Paul E. Sowa
Dear Ed:
I am sorry to be the bearer of sad news, but I am writing to let you know that Paul Sowa
passed away on February 3, 2003, at Dartmouth Mary Hitchcock Hospital. A memorial service was held in White River Junction
last Saturday.
Paul had been battling leukemia for about two years, but he died quite suddenly of an infection
that his immune system could no longer fight.
I know you and he were fellow engineering students and football teammates. I have been in
touch with the Alumni Office and offered to assist in preparing the notice for the Alumni Magazine. I recall that Paul earned
his Freshman numerals and at least one varsity letter, and that he played on both the 1962 undefeated team and the 1963 Ivy
Championship team, but that he did not play football our senior year, instead concentrating on engineering and John Kemmeny's
new computer language. Do you recall whether he earned football letters for both his sophomore and junior years, or only one
of them? I have been to the Dartmouth Football website, but that kind of detail is not available there.
If you have information that you would like to see in the Alumni Magazine notice, I would
be happy to try to coordinate it with the Alumni Office - I expect to be hearing back from someone there later today.
If you know of anyone else in our class whom I should inform, please let me know and I'll
be happy to do so.
I hope all is well with you and your family.
Hugh McGee