'65 Class Notes - November 2000
Let me re-introduce myself to all of you out there in '65 land. I am your new Class Secretary, and proud to be such. The
Class did me the honor of naming me to the position during our recent 35th Reunion when it named the new slate of officers
for the next five years. Other new officers of your Class for the 2000-2005 term are shown at Class Officers.
There are still some key slots to be filled such as VP for the South and VP for the West. C'mon up! Looking ahead already
to our 40th (No! It can't be that close!) are our 40th Reunion Chairpersons: Roger and Nancy Hansen and Peter and
Marcia Frederick, along with 40th Reunion Treasurer Mike Gonnerman. Steve Waterhouse also wrote that the
"Class of 1965 Musical Extravaganza" (whatever that is?!) is comprised of Director Brian Porzak, Director Jim Griffiths,
and Producer/PR Steve Waterhouse.
First off, I would like to publicly express an enormous sense of gratitude and awe to Dick Bordeau for the job he
has done over the past five years as our Class Secretary. I don't think he ever missed a column in the Alumni Magazine: nine
per year; 45 in all. He also made the strategic move of skipping the Class Executive Committee Meeting at Bill Webster's last
summer, leaving me to take the notes. Shrewd move, Dick!
When I sat down with a blank computer screen and a deadline to meet I figured why not just start e-mailing madly and see
what comes in? I asked classmates early in the alphabet about the most recent experience with Dartmouth, and what roads we
have taken since graduation. I thought a lot of classmates might be thinking about heading to retirement. But the from early
returns, that seemed not to be much the case. Here is what I have learned, for openers:
Mike Divak writes from New York that during his most recent return to the campus he participated in a Dartmouth group
that aided undergraduates interested in education, which he found interesting, professional, and inspiring. So inspiring in
fact that it rekindled Mike's interest in the practice of education, which led him to start writing Chapter 3 of his doctoral
dissertation in educational psychology. Sounds like Mike is just getting going.
Jeff Aldred, has lived in Boulder, Colorado since 1967 when he went to the University of Colorado to earn his MS in
Mechanical Engineering after a stint in the Marines. Jeff is still in the middle of making a living and isn't yet ready for
retirement. He likes working as a Mechanical Engineer and has been involved in a number of startup businesses, none of which
really caught on, but all of which were tremendous fun and very challenging. Jeff currently is the project manager for American
Standard's water filtration efforts, based in Boulder. Jeff still plays Rugby and is involved in as many outdoor activities
as he can find time for.
We were glad to hear from Charlie Coe, who lives in North Carolina now. Charlie describes himself as half '65, half
'67 because of a graduatus interruptus career at Dartmouth. He is a professor of political science and public administration
at North Carolina State University in Raleigh. Sounds like Charlie has been driven less for financial remuneration than autonomy
and the love of teaching and discovery, and attempting to help improve government practices, a "quixotic endless wave" as
he put it. Charlie wants to work as long as he can. He feels that life has blessed him despite some unexpected setbacks. Charlie
and his wife have been very involved in marriage support, including being a Marriage Encounter Team, counseling engaged couples,
and working in a ministry called "retrouvaille" for couples in troubled marriages, seeking to help make God a part of the
marriage experience. Charlie was back on campus two years ago, admitting it was an experience filled with haunting memories
and voices (and stale beer smell in fraternity basements). He admits his golf game needs work, and that he wishes he had been
able to maintain closer ties with the ongoing activities of Dartmouth. Charlie, be assured that ALL of our golf games need
a LOT of work, and we welcome you to join us anywhere anytime to reminisce and share experiences!
There are a lot more I have heard from already, but I have already exceeded column space for now. Let me hear from you:
mcgrutherk@aol.com. Any and all news and views most welcome. And thanks again for letting me serve as your Class Secretary.
Finally, Larry Duffy, who now lives about 10 miles north of the campus, reminds all of us of the upcoming Mini-Reunion
to be held the last weekend of October, the 27th through the 29th, with some classmates planning to come as early as Thursday.
Duff stressed golf, even though the course might be better suited for tobogganing by then. But what the heck: Minis are fun
because they are great camaraderie even if we do nothing but sit around the fire at Pierce's Lodge. And there's the hayride,
the bonfire, the dinners, the singing, the crackling air. I'm ready already! Plan to be there: Make new friends, revisit old
ones, and just relax and enjoy. Hope to see you all there.
Ken McGruther