Dartmouth College
40th Reunion
JUNE 13-16, 2005
Halls: East
Wheelock Cluster of Residence Halls
(Andres, Morton, Zimmerman, McCulloch)
Class Tent: In Front of Brace Commons
Indoor Headquarters: Brace Commons, East Wheelock Dorm Cluster
Overnight at Moosilauke Ravine Lodge ($$)
Optional DOC-sponsored events including hiking, meal and overnight lodging
Note: This is an extra day that is not part of the reunion fee.
A separate sign up form will be sent.
Visit the College Greenhouse
The Greenhouse accommodates an extensive and varied
plant collection with a wide range of diversity, utility,
and beauty. The collection is home to the Brout Orchid
Collection and thousands of species of orchids.
1965 Registration - Class Tent
Lunch On Your Own or Professional School Luncheons ($$)
Tuck School of Business – Luncheon at Byrne Hall
Speaker: Dean Paul Danos
Thayer School of Engineering – Luncheon at Cummings Hall
Speaker: Interim Dean William Lotko
Dartmouth Medical School – Hayward Lounge, Hanover Inn
Speaker: Dean Stephen P. Spielberg, MD
The Campus and How It Looks Today
Join friends, family, and classmates for a student guided
bus trip around Dartmouth’s campus and the Hanover area.
(Tour will be repeated at 2:30)
Architectural Walking Tour
Campus, old facilities, new facilities, and the architectural styles behind them. Walk around campus
with Jack Wilson, Associate Director and Project Architect/Manager Facilities Planning Office, and hear about Dartmouth Campus’
past, present, and future. Bring your umbrella in case it rains!!
The Campus and How It Looks Today
Join friends, family, and classmates for a student guided
bus trip around Dartmouth’s campus and the Hanover area.
Academic and Affiliated Group Open Houses Update yourself
on Dartmouth life today both inside and outside the academic environment. Note: Academic areas and Affiliated
Groups contact their alumni/ae majors directly. When you arrive on site, academic areas and affiliated groups
hosting open houses will be listed in the program.
1965 Dinner at the DOC House on Occom Pond Buffet
and Cocktails Dessert Music by the Charades
Concert - Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center Join
the University Chorus of the Upper Valley w Alumni Members of the Glee Clubs of 1945, ’50, ’60, ‘65 &
’70 participating Directed by: Ellen Satterthwaite
1965 Tent Activities - Lou’s Mobile Music
Breakfast on Own
Try Thayer Hall, Downtown, or The Hop
Annual Athletic Breakfast - Pavilion, Thayer Dining Hall Get
an update and ask questions about Dartmouth Athletics. Presenters: Josie Harper ‘47A, and various coaches
Clubhouse Preview & Touch Rugby Game Corey Ford Clubhouse-Resevoir
Road Tour Directors: Rich Akerboom '80 and Coach Alex Magleby '00
Meet the President - Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center
President James Wright greets Reunion 2005 attendees; talks of his vision for the College and
answers questions.
Remembrance Service - Rollins Chapel Officiating: Shep Curtis
'65 Organist: Chris Lundell, College Organist
Class Picture - Meet at the Bema
1965 Lunch - Pig Pickin’ on the BEMA Rain Location:
Outdoor Adventures See sign up sheet in Spring
Mailing, or visit Blunt Alumni Center for more details.
Baker Bell Tower Tours Climb the Baker Library Tower to see
a panoramic view of campus! Don’t miss the opportunity to see Dartmouth from the top of the Library!
Reunion College - Filene Auditorium "Democracy? What
does it mean in Latin America?"
Speaker: John Carey Professor of Government,
Lisa Baldez, Associate Professor of Government . These nationally known Latin American specialists will illuminate
this fascinating topic.
1965 Seminar/Panel - Dartmouth Hall, Room 105 (tentative) “Retirement
– What’s the Deal?”
Garden Walk - President's House Tour and ask question
about the perennial gardens with Lisa Palmer, Greenhouse Manager
Architectural Walking Tour Campus, old facilities, new facilities,
and the architectural styles behind them. Walk around campus with Jack Wilson, Associate Director and Project Architect/Manager
Facilities Planning Office, and hear about Dartmouth Campus’ past, present, and future. Bring your umbrella in
case it rains!!
Chi Phi Fraternity Hosts An Alumni Reception
At the Chi Phi House
1965 Reception - 1965 Room in Rauner/Webster Hall
1965 Dinner - Baker Lawn Rain Location: TBA
A Little Night Music by the Dodecaphonics
Class of 1965 “Choir Practice” - Class Tent
Effective Estate Planning - Thayer Dining Hall Presenter
Howard F. Sharfstein ’67, an expert in estate planning and a partner
in the Individual Client Services section of the New York City law firm,
Schulte, Roth & Zabel LLP, invites you to participate in an
Estate Planning Seminar sponsored by the Dartmouth College
Gift Planning Office.
Breakfast on Own
Try Thayer Hall, Downtown, or The Hop
Globalization, Outsourcing, Higher Education and the Tools Needed To Succeed
In Today's World Continental Breakfast served Speakers: Dean Stephen P. Spielberg, MD, Dartmouth
Medical School Dean Paul
Danos, Tuck School of Business
Class Meeting - Brace Commons in East Wheelock Cluster
Cooking with Herbs - Location TBA
Inside the Dartmouth Experience Invited Speakers:
Adam Keller, Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration Karl Furstenberg, Dean of
Admissions and Financial Aid Carol Folt, Dean of the Faculty
Golf - Hanover Country Club Tennis - Berry North Courts
1965 Lunch – Class Tent at Wheelock Cluster Cold cut,
salad, and soup buffet Rain Location: Wheelock Commons Room
Crew Races / Sphinx Cribbage Tournament / Band Practice Fraternity Meetings /
Affinity Group Gatherings
Baker Bell Tower Tours Climb the Baker Library Tower to see
a panoramic view of campus! Don’t miss the opportunity to see Dartmouth from the top of the Library!
Reunion College - Filene Auditorium “The ‘Eye’ and Computers: "Authenticating Paintings and Drawings in the 21st Century."
Hany Farid, Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Timothy “Bart” Thurber, Curator, Hood Museum Discuss path breaking research that gained national media attention
in this intriguing field of study.
Garden Walk - President's House Tour and ask question
about the perennial gardens with Lisa Palmer, Greenhouse Manager
Athletics Past, Present & Future - Lowe Auditorium, Hood Museum “The
Role of Athletics at Elite Institutions“ Guest Speakers: Seaver Peters ’54,
Whitey Burnham ‘46A, Jack DeGange, Dick Jaeger ’59, Josie Harper ‘47A
Cocktails - Top of the Hop
1965 Class Dinner - Alumni Hall
World Premier of the Class of ’65 Players - Location: TBA This is only performance in Hanover Area!
1965 Libation aided Discussions and Singing - Class Tent
AA meetings are held
daily in the lounge of Dick’s House from 5:30 – 7:00 PM.
($$) Separate charge, not included
in class reunion fee