CarniVailers and Friends,
2008... The Year That
"Leaped into CarniVAILtm"!
CarniVAIL offered so many opportunities
for so much fun and camaraderie in the snow.
To All Who Joined Us
Thank You For Making
Dartmouth Winter CarniVAIL
a huge success.
regards from Vail CarniVAIL
Steve Waterhouse '65, T'67, President, Dartmouth Club of the Vail Region,
And The Officers
/ Executive Committee Of
Gerry Huttrer '60, Alan Danson '60, Joe McHugh
'60, Sara Jardis '93, Diane Boyer '78,
Jane and Tom Healy '56, Jim Butterworth T'91,
Stacey Sapp '93,
Sarah '95 and Peter Millett DMS '95, Steve
Cheheyl '67,
Alana Hanks '05 and Richard Pomboy '60

Hi Folks,
We have wrapped up another great weekend of skiing
and comradery in Vail, Colorado for Dartmouth and Tuck alumni, students and friends plus a sprinkling of Thayer
School and DMS alumni... something in the order of 200-250 participated in one way or another!
The weather could not have been better with several
days of sun and blue skies followed by a Sunday morning early ski day with 8-12 inches of new powder snow.. Truly magnificent!
Wish we could claim to have planned it that way, but we will accept our good luck!
As the weekend unfolded, we had people coming and
going in all the different events. The differing actual participants in each event worked fine as our total
number was so high, it would have been a challenge to get everyone in to one venue. The great Class of 1965 with roughly
25 participants was probably the largest sub-group, and had it's 9th annual Vail Mini-Reunion with Class dinners on Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday and Sunday evenings. However, there was a wide mix of Classes represented with alumni from the
early 1950ties to Tuck '08s plus children of all ages.... At the CarniVAIL Leap Year Ball, we recognized several of
the oldest alumni from Dartmouth (Dave Brew '52, Patrick Gramm '52, Dick Conn '53, Dave Gorsuch '53 Associate) and from Tuck
(Harry Lewis '55 T'56).
The highlights included a huge
turnout for the Friday Cocktail Party and the announcement by Sue Young, Dartmouth Alumni Affairs, of DCVR being the newest
official Dartmouth Club, the thoughtful comments at the Tuck led Seminar on US-China Relations, and the powder snow
at Dawnbusters on Sunday morning when everybody got a chance to ski thru untracked snow. At the CarniVAIL Leap
Year Ball, Tryg Myhren '58 T'59, our 2008 CarniVAIL honoree, received a 2008 Dartmouth Winter Carnival poster, with
a personal inscription from Dartmouth President Jim Wright. Tryg then made a presentation on the US Paralympics
operation, highlighting how many Dartmouth folks have been participants or leaders, and how emotional the final parade was
at the 2006 Torino, Italy Paralympic Games where tens of thousands turned out to cheer the participants, and where he
served as Chief of Mission for the US Team.
Attendance at the companion DSW event in Keystone,
run so ably by Bob Downey '58 and Roxy Becker, was also very high with 75 or more alumni, friends and adult children.
The mighty Class of '58 led the way with some 22 participants. Several of our Vail group joined their Ski Day on Thursday,
and a few of the Keystone group came to Vail on Friday and Saturday. The Keystone group could be the hardest of the
College's "hard core" life long skiers.
On Thursday, we introduced to the Keystone ski
group a new project that we are organizing to create an hour long documentary, and companion book, on
the "Development of Skiing in North America." Many people think of Dartmouth as one of the colleges with a
strong history in skiing. However, few recognize that the thread running through the many events in the development
of skiing from the 19th Century to today is uniquely colored Dartmouth green. We hope to produce something that
will set Dartmouth out as "the single most important force" in the development of the huge North American ski industry
from starting the first collegiate ski races to leading the 10th Mountain Division to founding ski areas to designing
ski clothing & equipment to providing leadership in many ski communities today.... and of course to producing some of
the greatest American skiers. the Keystone group was very supportive, and spontaneously added many new elements
to the evolving picture of Dartmouth's amazing contribution to skiing.
We need to thank many folks for helping make this
weekend a success... First and foremost, Dave Celone, Melissa Locker and the Tuck Alumni Affairs staff handled
lots of the logistics with great skill; Tyler Stableford '96 provided a wonderful display of his adventure photography; Panel
Chairmen, Tuck Professors Bob Howell and Andy Bernard... and the all star panelists.... at the Tuck Seminars added greatly
to the thinking aspect of this weekend; Dave, our Sharpshooter Photographer took some great shots; Sue Young of Alumni Affairs
for coming to Vail to recognize the newest Dartmouth Club, DCVR; Cornelia Purcell of Development for providing support;
Kathy Morrow and her band performed with great gusto at the CarniVAIL Ball; Steve Haber of Habervision, Kim Flick of Vail
Resorts, Shonna at Colorado Mountain Express, Dave Gorsuch, Billy Schoff and the Gorsuch staff ably assisted us with discounts
on mountain activities, lift tickets, rides to Vail, ski rentals and other equipment; Jim Butterworth T'91
who organized beds for some of the Tuck students attending; Norm '65, Ellen and Jay Christianson generously donated
all the wine from Canyon Wind for the CarniVAIL Ball; Lita Hitchcock, Elizabeth Nilsson, Stacey Perkins and the Game Creek
Club staff provided a great day on Sunday and other help; Natalia Hanks organized the Gore Range snowshoe hike for non-skiers;
Eric Williams from Plum TV and Trish Swenson from TV 8 gave our event some nice publicity; Dartmouth President Jim
Wright for his personal support; etc. If we have missed anyone, please accept our "thanks" as well.
It will be hard to top CarniVAIL-2008, but we will
give it another try in 2009.... Save the probable dates of March 2-4, 2009 to once again gather in Vail, Colorado for
another great weekend of skiing and Dartmouth comradery! And organize your Classes and other groups to have a Mini-Reunion
at the same time.
Steve Waterhouse
Become A
We have organized this weekend with a fairly
low entry cost of $175 for all the group events so as many alumni as possible will be able to attend. To pull
this weekend off in this way, we need underwriting support from those able to do so. As with last year, we
are not going to "campaign," but rather just ask those with the wherewithal to help out to send a check for any amount ($25,
100, 250, 500, 1000 or whatever you want to send) to the "Dartmouth Club of Vail Region" via our Club Treasurer,
Gerry Huttrer, at Box 2425, Frisco, CO 80443. We will really appreciate your extra support to
sponsor something that is unique in the world of today.... a Dartmouth tradition for "everyone" organized by Dartmouth