Call to Order
1:10 PM
Minutes of Past Meetings
These were accepted as distributed.
Treasurer’s Report
The Balance sheet was reviewed. The Class President will investigate zeroing out the Alumni Book Fund as soon as
it is completed. If a new edition of the book is undertaken or if another similar project arises, it should be entertained
as a new endeavor
An excess of income over expenses of $9000 to $10,000 is projected for the remaining years of this Administration, based
on the reduction in cost of the Dartmouth Alumni Magazine to the Class and the fact that our goal for the Scholarship Fund
of reaching four named scholars has been reached.
The number of classmates paying dues continues at more or less 50% of the current class roll, up from last year and about
the same as the norm over the past 5 years.
Dues will remain at their current level in anticipation of new class
Scholarship Fund: The “historical” or book value of the Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund is $200,000.
With that, our 4-year obligation to the College to underwrite the scholarship funds is fulfilled.
A motion was made, seconded, and passed, that Jim Griffiths would file the annual tax return. Bob Murphy will file
the Class annual financial report to the College.
It was recommended and approved that a summary of the Class financial report be placed on the website, but that the full
details were not necessary.
President’s Remarks
Ken thanked Bill and Sue Webster for their hosting of the Executive Committee meeting. It was recalled that this
is the 21st of these meetings hosted by the Websters.
Class Officer’s Weekend will be September 15 and 16 at the College in Hanover. Every Class Officer was encouraged
to attend.
Glenn Currie’s book of poetry has just been published. It was suggested that we make a point of inviting
Glenn to attend the Mini-Reunion in October and speak about or read from the book. Ken and Bob Mc will take for action.
Ken will file the annual Class Activity Report with the College, emphasizing our efforts to increase participation in
Class functions. A copy will be posted on the Class website.
Alumni Fund
The College has extended the June 30 deadline for the Fund until July 11. As of the Executive Committee meeting
we were eleven contributors short of the goal of 50% of classmates giving to the Fund. (Class Head Agent Jim Griffiths subsequently reported that he heard from The College that we had
made 50% objective...exactly on the nose.) Our base is 616. The financial goal this year was a modest
one, $300,000; our Class far exceeded that goal, currently having raised more than $388,000 in this campaign.
Class of ’65 Website
John Sottile reported that there is a total of about 150 pages of content on the four interconnected Class websites.
Major elements include: Class News, Vail Mini, and 40th Reunion retrospective with the “still on the road”
theme relating to ongoing opportunities for networking. An “e-commerce” page to sell Class related items
is being considered.
Work continues on the compilation of a Class e-mail directory. John Sottile agreed to take the lead on developing one
comprehensive list-serve for the Class, since each one who has a wide-mailing has had to compile his own list.
Everyone is encouraged to send Sotts news and e-mail address updates. Over all the goal is to make the website
current and useful to classmates. The Newsletter and DAM Class Column will continue to mention the website. (And vice
Boot and Beanie Newsletter
It is anticipated that there will be a Newsletter in early August in time to widely announce the Fall Mini-Reunion.
Ken will work this with Carl Boe. (Conversation
held the evening of the Exec Committee Meeting. Carl promised to have a draft within one week... and final mailing to
go out via The College within two. Ken to monitor progress.)
Dartmouth Alumni Council
Hank Amon reported that the vote on the new Alumni Constitution will be in September. Everyone is encouraged to
join in the vote. Hank feels that the linkage of the Council and the “Association of Alumni” will be beneficial.
Of special interest was the presentation of the Young Alumni Award to Kate Aiken ’92, daughter of our classmate
Jim Aiken
Hank is on the Athletic Committee of the Council. One of the major topics in this area relates to the many “Club
Sports” (26 of them in all), some of which serve to increase opportunities for sports participation among freshmen,
since there are few freshman teams currently. The Committee has asked the College to increase resources for the clubs,
including an artificial turf field. The new fitness center is operational.
The next meeting of the Alumni
Council will be in December 2006, after the vote. (It may
have a different name and composition by then, based on outcome of vote.)
Planned Giving - The Bartlett Tower Society
Bill Webster and Doug Leitch described the planned giving program and their efforts to increase participation.
The many types of “planned giving” were described. Bill has set a goal of 25 classmates to be participants by
the end of the current fiscal year (total was 16 as of the meeting).
Herb West Project
Jim Hamilton showed some publications by Herb West, including his Farewell Address. There is also an extensive
(18 page) bibliography of Herb’s writings. He described how these works might be republished and might be of interest
to alumni.
A motion was made, seconded, and passed that the Executive Committee agrees to back in principle further efforts to frame
this idea for a specific purpose. Jim Hamilton will develop a detailed full proposal at the Class Meeting at the Fall Mini.
Mike Gonnerman and Tucky Mays agreed to work with Jim on this.
Hanover ’06 – October 13 to 15 at Pierce’s Inn in Lyme, NH. Bob McConnaughey
reported that the agenda for this year’s Mini will be comparable to previous years. It was agreed that we would
rent a couple of grills for the tailgating. (Specific
policies to cover over/underages for Minis has since been resolved among President, Treasurer and Mini-Reunion Chairmen.)
Hanover Out-Years - Dates for future Hanover Mini’s are: October 19 to 21, 2007; 2008 undecided;
and October 23 to 25, 2009.
Vail Mini – The dates will be March 1 to 5, 2007. Steve Waterhouse already is working on this
and will get out more word as things shape up.
Out of Hanover Mini-Reunions
Bob Blake reported on set-plans for a “OOH” Mini in Orlando at
Shades of Green Resort on the DisneyWorld complex, January 26 to 31, 2007. There are excellent facilities at a very reasonable cost,
with ample arrangements on-site to support dinners, meetings, and activities. Robbie Robinson and Donn Barclary will
serve as on-scene coordinators. Further details will be distributed as they become firm.
For 2008, a 65th Birthday Mini Reunion will be held in Washington DC area, in late April or early May. Bob is working
to put in place a local committee to coordinate events.
A new development that will be starting in 2007 there will be a Classmates-Only Stag Golfing Trip at various locations
on an annual basis. Ken has been in touch with several classmates willing to work on this including Punch Lochridge
(AZ), Ron Knapp (OR), Tom Campbell (Great Lakes), and Gordon Hamlin (ME). Tucky Mays agreed to work as Assistant to Bob Blake
to coordinate scheduling of these events.
Some exotic possible sites for 2009 include Scotland, England, or a cruise. Bob Blake will look into opportunities
that can be coordinated through Roberta Moore in the Dartmouth Travel and Continuing Education Program and report back in
Class Projects
A committee of Mike Gonnerman, Stu Keiler, and Al Zern will look over various opportunities, possibly communicate
with other Classmates and report at a later date.
At the end of Old Business, a moment of silence was observed by all in honor of three of our Classmates who died within
the past year.
The Meeting Was Adjourned At Approximately
5 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
H. Roger Hansen