best wishes to all for a healthy and rewarding 2004. Most of us have, by now,
turned sixty, and I hope all managed to have a meaningful celebration of this milestone with family and friends. One classmate to have recently crossed this bridge is Norm Leach.
While in Whistler, British Columbia over the recent holidays, my wife, Karen, and I attended a wonderful party
organized by Norms wife, Johanne, to celebrate his 60th birthday. Norm
has, for many years, lived in Vancouver and now divides his time among work in Vancouver, golf in Arizona and skiing in Whistler
(but not necessarily in that order!).
year 2004 will include three Class of 1965 mini-reunions! The first will take
place in Vail, Colorado, on March 5-7 and will again be organized by Steve Waterhouse. Bob Murphy has included information on the Vail mini-reunion elsewhere in this
second, out-of-Hanover mini-reunion will take place over the May 7-9 weekend at the Allenberry Resort Inn in Boiling Springs,
Pennsylvania, which is located about 8 miles south of Carlisle, Pennsylvania. According
to Ken McGruther, who has taken the lead in organizing lodging reservations and otherwise provided details, Allenberry
is about 110 miles from both Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., about 180 miles from Pittsburgh and about 190 miles from New
York City. So, just a few hours drive!
has reserved a block of 24 rooms at Allenberry. Those interested in attending
this mini-reunion should telephone Allenberry at (717) 258-3211 and ask to speak to Leslie Sterner, referring to Dartmouth
65. Allenberrys facsimile number is (717) 960-5280 and its address is P.O. Box
7, Boiling Springs, PA 17007. The
cost for a weekend room (2 people, 2 breakfasts, 2 dinners, Friday wine and theatre tickets see below) is $214.95, including
tax. So, it looks like Ken has negotiated a pretty good deal! A deposit will be required to hold a reservation. Rooms not
taken by 30 days in advance will go back on the market.
has tennis, fishing and golf at numerous nearby courses including Mayapple, Range Run, Carlisle Army War College and Penn
National (36 holes near Gettysburg). Gettysburg itself is about twelve miles
away (Ken notes that Ewells Division was in Carlisle the night before the battle when he was ordered south by Lee based on
intelligence from Longstreet and arrived the next day). Ken will organize a walking
tour of the Gettysburg battle field for those interested. Please contact Ken
at to set this up. There
is also a playhouse at Allenberry and on the May 7-9 weekend Smokey Joes Café will be performed. It is good theater according to Ken.
third 2004 mini-reunion will be our traditional fall mini in Hanover. But, this
year the fall mini will not be held over the Homecoming Weekend (scheduled this year for the last weekend in October). Rather, it was agreed, after discussion at last falls class/executive committee meeting
in Hanover, to schedule the 2004 Hanover mini-reunion for the weekend of October 15, 16 and 17. This will, as noted, be a departure from the past since our fall mini-reunion has always been held over
Homecoming Weekend. However, it was agreed that the Class of 1965 would experiment
with a mini-reunion weekend earlier in October to (hopefully) attract a broader attendance base in view of the prospect of
warmer weather and better foliage. Since Dartmouth has a home football game scheduled for Saturday, October 16, the principal
impact would be the loss of the parade and bonfire on Friday evening. However,
it was agreed that an alternative function would be scheduled for Friday evening and that the tailgate would still be held
prior to the football game. Pierces Inn has been booked for the 2004 mid-October mini, so no loss of tradition there! If this experiment does not prove to be successful, the Class will return to Homecoming
Weekend for its mini-reunion in 2005. In anticipation of this development, the
Homecoming Weekend in 2005 has already been booked at Pierces Inn.
you have not already done so, please remember to pay your Class dues. As you
all hopefully know, Class dues are $60 per year. Of this amount, roughly $20
now goes to pay for a subscription to the Dartmouth Alumni Magazine. Another
$20 is earmarked for the Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund. The remaining $20 is
applied to fund other Class projects and to support mini-reunion and other Class activities.
Let me reiterate: We need many more members of the Class of 1965 to
pay Class dues on a regular annual basis! So, please dig out Steve Fowlers
dues letter and payment form and return today with payment.
when paying your Class dues, please remember to consider an additional contribution to the Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund. We have set an annual goal of $25,000 in contributions to this Fund. To date, we have successfully raised $100,000 over the past four years and now have two Class of 1965 Scholars
at Dartmouth. Please note that you are not able to earmark contributions to
the Dartmouth College Fund for the Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund. Contributions
to the Class Fund must be made through the dues payment form or, separately, by sending contributions to Steve Fowler, our
Class Treasurer. He will make sure that proper credit is obtained. Anyone wishing to make a contribution to the Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund outside the dues payment form
may do so by sending a check to Steve payable to Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund. Steves
address is 5 Webster Terrace, Hanover, N.H. 03755.