December, 2001
Dear '65 Classmates:
All appears to be well on the Hanover plain. The football season was a disaster, but other teams did (and are doing) well,
with the women generally outperforming their male counterparts. The student recruiting season was highly successful, in fact
too much so as temporary dorms have been built to accommodate the higher-than-projected "yield". Dartmouth is clearly considered
a highly desirable place to attend college, which certainly is no surprise to any of us.
The October mini-reunion in Hanover was, as we have come to expect, a rousing success, thanks in large part to the efforts
by Mike and Ellen Bettmann. Those in attendance over the Homecoming weekend were: Tom Campbell and wife Diane
(also Tom's son Peter), Linda and Steve Waterhouse, Brian Walsh, Judy and Allen Zern, Sharon and Bob
Blake, Linda and Steve Fowler, Ted Atkinson and Marcia Pryde, Nancy and Roger Hansen, Brigid and
Bob Murphy, Walt Harrison (visiting frosh step-son Christopher Lee), Ellen and Mike Bettmann, French
and Bob McConnaughey, Laurie and Sven Karlen, Mahalla and Rich Beams, Hope and Gary Herbst (together
with sons Christian and Nicholas), Marcia and Pete Frederick, Debbie and Jim Griffiths, Betsey and Mike Gonnerman,
Sue and Jack Heidbrink and Hank Amon with wife Karen Kolodny and daughters Carly and Joey.
Aside from the usual Class of 1965 hayride in the Friday evening Homecoming parade (courtesy, as in the past, of Jim
Griffiths) and tailgate party near Sphinx on Saturday morning before the football game, the weekend's highlight was cocktails
and dinner Saturday evening at Pierce's Inn. During the dinner Bob Murphy identified the mystery '65 who had put the note
in the South Wigwam wall back in 1962 as Tom Meacham (see his note below). We also welcomed Erik Jacobsen '04 to the
dinner. He is the first recipient of an annual scholarship amount from The Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund. Finally, Steve
Waterhouse, on behalf of the College, presented Allen Zern with the Dartmouth Alumni Award. The Aires entertained
us after dinner.
Here's a condensed version of the presentation by Steve (a previous winner of the award) to Allen: "It is indeed a pleasure
to be representing the President of the Alumni Council this evening in the presentation of Dartmouth's highest award for an
Alumnus, The Dartmouth Alumni Award. Here in this Class and this room we have two other Alumni Award recipients, Bob Blake
and Reg Pierce '46. I should add that the 3rd member of our Class to receive the Award is Bill Webster, who was not able to
be with us this evening.
This Award is granted to alumni whose classes graduated more than 25 years ago. It is meant to be the equivalent of the
Honorary Degrees given to many non Dartmouth graduates each graduation for career distinction. In this case, specific individuals
are recognized for outstanding personal performance in three areas..... 1) Leadership in Alumni Activities which is the most
important factor, 2) Personal Career Achievement and 3) Civic Contributions. Would the 404th Alumni Award recipient (and the
4th member of our Class!), Allen Zern please come up so we can present you with the "citation" statement recognizing your
Framed "Citation" Presented to Allen ALLEN WILLIAMS ZERN '65, TU '66
Webster's Dictionary defines the word loyal as "faithful to a cause, ideal or custom" and "unswerving in allegiance." We
know that if somebody or something is fortunate enough to earn Allen Zern's loyalty, then there shall form a lifelong dedication
that will not waiver.
Evidence of this loyalty became apparent after you accepted your first position of employment as a statistician with Morgan
Stanley and Company following your graduation from the Amos Tuck School of Business Administration in 1966. In a world where
professionals frequently jump from one company to another, you remained faithful to Morgan Stanley, assisting in the company's
growth from 142 people when you were hired to over ten thousand employees when you retired twenty-eight years later as the
managing director and treasurer.
Dartmouth is honored to have experienced the same type of dedication from you as Morgan Stanley. Raised in Pittsburgh,
you decided to visit the Dartmouth campus during your senior year at Mercersburg Academy. You were instantly attracted to
not only Hanover and Dartmouth, but the entire Upper Valley and northern New England as well. You continued to enjoy the "sense
of place" during your undergraduate years by participating in the Dartmouth Outing Club and the Winter Carnival Council. A
mathematics major, you graduated in 1965 and earned your MBA from the Amos Tuck School of Business Administration the following
Your unstinting loyalty to the Class of '65 includes longstanding service as newsletter editor, vice president, president
and countless fundraising roles from the Alumni Fund to major gifts to reunion giving. Beyond your class you have also served
Dartmouth as an enrollment volunteer.
Your love for Dartmouth is contagious. You even convinced your wife, Judy, to travel to Hanover to marry you in the "White
Church." After that, you continued to return to the Hanover area with your growing family for vacations. These "family vacation"
exposures to Dartmouth worked, as Peter '95 and Carolyn '97 followed in your able footsteps. We are proud beyond measure to
honor your sense of loyalty and allegiance to family, career and alma mater with the presentation of this Dartmouth Alumni
November 1-3, 2002 - Hanover (Homecoming vs. Harvard Mini-Reunion) |
In addition to Allen's award, our Class continues to enhance its Dartmouth reputation. A note from Justin Blanchard '02,
DOC Trips Director, reads "I want to thank you for the Class of '65's generous gift to the DOC Trips Scholarship Fund this
past year. With your gift and others, we were able to provide aid for 128 students. DOC trips went tremendously well this
year. 948 students went on trips amid some of the most beautiful clear weather that New Hampshire has ever seen in September.
All of those students came back to Hanover excited about Dartmouth, and their experiences in the woods. Thank you for helping
to make this possible for the many students receiving financial aid - I know they are grateful."
As mentioned earlier, we were joined at Pierce's Inn by Erik Jacobsen '04, the inaugural Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund
Scholar. Erik is a sophomore from the Malaybaly region of the Philippines, and carries a 3.78 grade point average. Most of
us met Erik at the mini, and he is an engaging and interesting young man. In his thank you he writes "I was born in the Philippines,
where my parents work as translators for a non-profit organization providing literacy, translation, and community development
services to minority language groups. I went to an American high school in Manila, and applied to Dartmouth on a whim. I matriculated
with more thought and have not regretted that decision.
Here at Dartmouth, I've been involved in many extra-curricular activities." [Ed. Note: Erik's descriptions are wonderful,
I'll have his letter at our next class function. His activities include fencing, Irish step dancing, published poetry and
photography, Navigators (a campus ministry/club), Aquinas House, spring term abroad (France, next spring), First Year Summer
Research Project, Ultimate Frisbee, Ledyard Canoe Club, teaching pottery - the list goes on, and we thought we were well rounded!]
Erik continues "I've become resigned that I will not exhaust my interests in the next three years, but I am still determined
to satiate them as much as humanly possible. I know you will be glad to hear that Dartmouth remains an exciting place for
those who 'ask, seek, and knock'". We should be proud of our first scholar, and of our class efforts that enabled us to assist
Erik with his Dartmouth education.
If you live in the San Francisco area, and you read the Dartmouth Alumni Magazine, you probably hurried off to the SF Museum
of Modern Art this fall to see the showing by Joel Sternfeld, whose "expansive attitude toward humankind fills every
room of Stranger Passing, and exhibition of 65 [interesting number, eh?] of his large-scale portraits" according to the New
York Times.
June 13-16, 2005 - Class of 1965 40th Reuinion |
As mentioned earlier, Tom Meacham confessed : "I'll have to admit that I'm no doubt the posterity-seeker who left
the note in the wall at South Wigwam in 1962. I don't recall doing it specifically, but I've done that sort of thing before.
The handwriting is definitely mine! Jim Cooper and I roomed together in 206 South Wig in 1961-62." I chatted (via e-mail)
with Tom, and learned that he is practicing law in Anchorage, Alaska, specializing in natural resource issues such as oil
and gas, mining, and Native land issues. I managed to wangle a dinner invite the next time I'm passing through. Make your
own reservation at tmeacham@gci.net.
As I may have reported earlier, Harry Miles writes that "I just finished my first (and I hope last) capital murder
trial, defending a VA nurse accused of killing four patients. The trial started on October 16, 2000 with jury selection and
ended with a sentencing hearing on June 15, 2001. Although the jury convicted her of capital murder, it refused to impose
the death penalty. During the trial, I proposed to my long-time significant other; I figured it she had not thrown me out
by then, a strong probability existed that the relationship would last. She accepted, and she became Susan Miles on May 5.
I also became a proud grandfather on April 20, 2000, when my son and daughter-in-law produced Kayla Jean Miles." Other than
that, Harry, anything else happen this year? Catch up on his news at harrymiles@aol.com.
Speaking of attorneys, Bob McConnaughey wrote that he has "recently retired after 33 years or so of lawyering of
one sort or another. French has also announced her retirement as of the end of this school year. With a view toward the future
and with the securities markets taking our retirement funds down, we are sampling various brands of dog food and scouting
out dry spots under the local bridges!" Actually, Bob and French looked pretty good at the mini. He also wrote "Regarding
'65 legacy athletes, my son Bob '93 played lacrosse at Dartmouth, and daughter Scotty '99 played rugby on the team which twice
went to the round of eight in the nationals."
Ed Taber claims "Still lifting, run 5K's, still 5' 11 ½", still 200 pounds. After the Marine Corps (wounded, Silver
Star, sweaty sheets to this day) I graduated from Harvard Business School in 1971. Asset management business in Baltimore
since then, business going gang-busters, no thought of retirement. Wife Terri and daughters Linley, Laura, Lisa, and Layne
(plus 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 houses 5 cars) with Linley considering Dartmouth but probably Georgetown. See mostly Harvard friends,
have run into Janieks, Blumenshine, Beams, and Riley over the years. Let's face it, our Dartmouth
was one anti-intellectual place, but I think of the practices and road trips with fondness. The answer to 'Where am I going'
is the one you give to your daughter when she asks 'Daddy, are we home yet?' As for Ed Taber, 'Yes'".
Some of us are "home", like Ed, and some still on our journey. In the latter category, I had an interesting note and follow-up
correspondence with Hal Litoff. Hal writes "I hope, believe, and feel that I am continuing along the shamanic path.
In fact, I have just returned from attending and participating in 'A Gathering of Indigenous Shamans from the Four Corners
of the Earth'. The energies, lessons, ceremonies and intent were definitely worth the trip - and could not have been more
timely. Now hopefully, given the precarious state of the world, this seemingly personal message will pique some real curiosity
as to why shamanism, and why now? In-spa-pii." Hal is at 84 Ship Street, Providence, RI or at 401-273-7440 if you'd like to
hear more about his journey.
Steve Banta sent from the Philippines a clipping regarding the graduation of his son Brian from Clark University in
Worcester, Mass. Brian graduated summa cum laude, and was elected to both Phi Beta Kappa and to Omicron Delta Epsilon (the
economics honor society). He's interning in Australia over the summer before returning to enter a master's program at George
Washington University in DC. Steve can give you more details at sbanta@adb.org.
The note was brief, but Ronald Johns is "Now Director of Admitting at Milton Hospital" in Milton, Mass. If you want
to track Ron down for details on his current activities, he's at ron_johns@miltonhospital.org.
Finally from the mailbag, I received a brown paper-wrapped package, with an unknown return address in Baraboo, Wisconsin,
the week after September 11. After due consideration of many factors, including that I live in Hanover, New Hampshire for
heaven's sake, I opened the package and found two books of Mike O'Connell's published poetry. The brief note from Mike
mentioned only that he had noticed our request to obtain books of literature published by classmates, and was responding.
I had to read Mike's forward to "My Bucket's Got a Hole In It" to catch up on him. He wrote 'My jump shot found its way into
the basket often enough to help me win a scholarship to Dartmouth College. There I majored in English, read and listened to
Robert Frost, and never set foot on a New England farmstead." After graduation and a year at University of Wisconsin, Mike
took a teaching and coaching job at Baraboo High School, and another year later writes "At the age of 25, I owned a farm in
Wisconsin. I was home." But not quite rid of Dartmouth, quoting from Mike's poem "Shootout":
"Even now, at the age of fifty, Coming out of the barn after milking, I cannot resist Picking up a basketball To
loft some arcing jumpshots On my home court, The wide spot in the driveway.
In coveralls and rubber boots I
breathe deep and eye the rim, Resighting free throws launched in college That clanged off the iron."
You would enjoy ( I certainly did) reading either "Rt. 4 Baraboo" or "My Bucket's Got a Hole in It", which I believe may
be ordered from Mike at Hugger Mugger Publishing, E10469 Sunset Road, Baraboo, WI 53913.
October 3-6,2002 - Hong Kong Mini-Reunion |
Observant readers will note that the events of September 11 have received only a passing mention in this edition
of the newsletter. This is certainly not meant to imply that I believe these tragedies are not important. Like all of our
classmates and their families, Brigid and I have been profoundly affected. Rather, this lack of discussion about September
11 reflects my own perspective that the Mission of this newsletter is simply to keep the Class of '65 informed about the activities
of classmates and the class. To the extent that your calls, e-mails, or "green cards" relay your feelings about, and reactions
to, the events swirling around us, they'll be published here to share with our extended Dartmouth family. Keep that news coming!
Brigid and I want to extend our best wishes to all of our Dartmouth family for a safe, happy and healthy holiday season.
May peace and love be with you in 2002 and the years to come.
Bob Murphy
From the President
Dear 1965 Classmates:
The Class of 1965 had another successful mini-reunion in Hanover on October 19, 20 and 21 highlighted by the Saturday evening
dinner at Pierce's Inn and, for a change, wonderful fall weather! Bob Murphy in this Newsletter and Ken McGruther in the Alumni
magazine column will have published details on attendees and events.
As Bob has noted, during Saturday's dinner, Steve Waterhouse on behalf of the College presented Allen Zern with the Dartmouth
College Alumni Award. This was originally scheduled to be awarded during Class Officers' Weekend in September which was cancelled
in view of the September 11 tragedies. Bob has set out Steve's remarks elsewhere in this Newsletter. Allen is a most deserved
recipient of this award, and the Class can be extremely proud of yet another '65 (Blake, Webster and Waterhouse have preceded
Allen) on whom the College has bestowed this honor.
The Class of 1965 also welcomed Erik Jacobsen '04 to the Saturday dinner as a guest of the Class. Erik is the first recipient
of an annual scholarship from The Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund. He was warmly welcomed by our classmates at the dinner,
and Bob Murphy has provided details regarding Erik's background in this Newsletter. Erik is a most impressive young man. We
all agreed that he served as a tremendous incentive to the Class to achieve its goal of always having four Class of 1965 scholars
(one in each class) at Dartmouth during any academic year.
Talk of scholarships turns me to the annual Class of 1965 dues appeal. Our Treasurer, Steve Fowler, reports that we have
just over 200 classmates who have paid their dues for the fiscal year ending June 2002. That leaves well over 100 classmates
who paid their dues last fiscal year but who have yet to do so this year. Steve has recently sent a second request to those
who have not yet paid. As mentioned in Bob's September Newsletter, the Class dues now total $60 per classmate, of which $20
is earmarked for the Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund. Hopefully, those who have not yet paid their dues will find an extra
incentive to send in their $60 (and maybe more for the Scholarship Fund). Please make every effort to pay your dues as they
also, of course, help defray various class expenses. Historically, we have only had just over 300 members of the Class pay
dues in any given year. This number should be much higher!
As we turn the corner toward 2002, mark your calendars for the out-of-Hanover mini-reunion being organized by classmate
Sing Chiu in Hong Kong! Sing is planning a program which contemplates an arrival in Hong Kong on October 1 and a departure
on October 6. He has arranged for a special rate at the Conrad Hotel. At this point, Sing's program includes walking tours
of Hong Kong Island and Kowloon, a trip to Macau, a day at one of Hong Kong's famous racetracks, museum tours, a visit to
Hong Kong's well known stock exchange, dining at fine Hong Kong restaurants, including a dinner with President Jim Wright
(who intends to be in Hong Kong during the mini on his way to Beijing) and, of course, shopping. This mini will be a great
opportunity to see one of the most remarkable cities in the world and can, of course, be combined with a trip to other parts
of Asia. Over a dozen classmates have already expressed their intention to participate. So plan to join them in Hong Kong
in October! Those interested in participating in this exciting mini-reunion should contact Sing by email (singchiu@hk.linkage.net).
Please also copy me (camon@whitecase.com) so that we can keep tabs both here and in Hong Kong on those who are interested
in traveling to Asia.
May your holidays be as joyous as possible given all the present economic and geopolitical uncertainties and the profound
effect that the tragedies of September 11 have had on us all.
Best, Hank |