The Man Behind The Scene...
and for 22 Years, The Wheel Of
The Great Class of '65
Homecoming Hayride
Jim became deeply involved with Homecoming Weekend --
i.e., the tailgate lunch, Pierces' Inn arrangements, adult beverage purchases, etc. -- when he was Hanover Mini-Reunion chair,
In 1985, he started a tradition... and has continued it ever since...
The Homecoming Parade Hayride. Jim's "Wagon" is big ol' tandem axle boat trailer that he modified with a
16 ft. flatbed and stake sides to carry about 150 bales of hay for his Ring Brook Farm deliveries. For the Homecoming Hayride,
Jim "travels light" loading only 20 bales, so there's room for about 30-40 people on-board. Large "Class of '65" signs and
strings of bee lights "pimp-out" the rig.
Jim used to pull the wagon with his old Farmall Cub, until
his wife, Debbie, convinced him that it took too much effort. So, now he use a truck or suv. (Let's look at
this closer advice: Farmall Cub = No Heater. SUV = cozy heater. Hmm were there an ulterior motive to this recommendation?)
Jim "twinkles, "One of these years, I'll break out my 1943 John Deere "B" and we'll turn a few heads!" We spoken
by an Ivy with a liberal arts education.
Over the years, Jim has developed a Homecoming routine:
He parks on Lebanon street beside the Catholic Church from 7 PM until the parade start at 8 PM. Travel is slow so
latecomers can always hop aboard enroute. Sometimes luck prevails and The Hayride has the marching band blaring
right behind it.
Jim used to drop the wagon beside Sphinx after the parade to claim
the spot for our Tailgate Lunch site. However, but a couple years back the tires got slashed, "so now I bring
her home, and go claim the site early Saturday am." reports Jim.
Additionally, up to this Homecoming, Jim has been The Man with the
grills, charcoal, gas, and utensils for the pre-game tent.
As stated at the top, behind every great party is an even greater
Party Planner and The Class owes a long overdue thanks to Jim for his tireless effort. Becausee behind the partygoers'
simple exclamatory "Oh isn't this fun." is the party-giver's "Oh isn't this a lot of effort." Indeed it