for a gift. What about a hand held GPS system that helps folks find locations that includes Hanover as a default. No matter which road you are on, you can always
get directions to Dartmouth.
My two favorite Dickey quotes are: " If there are those among you... on whom the larger world will rely, as it
finds you out, you will know the glory of adding more than one man's mite to the worth of all men." and "Only out of
commitment is any man fulfilled with his fellows, whether in the embrace of fellowship, or the loneliness of leadership."
Neither of these work their way into a "tag line" but might be a subject of a symposium. There is always the
best known quote, "Your business here is learning" perhaps learning which road to take?
Your business here is learning:
How to stay on the road for 40 years
Bob Blake, you might want to let us know what topics you are considering for the symposia. From the 24 responses I
have the primary interest is in the poor football record, admissions and the Dean of Admissions statement that football
never really helped any academic institution (slight editorializing acknowledged.)
The other new assignment is to develop a registration form for folks to send in with their checks
It now appears that if I don't devote my full concentration to the Packers Jags game, Green Bay may not win.
Merry Christmas, and warm wishes for a healthy and peaceful New Year.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, December
14, 2004 8:31 PM
Subject: 40th Reunion Communications Plan Draft
So year-end family get-togethers and neighborhood parties are in full swing…and yes, it’s surely
Winter Carnival in Michigan.
I’ve attached a first-cut at what must pass as a Communications Plan for the 40th reunion.
Some elements are already moving along, but I thought I would put the ideas and plans in one place.
Please pass along your additional ideas and comments to me asap. By copy of this note, I am enlisting you as
a contributor/participant/thought-leader. This is a good start, but our efforts can be improved if you give it 10 minutes
with a glass of Australian chardonnay.
I trust this note finds you well and enjoying the approaching holidays. Be sure to tune in to the Rose Bowl.
Bruce Wagner
Coming Up |

Mini & Full Reunions |
Is there a large jpg of this graphic
This is from your pdf.
Bruce, I have several selections
below. You need to decide.
What looks good in print doesn't
always translat in pixels.
I favor the 8 pt Garamond
or Times would probably be
9 pt.
I made the email addresses live.
This is the web.. and it would
helpul for vistors to just drop an
old friend a note right from the
page. You decide.
SHOW TIME Brian Porzak
GREAT ISSUES (CONT.) Bob Blake robert.d.blake.65@*