The Great Class of 1965

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The Newsletter of the Dartmouth Class of 1965

Dear '65 Classmates:



The beautiful New England fall has come to an end, and those of us fortunate enough to live here are preparing for the glories (an opinion not universally shared) of winter. While the Dartmouth football team failed to match my early optimistic hopes, the men's and women's soccer teams, and women's field hockey, took up the slack by qualifying for the NCAA championships. The highlight of the winter sports season appears to be women's ice hockey, currently undefeated and ranked number one in the country. This is not a misprint! Interesting, I know of two other 65's beside myself whose daughters competed for Dartmouth - Ted Atkinson and Ted Bracken - and Nick Feakins' daughter currently plays Water Polo. Are there others, including legacy sons, who were/are Dartmouth athletes? Otherwise it's been fairly quiet on campus and in Hanover. The relationship between town and gown has been in the news, as the College continues to expand including the purchase of a number of rental properties in the downtown area for an as-yet undecided use. In discussing Dartmouth's plans, President Wright explained "We want to achieve our growth without overwhelming the town. We are not thinking about extending the campus into this (downtown) area. If Hanover were essentially a Dartmouth campus we would all lose. We would like to preserve the vitality of Hanover as a village/town. While we would like to use some of this property to provide increased choice of housing for our students and faculty, we would also like to see more opportunities for retail outlets and commercial and professional spaces to the extent they would be viable. As we plan, we will also need to keep in mind pedestrian pathways, parking, open and green spaces. We need quality, variety, and the idiosyncratic whimsy so characteristic of a classic New England town."

Highlights for the Great Class of 1965 center on the mini-reunions, both that just completed in Hanover and that coming up in Vail. I won't quote all of Ken McGruther's report on October's festivities, but you will be interested to know who was there. Says Ken: "Several classmates were there for the first time, or first time in quite awhile. John Heavenrich coupled the Homecoming Weekend with a retirement property search. Bob Ernst flew in from Ohio. Dave Mulliken came in all the way from San Diego to see his son and joined us for Saturday night. Bill Boukalik, Gary Herbst, Chris Marston, and Harrison Warrener were other relatively new faces we were glad to have among us. Naturally there were a lot of the "usual suspects" in attendance: Carl and Mimi Boe, Roger and Nancy Hansen, Ted Atkinson and Marcia Pride, Steve and Linda Waterhouse, Tom and Diane Campbell (that's new!), Bill Webster, Larry Duffy, Hank Amon and Karen Kolodny, Bob Blake, Jim and Debbie Griffiths, Steve and Linda Fowler, Mike and Ellen Bettmann, Brian (and Mrs!) WaWa Walsh, Dan Southard, and Larry Litton as well as yours-truly rounded out the total." We also had legacies current and to-be in the person of Hank Amon's Carly and Joey, Tom Campbell's Peter, and Gary Herbst's Chris and Nick. Snaps to Larry Duffy and Mike Bettman for succeeding in the face of an unfavorable schedule from the College.

You've undoubtedly heard about the Vail mini-reunion scheduled for next March 8-11. The irrepressible Steve and Linda Waterhouse have lined up a great program. Steve says "So far, I have heard favorably from Hank Amon, Jeff Aldred, Ted Atkinson (a non skier!...... who is going to learn on this trip!), Carl Boe, maybe Sin Sing Chiu (another non skier who is thinking about coming from Hong Kong!), Norm Christianson, Jim Griffiths, Chuck Lobitz, Ron Riley, and Marsh Wallach. Reports continue to come in to me that the snow conditions so far are the best experienced in Vail in 20 years and look good for the formation of a fantastic snow base on the slopes. The thrills of adventure skiing in Vail's new Blue Sky Basin get even more exciting this season! Vail just announced that Phase II or an additional 125 acres of Blue Sky Basin plus a 3rd high speed quad lift will be open from this Christmas! This means over 80% of the total new 885 acres of ski terrain in Blue Sky Basin will be available to us. That is bigger than the entire ski terrain at most Ski Areas in the United States. Courtesy of Vail Resorts Inc. and the Game Creek Club, all foot passengers will be given complimentary passes to ride the Lionshead Gondola and Club's private snocat to join the group at the Club in the Game Creek Bowl for lunch during our event. Club Chef, Jeff Kruse, is looking forward to serving up some exciting meals for us. Steve has suggested for accommodations Sonnenalp Resort (970-476-5656), Vail Athletic Club (970-476-0700), or Christiania Lodge (970-476-5641). Get Steve at for further info, if you've missed prior notices.

As always there are a number of classmates making news in the business world and otherwise. The CEO search firm Christian & Timbers recently announced "the establishment of European operations and the appointment of Brad Dewey as managing director. Widely experienced in international executive search, Dewey will operate from the firm's current office in Geneva, Switzerland and plans to open a second office in London in the near future. These offices will function as logical extensions of Christian & Timbers' current operations, focusing on executive level searches for venture capital and large corporate clients, primarily in the information technology, e-commerce, telecom and financial services markets.

Most recently Dewey was a Partner with Brussels-based Hightech Partners. His thirty-three year global technology career began with corporate marketing and sales management roles in major technology firms Digital Equipment, Wang Laboratories, ASK and Apollo Computers, including sales management positions based in Denmark, Holland, and Switzerland. He also spent five years as a venture capital Partner with Baring Venture Partners and Advent International and has conducted many high-profile international search assignments for vice presidents and CEOs for top international technology companies. Dewey has a BA in Economics from Dartmouth and an MBA from the University of Chicago." You can read Brad's own comments in his letter below.

Closer to home, a report from Stonington, Maine details the bestowal of a Distinguished Service Award on our own Dr. Tony Garland for his years of distinguished service at both the Island Medical Center and the Island Nursing Home. The Medical Director recognized Tony not only for his accomplishments, but for his sense of humor and clear understanding of what is important. He was praised as one who "has never strayed from excellence." After Dartmouth Tony served in the Peace Corps, and then attended medical school at Tufts. He is leaving Maine, and moving to Washington, D.C. to work with the homeless.

Another interesting news story out of Maine concerns Ted Stafford. Ted is a grandson of famed Arctic explorer Admiral Robert E. Peary. (Arctic is the North Pole, right? I never took Geography.) The Peary family home in Casco Bay, Maine, was donated to the state in 1967 and is a popular historic attraction. For the past two summers, Ted has led tours of the property to enthusiastic receptions. He's a retired Navy commander and the author of several books on naval history (another '65 author).


I had a nice note from Steve Fuller, owner of AlphaGraphics Printshop in Akron, Ohio. Steve says that he and Karen "really enjoyed the '65 Reunion - even your singing" Even the singing . . . ? He says the opportunity to meet classmates was the best thing since freshman year, and explains "When we first arrived on the Hanover Plains, there were no cliques formed. I met a lot of different people from a diverse background. The same was true of this reunion. The turnout was so small that I got to meet a lot of men and their wives who I had not known at all, as well as renew acquaintances with old friends. I found this very enjoyable. There are a lot of really fine people in our class! Get him on e-mail at

Our esteemed president Hank Amon writes that his daughter, Lindsay, Class of 1994, was married this past June 17 to Matthew Specktor. Classmates Dick Bordeau and Paul Pringle and their wives were guests at the wedding. In addition, six of his daughter's close friends from the Class of 1994 were either bridesmaids or guests at the wedding. On the subject of weddings, classmate Norm Leach's daughter, Sara, will be married on August 6, 2000 in Whistler, British Columbia, to Duane Hepditch.

Jeff Aldred bemoans that he missed a good opportunity to catch up and be caught up with at the reunion. He says he's still in the middle of being alive and making a living, and is happy about being in that space. He's been living in Boulder, Colorado since 1967, when he got out of the Marine Corps and entered the University of Colorado to finish his engineering education. He ended up with an MS in Mechanical Engineering and has been practicing in the field ever since. He has been involved in a number of startup businesses, none of which really caught on, all of which were tremendous fun and great challenges. He is currently the project manager for American Standard's water filtration efforts, based here in Boulder. He still plays Rugby and is involved in as many outdoor activities as he can find time for.

Steve Waterhouse talked with Norm Christianson regarding the Vail trip. It appears that Norm may be our only wine maker in the class, with his Canyon Wind Cellars based in Palisade, Colorado. Steve is working on Norm to bring along a couple bottles of what he claims is "better than your standard dago red" to entice the classmates in attendance to become regular buyers of his products. I was fortunate enough to see Norm at Chick Kozloff's daughter's wedding last year, and happily sampled some of Norm's early vintages. He told me that it is approved for sale in the controlled state of New Hampshire, so perhaps we'll have some at the next mini.

Charles Atkins updates us that "I have spent about half my career in government and half in the private sector. After Dartmouth and graduate school (Yale and M.I.T.), I went to Washington to work in the Office of the Secretary of Defense under Robert McNamara, then to New York to work for the City of New York under John Lindsay. I left public service to work at Citibank and then moved to Boston to work at Harvard where I also started my own consulting firm. I got back into government for a while in the City of Boston under Kevin White and then the Commonwealth of Massachusetts under Mike Dukakis. In 1988, I took a leave of absence from my job as the Massachusetts Commissioner of Public Welfare to work on Dukakis' 1988 Presidential Campaign along with my wife, Kristin Demong, who served as the Finance Director for the Presidential Campaign. Flying around with the 1988 Democratic Candidate for President was an unbelievable experience; no matter what your politics are and no matter who wins (although a win would have been a lot nicer, I must admit), experiencing first hand how we elect a president is an amazing experience. For the past ten years I have been back in the business world. My wife and I developed a vacation rental villa on St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands (www.GreatExpectations which gives us an excuse for spending the winters in the Caribbean. We give 10% off to Dartmouth alums, so come on down! I have 3 daughters (all out of college) the oldest of whom, Rachel, graduated Dartmouth in 1990 so we got to spend some quality time in Hanover for 4 years! It is terrific that our alma mater is coed."

The personal report from Brad Dewey (see the news article earlier): "We continue to live in Geneva, Switzerland, where we have been for the last 22 years. With our three sons now grown up and out of the nest, but still in the Geneva area pursuing careers in web-site development, private banking, and getting through University, Marietta (wife of 32 years) and I have much more time to do things we have put off while raising the kids. Recently completed a 2,000KM motorcycle (we both ride) trip from Geneva to the Med and back via the Maritime Alps and some of the most beautiful mountain scenery in the world. Larry Langford '67 and his wife Emily accompanied us - a great time was had by all which will be the subject of a separate report in the near future. Would welcome a visit from any '65s passing through Geneva."

A long note from Charlie Coe made me think of the many roads we have taken. Charlie dropped out sophomore year and went in the navy for two years, and says he has always felt somewhat a '65, more a '67, but not quite either. He elaborates: "Living in the south for almost 30 years and working in not very financially remunerative public service made travel back to Dartmouth financially difficult. Hence my Dartmouth ties have been tenuous to non-existent. I am Professor of Political Science and Public Administration at North Carolina State University. Marvin Soross '67, is also on our faculty. In my career I have made three job moves, always for less money (hardly the American dream) but more autonomy. I continually appreciate the opportunity to teach and discover. Trying to improve governmental effectiveness is like looking for the perfect wave, an endless quest, but more rewarding than quixotic windmill tilting. As my wife has said many times, she married me for good times and bad, but not for lunch. We both agree that, gottes willen, they will bury me at work. Not knowing one end of a hammer from the other, with an atrocious golf game, able to travel somewhat anyway, I hope to follow the lead of many illustrious economists and work, health permitting, into my senior years. We have a disabled daughter who lives with us and are the sole source of support for my disabled mother who is in assisted living, so my wife and I do not have the freedom we had expected, but we have been very blessed nonetheless. We have worked for 20 years as a couple to help married couples. We were a marriage encounter team for 13 years, have helped to prepare engaged couples for marriage in the Catholic Church for 18 years, and now work in a ministry (Retrouvaille) for couples in troubled marriages. We try to convey the communication concepts taught to public managers to couples and the importance of making God a part of a marriage. We went back to Dartmouth two summers ago. It was the first time I had been back since graduation in 1967. So many haunting memories and voices. I was amazed, though my wife wasn't, that the smell of stale beer in my fraternity's basement was even stronger than I had remembered. So much was the same but we noted a few major and minor changes, e.g., The Nugget showing two pictures not one (minor) and the medical complex (major). I wish circumstances had allowed me to maintain more of contact with Dartmouth. So much for musings."

I've had a couple of nice notes from Nick Feakins, including a description of his visit to Hanover for Dartmouth Night and to see daughter Samantha '01. Growing up in Northern California, Sam and Nick agreed that boarding school in the Northeast would be desirable. She ended up at Exeter in New Hampshire, where among other fortuitous events she had Dave Weber as her English teacher for two terms. Says Nick "Not only is he a good teacher, but he also set a fine example in ethical and moral values." Nick does not reveal whether Sam was influenced in the other direction by our other Exeter pillar, Rick Mahoney. Sam will graduate in June with a degree in Mechanical Engineering, and has been named twice to the US All-Academic Women's Water Polo Team.

At home in San Mateo, California, Nick occasionally runs across Dick Jones who was a founder of the Dartmouth Association of Silicon Valley. He says it's worth a visit by any '65's straying into the area. Nick also shared an idea from his wife's Stanford Class of '68. Every five years each class prepares a reunion book, similar to our 25th Reunion Book but including not only brief bio pages but a class-wide survey covering health, exercise, marriage status, hobbies, careers, religion, and reflections. It's an interesting concept which I will share with the class Executive Committee at the next meeting.

My old frat brother and father of my god-daughter, Jim Danielson, wrote more than he ever writes to me! Lawyers and other classmates, check his sabbatical arrangement! "After Dartmouth, I attended the University of Washington Law School and have been practicing law in Wenatchee, Washington, for close to 30 years now. My third child is just now finishing college and, quite frankly, I am having way too much fun in my practice to contemplate retirement. I have three children. Kristen, married and working for a dot-com company in Seattle, recently presented Carol and I with our first grandchildren, a set of twins. My second daughter, Kari, completed college and law school and practices law in the same firm I do. That has been a real joy. She is married to another young attorney in Wenatchee. My third child, Drew, who is just finishing college, intends to be an actuary or, as many of the recent graduates in the Northwest are doing, join a dot-com company. Carol and I have had the joy of maintaining our contacts with Dartmouth and also with Hanover through our friendship with Bob Murphy and his wife Brigid. We visit them frequently and are still working on trying to get them to come west to visit us. We attended a '65 mini-reunion last summer, but were not able to attend the reunion this summer because of a conflict in my trial schedule. We are able to get back to back to Hanover every four or five years and truly enjoy it. I suppose the most interesting thing I would share with my classmates is a sabbatical program that my partner and I instituted many years ago for our law firm. (It is one of the reasons I am not yet concerned about retirement.) Years ago we instituted a mandatory sabbatical program that requires every lawyer to leave work for six months with pay. The first sabbatical is taken after working ten years with the firm, then is required every five years thereafter. While originally intended as a way to take a little bit of retirement every five years throughout one's professional career, it has had a full host of serendipitous benefits for the lawyers in our firm and for our firm as a whole. Carol and I have now been on five sabbaticals that have ranged from trips through Europe with our family when the children were younger, to the last sabbatical when Carol and I fly-fished and played golf everywhere from the Nushagak River in Alaska to South Andros Island in the Bahamas (with a stop in Hanover to see Bob and Brigid). That program has allowed me to enjoy my family and my avocation, fly-fishing and made my professional practice a joy, not a drudge."

"I visited Hanover monthly last academic year" writes Mike Divak, "to participate in a Dartmouth group that aided Dartmouth undergraduates interested in education. The group of alums from different classes was interesting, professional, and inspiring. From that group experience, a rekindled interest in the practice of education arose which now has me writing Chapter 3 this week on a doctoral dissertation in educational psychology."

John Tobin apologized for a slow response with news, some excuse about "backpacking in the Sierras". His experience as a physician probably mirrors that of others involved in this worthy profession. "I am a pediatrician at Hennepin County Medical Center, the public teaching hospital in Minneapolis, where I am currently Assistant Chief. We have a relatively large department, and serve a surprisingly diverse population for the buckle of the Bible belt, with a wide array of challenging problems. We do a very large proportion of the education for the University of Minnesota's Medical School and the pediatrics residency program. We struggle mightily just to survive: despite receiving some local tax dollars, the cuts made by the Feds, the inordinate increase in the no value added activities they require, and the similar or worse cuts made by private insurers (as their executives pull down reprehensibly higher and higher salaries for depriving children of care) have made our financial position very tenuous. Perhaps sanity will someday prevail in the health care market, and we can establish some kind of rational, national health insurance program that guarantees that everyone be eligible for at least some minimal benefit of preventive and interventive care.

The "Rule of Elderly Parenting" is an observation on my part that stems from my rather late achievement of a certain status that might be said to reflect maturity. I married (the only time) rather late - I was 36, and, as a consequence, we had our children late as well. I recall in a Religion class in Hanover learning that one feature of human existence that separates us from animals is our ability to stand off and look at ourselves (Niebuhr?). Over time, I realized that my advanced age did not, by itself, confer on me as a parent any particular advantage; indeed, often I felt more hindered by fatigue than I did helped by insight. On a more serious note, however, I do believe that one advantage my age brings my parenting is a more secure sense of who I am, and where I am headed, than I would have had 15 years before. My elder daughter, aged 17, has absolutely no interest in Dartmouth. However, my younger daughter, 15 years old, does seem to think northern New England holds some allure. This pleases both me and her grandfather, my father, class of '34. I do recognize that she has considerable time to change her mind, and I also recognize that the level of competition now is so high that certainly I could not get in, but she is a vastly more interesting and talented person than I, so perhaps she has a chance." Interesting, John, I assume I couldn't get in now but my more interesting and talented daughter (a '95) loved it!

On a more somber note, Wes Townsend's wife Judy reports that Wes has been a resident at a long-term care facility for memory loss since this past August. After 30 years as a chemist with Western Electric/ATT/Lucent Wes' family is investigating whether there might be either an environmental or a hereditary cause for his disease. If you would like to talk with or see Wes, Judy recommends you do so soon. You can work through Judy in Lambertville, New Jersey.

That's all, folks. Keep those cards and letters coming in, and be sure to visit our great Website (thanks, Webmaster Ward Hindman) at Have a wonderful holiday season, classmates - I see as I sign off here in Hanover that the first snow is just starting to fall. It's going to be a marvelous holiday.

Bob Murphy


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