Dear 1965 Classmates:
"Older but Wiser" will take on additional meaning in 2003 as most members of the Class of
1965 will turn 60 at some point during the course of this year! Some may already be there. To celebrate (I hope that is the
appropriate word!) this collective event, we are organizing a Class of 1965 Sixtieth Birthday Party in Hanover over the weekend
of Friday, August 1, through Sunday, August 3.
The theme for the long weekend will be "community service". To this end, we are working
with the Upper Valley Habitat for Humanity to arrange to participate on Saturday, August 2, in the construction of a new house
being sponsored by this organization. In addition, we are in contact with other Upper Valley organizations, including "COVER"
- Corps Of Volunteers Effecting Repair, regarding participation in other community service projects.
The weekend will not, however, be all volunteer work and no play. We plan to organize hiking,
boating, golfing and/or cycling events. Jim and Debbie Griffiths have also kindly volunteered to host a barbecue at their
home on Methodist Hill in Plainfield, New Hampshire (near Lebanon). Other dinners will, of course, also be arranged.
A Sixtieth Birthday Party Committee has been formed, at this point comprising Mike Bettman
(, Ted Atkinson (, Jim Griffiths ( and Hank Amon (
Additional volunteers will be most welcome! Let one of us know by email whether you will be able to attend the Class of 1965
60th birthday bash and who will accompany you.
We have booked Pierces Inn for the weekend but other lodging opportunities will surely be
available. You can book Pierces Inn by contacting Cindy at Cindy is the daughter of Reg and Nancy Pierce,
and she and her husband now run Pierces Inn. We had the pleasure of their hospitality in early November last year during the
annual mini-reunion. If anyone needs other lodging suggestions, I am sure one of the committee members can provide relevant
The Class of 1965 never had the opportunity to spend a sophomore summer in Hanover. It is
a beautiful time of the year in the Upper Valley. So here is your opportunity to savor the summertime in the Hanover area
while at the same time renewing or extending friendships and letting us all see what good shape you are in! While the focus
of activity will be on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, August 1-3, many may want to arrive earlier and/or stay later. But, for
however long, do come!
See you in Hanover in early August.
Hank Amon