Class members met on June 13, 2000 in the Filene Auditorium in the new Moore Psychology Building.
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM. President Jim Griffiths began by reviewing last October's Executive Committee
meeting, when our newest class project--the Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund--was created with $10,000 from our treasury. The
fund is now at $35,839.42, and will become a named scholarship when it reaches $50,000. He then reviewed the major class accomplishments
during his five year term: the largest project by far being the Webster Special Collections. He singled out Steve Waterhouse
for recognition and the audience responded with loud applause. Jim also mentioned that the class received the College's Special
Recognition Award for 1999--a major class honor.

Class Members
He highlighted our ongoing Class Projects, such as the two Native American awards, the 3 Freshman
Trip awards, the athletic sponsor program, the Friends of Baker Library sponsorship, and the library books in memory of deceased
classmates. He mentioned the false start and ultimate cancellation of the "Knuckle" project, and the proposed collection of
'65 literature for the '65 galleries in Webster Hall.
He pointed with pride to the fact that our class had met or exceeded its alumni fund goals in
each of the last 5 years--a tremendous credit to Hank Amon and his team. Jim graciously thanked all of the outgoing officers
and asked them to stand and be recognized to loud applause.
He pointed out that our class treasury is in great shape with 315 dues payers and about a $50,000.00
balance. At the last Executive Committee meeting, it was voted to keep the dues at $50.00. He gave recognition to Bob and
Sharon Blake for their wonderful mini reunions, to the newsletter editors, Allen Zern and Ted Atkinson, for 23 eight page
newsletters, to Secretary Dick Bordeau for 45 Alumni Mag columns, to Ward Hindman, the class webmaster, to the wonderful out
of Hanover Reunions, to Jack Heidbrink, Ted Atkinson, and Bob Blake for serving on the Alumni Council pointing out that Ted
will continue to represent 65s and 66s for 2 more years.
He mentioned that the class had articulated 29 written class goals in 7 categories. He further
hoped the Executive Committee would annually evaluate class performance as well as the goals themselves.
Larry Litton, who had been introduced by Ted Bracken at dinner the night before, was then elected
an honorary member of the class and was officially appointed class "Brewmaster". Larry, a 1963 UCLA graduate, is the new director
of research at Dartmouth.
Steve Waterhouse, chair of the nominating committee, then announced the proposed slate of new
officers: President-Hank Amon, Vice President-Projects-Sven Karlen, Vice President-Mountains-Ron Riley, Vice President-South-open,
Vice President-West-open, Vice President-Rest of World-Sin Sing Chiu, Secretary-Ken Mcgruther, Head Agent-Ed Keible, Treasurer-Steve
Fowler, Newsletter Editor-Bob Murphy, Mini Reunions-Mike Bettman and Larry Duffy, Planned Giving-Bill Webster, Alumni Council
Rep-Ted Atkinson, Web Master-Ward Hindman, 40th Reunion Treasurer-Mike Gonnerman, Brewmaster-Larry Litton, 40th Reunion co-chair
persons-Nancy Hansen, Roger Hansen, Marcia Frederick, Pete Frederick. It was moved and seconded that the slate be accepted
as presented. There being no further nominations from the floor, the new slate of officers was unanimously approved.

Hank and Jim Shake as Steve Looks On
Hank Amon then took over as president and asked that all recognize Jim Griffiths for the outstanding
job he did. The audience responded with a standing ovation. Hank then explained that he is looking forward to his term and
plans to make better use of technology through email in involving more of the class. He was welcomed with applause.
Respectfully submitted, Dick Bordeau, Secretary