The Great Class of 1965

Dartmouth Winter CarniVAIL 2007

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"The St. Louis Blues March"
       USAF Airmen of Note Band
        Salute to Army Aircorps
             Legend, Glen Miller

THE GREAT CLASS OF '65 and THE TUCK BUSINESS SCHOOL invite ALL Classes -- including undergrads -- to assemble in Vail Co, March 2-4 for another fabulous weekend of fun and camaraderie at Dartmouth Winter CarniVAIL 2007

Dartmouth Winter CarniVAIL

Dear Dartmouth-Tuck CarniVailers and Friends,
The snow is flying, and the skiers are happily sliding down Vail Mountain...  In about 6 weeks, we will look for lots of Dartmouth-Tuck alumni and friends to be gathering for a weekend of old Winter CarniVAIL fun on the number one ski mountain in North America, if not the world!  And one of the few to have good snow and skiing this winter....  The old Winter Carnival in Hanover never offered as many opportunities for so much fun and camaraderie in the snow.  Are you scheduled to be there?  If not, what is holding you up?
The Highlights of CarniVAIL 2007
All Events Are For All Attendees
March 2 - 4  
FRIDAY: Photo Op at the Vista Bahn ( 9:15 AM), Lunch at Sarge's Shelter (12-1 PM) and Cocktails at the Sonnenalp (4:30 - 6 PM);
SATURDAY: The Tuck Seminar on Alternative Energy (4:30 - 6+ PM), Cocktails with live music (6-7 PM) & Dinner (7-10 PM) at Manor Vail with a talk by author Charles Sanders on Dartmouth's role in the famous 10th Mountain Division plus a presentation to the DOC by "special guests."
SUNDAY: CarniVAIL Dawnbusters ( 7:30 AM) with Brunch (9:30 AM)  at the Game Creek Club! 
One event is not to be missed.... The Saturday night dinner at Manor Vail.  This is going to be a very special evening, topped by a talk by Charles Sanders, author of The Boys of Winter, about Dartmouth alumni exploits with the 10th Mountain Division in World War II, and one young Dartmouth alum who was among the great heroes of his time.  Here is a teaser on how this young man chose Dartmouth as his college in the first place.
"Jake took one look at the Dartmouth Ski Team roster and knew it was the place for him.  It was the Who's Who of college ski racing, probably of all time..... Though Olympians Ted Hunter, Linc Washburn and Warren Chivers were among the stars who had graduated after leading the team to near sweeps of the U.S. collegiate races over the previous four seasons, Howard Chivers, Charles McLane, Percy Rideout, and Olympians Dick Durrance and John Litchfield all remained.......  So off Jake went that fall to join the legendary Dartmouth ski circus." 
A number of members of Jake's family will be in attendance to add a special touch to this magical evening.   And the final part of the evening will include a very special presentation to the DOC.
And here is some additional good news.  Thanks to some additional donations to CarniVAIL, we have been able to reduce the cost per head of the Saturday night cocktails and dinner at Manor Vail from $115 to $85 so there is no excuse.  You won't want to miss this opportunity to remember one of Dartmouth's fallen heroes, and learn how Dartmouth alumni contributed to one of the great stories in US military history.
In addition, we have generated a number of discount opportunities for you to take advantage of to make your visit even more pleasant.  These are listed below.... 1) Ski Ticket Coupons to reduce the cost of daily or multi-day ski tickets, 2) Rides from Denver and Eagle Vail Airports to Vail and nearby locations via Colorado Mountain Express, 3) Reduced charges for hiring Ski Instructors, 4) A way to obtain the latest in ski goggles at half price, 5) Ski equipment rentals at the Gorsuch Store in Vail Village,  6) Multi night lodging discount at Manor Vail Resort, and 7) Possible use of free Mountain Hosts for 1-2 hours to give you a brief guided tour of parts of the mountain. 
We hope to see you at the Vista Bahn at about 9 AM on Friday, Morning, March 1....  We'll kick off this "ski circus" with what we hope will be another record setting CarniVAIL photo shot at 9:15 AM, and then head up mountain....
Best regards from Vail,
Steve Waterhouse '65, T'67, President, Dartmouth Club of the Vail Region,
And The Officers / Executive Committee Of
Gerry Huttrer '60, Alan Danson '60, Joe McHugh '60, Sara Jardis '93, Diane Boyer '78,
Jane and Tom Healy '56, Jim Butterworth T'91, Steve Cheheyl '67, Alana Hanks '05
and Richard Pomboy '60  

CarniVAIL Reservations
On the weekend of March 2-4, we have organized an interesting replica of the Winter Carnivals of old, and hope you all will join in the events (see the schedule on our prior detailed emails, or ).  You will need to go on-line to this Tuck School Alumni events URL   to reserve for some of the events, and charge to your credit card the total cost for your planned activities at CarniVAIL.  Please help us by reserving as early as you can so no one is disappointed by a lack of the opportunity to join the group.  To attend, you must reserve for the Saturday night cocktails & dinner, and the Sunday Dawnbusters
CarniVAIL Discount Opportunities
1) Ski Ticket Coupons to reduce the cost of daily or multi-day ski tickets
We will shortly have coupons available that entitle the holder to a modest discount on 1 to 6 day ski lift tickets.  Contact Steve Waterhouse via email ( to get a coupon mailed to you, or look for the Dartmouth folk standing by the Vail Village ticket office at 8:45 - 9:00 AM on March 2.
2) Rides from Denver and Eagle Vail Airports to Vail and nearby locations via Colorado Mountain Express,   Colorado Mountain Express has a huge business moving visitors to the Vail and Aspen Region from airports in Denver and Eagle-Vail.  You can book a door-to-door ride on their vans or their premium cars by calling 1-800-525-6363 or online at and reference our group code:  "DARTMOUTH"  to gain the group discount we have negotiated.
3) Reduced charges for hiring Ski Instructors
For those looking to obtain some private ski instruction, or simply to have a guide with the ability to cut the ski lift lines, you can book a ski instructor by calling or emailing our Account Manager in Vail Group Services, Maggie Meek (970-479-4510; mailto:mmeek@vailresorts.comand mentioning the magic code "DARTMOUTH." The charge is a discounted rate of $525 (vs. regular rate of $625) per day plus a gratuity to the Instructor for a single or a group of up to roughly six. 
4) A way to obtain the latest in ski goggles at half price
HaberVision Ski Goggles:  If you are interested to try some new high tech, polarized ski goggles or sunglasses from a company run by Vail area skier, Steve Haber, who developed the Bolle glasses line, go to the HaberVision website  .... And if you put in the affinity code "DARTMOUTH", you can order the products at roughly half price.  The products are currently available only thru this website.  Everyone who has used them has given very positive feedback on the ability of these goggles and sunglasses to work in all light conditions.
5) Ski equipment rentals at the Gorsuch Store in Vail Village 
Dave Gorsuch, the owner of the many wonderful Gorsuch stores around the Rocky Mountains, is an adopted member of our Club with 2 D'53 brothers-in-law.  He has granted our group a 20% discount on ski rentals at the Vail Village Gorsuch store.  Contact Billy (476-2294), or another member of the ski rentals staff, and tell them you are part of the "DARTMOUTH" CarniVAIL group. 
6) Multi night lodging discount at Manor Vail Resort  
The Manor Vail Resort (where our Saturday afternoon and evening events are located) has a limited number of condos available on a space available basis.  There is usually a minimum 4 night stay (but you can ask for shorter, and who knows?).  Call Theresa at 970-343-6113 for pricing and availability.  Please let her know you are with the "DARTMOUTH" group.
7) Free Mountain Hosts for a 1-2 hours brief guided tour of Vail Mountain 
Mountain hosts are available each morning at the Vista Bahn and Lionshead.  To attempt to set something up in advance, contact Steve Waterhouse ( at least one week in advance; or talk to our Account Manager in Vail Group Services, Maggie Meek (970-479-4510;, mentioning the magic code "DARTMOUTH."  The hosts will provide 1-2 hours of guided skiing mainly on the front side of Vail Mountain to help new comers get familiar with the layout.





