Calling Of Its Loyal
Sons & Daughters

Kaja Schuppert '95
President, Class Officers Association
Once a year, as the Freshmen DOC Outing begins, The College, calls its Alumni Officers back to Hanover
for Class Officers Weekend. This year, the officers returning were greeted by two of those special early Fall days that
somehow seem to make those equally miserable rainy winter days all worthwhile.
In addition to the social aspects, there is a real business element that sets directions and expectations
for the future. There are separate meetings for each Officer's position.
From 11:00 AM on Saturday forward, the attention turns to Alumni matters with discussions and voting
on resolutions proposed by the Alumni Council. This years "hot" issue was the recognition of designated affiliate organization
in assured representation on College matters. Currently, there are four, and the proposed number was "up to" 10.
From there this issue fell into three camps; the "yeas" and two nay-sayer camps who questioned: (1) "Up to" means
it could also be 0... (2) And, "Where the heck does this splinterization of interest end; plus how can it be accommodated
with a fixed number of seats. Hmmmm.... Well, the nay-saying alumni in attendance (by the way anyone who matriculated
The College can vote) -- sent this resolution packing back to committee for, as Archie Bell and the Drells sang in the 60s, a
lot of "Tighten Up!"

Mike Gonnerman, Douglas C. Leitch
College Gift Planning Officer,
and Bill Webster

Steve and Doug mug it up
with surprise guest Kate Aiken,
VP of Class of '92, and daughter
of 65er, Jim Aiken

Linda Waterhouse, Steve's "Better
Half," with Bill Webster

Nelson "Nels" Armstrong '71,
Director of Alumni Relations,
and Mike Gonnerman

Class Officers in attendance
chatting it up while enjoying
a buffet catered by Murphy's
on Main Street
Lead Speaker
Steve Waterhouse '65
Outstanding Alumni Award

Steve Waterhouse '65 (Outstanding Alumni Award
in 1993 & Chairman of Alumni Award Committee) opens after-dinner remarks.

Steve reads Outstanding Alumni Citation for
Frank A. Weber '47, the evening's recipient.

Steve presents Frank with Alumni Plaque

Frank acknowledges the College and makes short