’65 Classmates:
A quiet summer in Hanover. Not many of us remember the old “traditions’ like Tubestock, when all the undergrads unearth
giant innertubes from around the Upper Valley and fashion rafts, watercraft, and – well – innertubes to float
around on the Connecticut River to listen to local bands playing on the shore. It’s
actually quite a scene, well policed by the Pan-Hellenic council – with no incidents other than a great deal of enjoyment.
Not a lot of personal news to report this time around, despite my thinly-veiled threats to reveal all about
the more nefarious members of the class, and perhaps the details of my latest root canal, but more about that later. Despite your somewhat negligent attitude toward reporting your news to me, the class
has been active and you will see the results of those activities, and most particularly the planned activities, in the following
pages. Let’s start with the results of the class Executive Meeting at Bill Webster’s in June (from Hank Amon): “Attending were Hank Amon, Ted Atkinson, Bob Blake, Mike
Gonnerman, Jim Griffiths, Roger Hanson,
Doug Leitch, Brian Porzak, Bill Webster, and Allen Zern.
It was reported that our class reserves at June 30, 2004
are projected to be about $11,200, down from $27,500, $46,000, and $57,000 in 2003/2/1, reflecting the conscious choice of
the Executive Committee to reduce reserves by underwriting the Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund as required to fund $25,000
per year. It was noted that the Class
Treasury would no longer be able to continue to fund contributions to the Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund and that efforts
would need to be made to secure contributions directly from classmates for this Fund.
It was resolved by unanimous vote after motion being made and seconded: To continue supporting, at past levels,
the Dartmouth Athletic Sponsors Program, Friends of Baker Library, Class of 1965 Achievement Award (Native American Awards
Program) and Freshmen Trip. The total of these annual contributions is $1,750.
342 classmates paid dues in fiscal year ended June 30, 2004,
an increase of 36 over fiscal 2003. The Class paid for 554 Alumni Magazine subscriptions
(542 live classmates plus 12 widows) in 2004, down from 593 in the previous fiscal year, reflecting the “cull”
in the Class subscription list that was made last fall.
The next mini-reunion will be in Hanover over
the October 15-17, 2004 weekend, with Holy Cross playing football
against the Big Green in Hanover that weekend.”
October 15-17, 2004 – Class of 1965 Mini-Reunion in Hanover
From Mini Co-chairs: Mike
Bettmann (mab9099@nyp.org)
Bob McConnaughy (mcconn2@comcast.net)
Class of 1965’s Hanover mini-reunion will be held
this year over the October 15-17 weekend. We have this year moved our fall mini
forward in the hopes of warmer weather, better foliage and greater attendance. The
October 15-17 weekend not being Homecoming Weekend, we will miss the parade, rally and bonfire but, otherwise, the schedule
of activities will be a familiar one. The football game on Saturday will be against
Holy Cross. Our mini-reunion headquarters will, as usual, be at Pierce’s Inn in Etna,
with innkeepers Cindy Pierce and husband, Bruce Lingelbach.
the following page is a reservation form for the weekend to be sent directly to Pierce’s Inn,
together with a deposit. If you plan to stay at Pierce’s, please note that
Cindy and Bruce have eight rooms and a bunkroom. Last year, the rooms ranged
from $60 to $80 per night and the bunkroom was $30. If anyone has a question
for the innkeepers, you may email them at piercesinn@valley.net or call them at (603) 643-2997.
Friday –
October 15
6:30 PM – Cocktails and Dinner at Linda and Steve Fowler’s
in Hanover
Saturday –
October 16
7:30 AM – Breakfast @ Pierce’s
10:30 AM – Tailgate Brunch near Sphinx
12 Noon – Football vs. Holy Cross
6:30 PM – Cocktails @ Pierce’s
7:30 PM – Dinner @ Pierce’s (followed by entertainment)
Sunday – October 17
8:00 AM –
Breakfast @ Pierce’s
9:00 AM –
Class of 1965 Meeting @ Pierce’s
Our 27th
consecutive fall mini-reunion in Hanover! Join us and invite any son(s) and/or daughter(s) currently attending Dartmouth to join us for Saturday
complete the form on the following page and mail this form by October
10, 2004, together with a deposit check for $40.00, to:
Pierce’s Inn
261 Dogford Road
NH 03750
(603) 643-2997
if you are staying elsewhere, this is your basic mini-reunion registration form and should be sent to Pierce’s. The
deposit will be applied to lodging, drinks and/or meals, as appropriate. If you
have any questions, please contact Mike Bettmann at mab9099@nyp.org or
Bob McConnaughy at mcconn2@comcast.net.
Other Guests/Kids:
Phone Number:
Lodging Needed at Pierce’s:
Please complete as appropriate:
Saturday, October 16
Breakfast @ Pierce’s
adults ____ guests
____ kids ____ |
Saturday, October 16
Tailgate Brunch (next to Sphinx)
adults ____ guests
____ kids ____ |
Saturday, October 16 Bar/Dinner
@ Pierce’s adults ____ guests
____ kids ____ |
Sunday, October 17 Breakfast
@ Pierce’s adults ____ guests
____ kids ____ |
Assuming that you have completed and returned the form on the preceding page, let’s move along to our
official, college- and spouse-approved, once-in-a-lifetime 40th Reunion! Pete Frederick and Roger Hansen describe what awaits us:
June 13-16, 2005 – Class of 1965 40th Reunion
“Mark your calendars now; the Great Class of 1965 will celebrate the FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY of their graduation
on June 13-16 2005. We have already established a new Dartmouth record as the youngest class ever to attend a 40th
Reunion. Not wanting to rest on just one record-setting accomplishment, the Reunion
co-chairs need your help. To paraphrase the 60’s pick-up line, we’re
interested in both your mind as well as your body. We need ideas and folks to do the not-so-heavy lifting.
The centerpiece of the reunion will be the World Premier of the Class of ’65 players in their anxiously
anticipated musical comedy. The casting call follows this notice. We also have
the opportunity to listen to presentations: the subjects of these are up to you. What topics are of interest? An analysis
of the Nader Presidency (or whoever else might win): Medicaid, Medicare, Mediwhat for retirees: How do I Keep Uncle Sam out
of my heirs’ knickers? Please send us your ideas, suggestions and recommendations
for speakers. O. B. Laden has regretted and G.W. Bush has replied that his schedule for June 2005 is not yet set. We’re open to any and all suggestions. What other special
events would you like to attend? Whom from the College in addition to President Wright should we include?
While Roger and Pete will do all the heavy lifting, they do need help. Applicants for the following positions
are being sought:
Director of Athletics – organize daily sporting events
Director of Libations & Nourishment – we will have 3 breakfasts, two lunches, 3 receptions, 3 dinners
and countless choir practices at the tent for which L&N are required.
Director of Marketing – This will be an “easy sell” but someone must be available to take
credit for the success.
Program Director – we need to organize your above requested ideas into 6 different events.
Comptroller – someone must keep us from exceeding an unlimited budget.
Each of the above will need some support, please let us know your areas of interest and if you would accept
the title or do the work, perhaps even both!
We believe the 40th Reunion should be fun. Success will be measured
by who attends, and who you re-meet after 40 years. We want to create a congenial atmosphere for recreating with old friends.
Please contact either of us with your ideas and offers to help.
Pete Frederick
Roger Hansen
Ah, yes, that casting call. Your writer should explain that the
famous ‘50’s-‘60’s Doo-Wop group that thrilled the class at our last reunion, The Charades, have again
agreed to appear (perhaps not a great surprise, since the foursome includes myself).
But let’s go on to even greater talent requirements: a casting call from Brian
Porzak and Jim Griffiths:
“The Dartmouth Class of '65
40th Reunion Musical Comedy Production. “Alumni
Therapy" is looking for participants both to perform and to act as crew. The
½-hour show has 6 male parts and 2 female parts, opening it to wives and/or alumni daughters.
The show contains 9 songs; 6 solo numbers and 3 chorus numbers. So, we need performers who have decent singing voices and who can dance as well. (The women, especially,
need to be able to "belt out" a song.) Overall, however, heart is an even stronger
requirement than great talent. In terms of musical accompaniment, we need a keyboard
synthesizer player, a drummer and a bass player (perhaps even a clarinet player, as well). Very importantly, we
need a good choreographer! For crew, we need a stage manager, someone to handle
lights, someone to take care of costumes, makeup, publicity (program) and a prop master.
Performers will be supplied tapes of the music to practice at home. We may, also, schedule a live rehearsal during
the mini-reunion weekend or at a time convenient to the participants. Phone rehearsals will be utilized, as well. Interested parties should contact either Brian
Porzak -- AixFilm@aol.com or 917-687-0242 – or Jim Griffiths…jimgriffiths@cs.com
or 508-362-0953.”
Lots of stuff happening for the great Class of ’65. I’ll
have more news in the next newsletter from lots of you including John Tobin, Tom Meacham, Marsh Wallach, Tom Garland, and more (some of whom know about it,
some of whom don’t but are subjects of news I’ve gleaned from my “sources”. You are, I remind you, much safer to write me yourselves than let me make something up. New e-mail for me – send your notes to murph65nh@usadatanet.net to save yourselves from my very active