PhotoCredit: Jon Gilbert Fox |

-- From The Hanover Chamber of Commerce Site -- Click Image |
If You Don't Attend Now...
What Are You Waitng For?
Class of 1965 Mini-Reunion
October 24-26, 2003
Hanover, NH
Please think seriously about attending our mini-reunion
on October 24-26. We'll have many of our traditional activities; a Friday alumni parade, tailgating, a football victory over
Columbia (the Big Green have moved up in Ivy pre-season polls), cocktails and dinner at Pierce's Inn. We'll also have a joint
cocktail party with '64/'66 after the game, in Rauner Library, so you'll have a chance to kibitz with our neighboring classes
as well as get a view of a project that your class has helped to support. The weather outlook is good! It's our 26th consecutive
fall mini in Hanover, and to last that long it just has to be good. Whether you're a regular or a newcomer, you'll feel welcome
and at home.
Class of 1965
40th Reunion
June 13-16, 2005
Hanover, NH
It's been a peaceful
summer in Hanover, where the beginning of color appearing around the edges of the maples is making it clear that fall is on
the way. Even the annual Tubestock event on the Connecticut River (which has taken its place along side Houseparties, Winter
Carnival, and Green Key weekends) required little intervention from campus security or the local gendarmes. In a few days
we'll start to see the influx of 07s for orientation, and will be remarking again to ourselves how young they all are.
The major activity of your
class over the past several months was our mini-reunion and Joint 60th Birthday Party in Hanover during the first
week of August. Hank Amon's letter covers this event thoroughly, so I'll conserve space and not duplicate his efforts here.
Two related topics that were discussed at length in your class meeting were class dues, and contributions to the Class of
1965 Scholarship Fund. Please note the white card in your envelope; the note below from Hank explains actions taken on dues,
and the reason for the white card:
Each member of the Class
of 1965 will shortly receive a letter from Class Treasurer, Steve Fowler, attaching a form for the payment of Class Dues for fiscal 2004. For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2003, dues were received from 305 classmates. Over
the past five fiscal years dues paying members of the Class have ranged from a low of 305 (this past fiscal year!) to a high
of 338 for fiscal 2000 (the year of our 35th reunion).
Class dues are
$60 per year. Of this amount, roughly $20 now goes to pay for a subscription to the Dartmouth Alumni Magazine. Another $20
is earmarked for the Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund. The remaining $20 is applied to fund other Class projects and to support
mini-reunion and other Class activities. During the last fiscal year, the Class of 1965 paid to have the Dartmouth Alumni
Magazine sent to 585 members of the Class. The math is simple. Dues paying members of the Class subsidized (to the tune of
some $5,000) the Dartmouth Alumni Magazine subscription for 280 classmates this past fiscal year. This not to mention the
lost contributions to the Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund. This state of affairs is clearly not sustainable.We need
many more members of the Class of 1965 to pay Class dues on a regular, annual basis! Most dues-paying classmates
do so on a regular basis. Many, however, pay haphazardly. Some do not pay at all. In August, the Executive Committee of the
Class voted to cull the Dartmouth Alumni Magazine subscription list and will no longer support the distribution of the magazine
to Class members who (a) have not paid Class dues during the past five fiscal years, (b) have not made contributions to the
Dartmouth College Fund or other College organizations during the past five years and (c) have not participated in any class
reunion since our 25th reunion. This will eliminate mailings to some 46 classmates. Letters will be written to
these individuals, explaining the situation and urging them to pay Class dues and regain their subscriptions to the Dartmouth
Alumni Magazine. The Executive Committee intends to monitor the subscription list on an annual basis and will continue to
delete (or add) names to the list as appropriate.
When you
receive your dues notice, please remember to consider an additional contribution to the Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund. We
have set an annual goal of $25,000 in contributions to this Fund. To date, we have successfully raised $100,000 over the past
four years and now have two Class of 1965 Scholars at Dartmouth. Please note that you are not able to earmark contributions
to the Dartmouth College Fund for the Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund. Contributions to the Class Fund must be made through
the dues payment form or separately, by sending contributions to Steve Fowler, our Class Treasurer. He will make sure that
proper credit is obtained. Anyone wishing to make a contribution to the Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund may do so by returning
the enclosed card to Steve with his contribution. Steves address is 5 Webster Terrace, Hanover, N.H. 03755.

To the
right is just one photo of our class activity from the joint 60th, a restoration of a house moved from Hanover
to White River Junction for occupancy by a low-income family. The house was previously across the street from the Hanover
Consumer Co-op, and was removed to make room for a new town senior center. Rather than being demolished, the house was rescued
withth assistance of several groups, now including the Class of 65. More photos will soon be appearing on our class website,
http://www.alum.dartmouth.org/classes/65/ so be sure to look there (and keep up to date on all class activities).
Let me put it bluntly; I
need your Green Cards with your latest news! Your classmates really are interested in what and how you are doing.
The Green Card
that you just put aside for the trash is my major source of news.
Do you truly want to hear
about my visit to my Moms 85th birthday party? Or my latest dental surgery? I didn't think so... BUT with
no news to report, I'll have precious little to fall back on. Take a moment. Write a paragraph on the card. And send it
to me.
John Poole, writes: "Not sure I've given you the new address for Maureen
and me. [701 Country Way, Scituate, MA 002066] We actually moved in the fall of 2001. Our home is a real mix of the old and
new. Part was a library built in 1893, while the rest was built in 1993. Walk through some doors and 100 years of history!
Our now 17 year old son Chris has completed his sophomore year at Tabor Academy, playing varsity football, wrestling, and
crew. Kelsy, our 7 year old daughter, moves to 3rd grade this year while Kerrin starts 6th grade at
Thayer Academy in Braintree, MA where I have just been elected as a Trustee. We were on campus Green Key to visit the Sailing
Center. You can get more details from John at jfpoole@concentric.net."
Far from New England, Brian Kluck wrote from Nebraska that "I am still am cattle
farming. My wife Josette is teaching high school English at Columbus High. Son Travis is also cattle farming, and son Thomas
is a metallurgist at a steel mill in New Orleans. Our daughter Rachael is an elementary school teacher in Boston, soon to
transfer jobs to New Orleans. In the coming years I have plans to fade from the cattle business and spend more time practicing
clinical psychology in Nebraska."
Well, Brian, you might want to contact our own Dr. Michael Divak in Johnstown,
NY. I can safely say Dr. because Mike wrote that "This May, I completed my doctoral dissertation in educational psychology."
I followed up with Mike, and he added I do adjunct teaching at local colleges part-time and work full time as a school counselor
with middle schoolers who are zany and keep me young. Yesterday one of the 14 year-olds did not believe that I am 59 and thought
for sure I am only 40 years old. Its the continuing expansion of our minds that keeps us young, I think. Mikes available at
John Fenniman is alive and well in Lakeside, CO and provided
this update Now eligible to retire, but not inclined to. I still like most of what I do, and most of the people I do it with
(we should all be so blessed!) Our second daughter Heather will start at the Harrington Institute of Interior Design in Chicago,
so Ill probably work another four years! I checked in with John to see just what this job is that he cant leave, and he elaborated
I am Chief, Financial Management and Administration, at the Rocky Mountain Mapping Center of the US Geological Survey. Happily,
I have a bunch of people who theoretically work for me, who really know what they are doing. They are far more capable at
the financial thing than I am. Heathers older sister is Jenne, now age 28, making Portland, OR her home, where she does children's
elementary school theater. If you want more details on how to keep the job interesting, you'll find John at jdfenniman@usgs.gov.
Eschewing [theres a word for editors or English majors] snail mail, Bill Webster
e-mailed me with his latest news. [By the way, its bob.murphy@hypertherm.com if you dislike Green Cards.] Bill writes Had
a quick 24 hour trip to Knoxville to see a client who recently moved to Waynesville, NC, just outside of Asheville, NC. Its
a part of the country Ive always wanted to visit, but never had the opportunity. I was blown away by the 1 1/2 hr drive through
the Smokies to visit this client who had built a "log cabin" on 80 acres on the side of a mountain just 20 minutes from Asheville.
He claims there are still a lot of unspoiled values for anyone looking to retire in the neighborhood. Just before I left on
this trip I checked the map and realized Greenville, SC was only about 1 1/2 hr drive away, so I called Mike Orr and
told him I was free for dinner and staying at the Grove Park Inn. It didn't take much persuasion to get Mike and Jeannine
to join me. This is a great destination resort area which I know we once considered for one of our out of Hanover minis (Biltmore
Hotel etc), and I think we should re-boot the idea. On my way out of town the next day driving back through mountains that
are higher than our Presidentials, and frankly more attractive, I met with Jim (Hinge) Ramsey for brunch at the Knoxville
airport. He is still in Oak Ridge putting the bad guys in jail. He also continues to host the Dartmouth crews in the spring
when they come down for training. Jim was our regional SE VP for awhile when we were considering the Asheville site,
but had to drop out because of his need to campaign for re-election (an election he won by about 20 votes). We may be able
to prevail on him and others down that way (Kent Salisbury?) to plan a trip down there. If you want to provide some
input to Bill, ring him up at William.webster@ubspw.com.
Even quicker than e-mail, I got an old-fashioned telephone call from Doug Leitch,
who has returned to Hanover in Dartmouths gift planning office. Over lunch I persuaded him to actually write me a note of
his interesting odyssey back to Hanover. That circuitous route is a classic example of Frost's "road not taken", or that other
New England expression of travel directions - "can't get there from here" (dropping those ending r's, of course). Highlighting
the major branches of that route follows, although some of the minor side roads have been as interesting, if not more so.
So here is this 65s updated "Road Taken" - to borrow from our 25th Reunion yearbook. Indeed, way does lead on to way.
The road back to Dartmouth came by way of seven years as planned giving officer at Maine
Medical Center in Portland preceded by my late career entry into non-profit fundraising at Colby-Sawyer from a position on
the Colby-Sawyer library staff. Tracing the path further back, Colby-Sawyer followed a stint in conference sales for Waterville
Valley resort, running my own audio visual production business in NH's Lakes Region, life insurance sales, and my first career
after Dartmouth and grad school teaching secondary school geography in New Jersey and New Hampshire with time out for military
service in Vietnam and Germany. Somehow the mix of skills and experience gained along the way all blend and contribute to
my current job back at Dartmouth as associate director of gift planning. The beauty of a liberal arts education is its ability
to make all of that into a single path. Coming full circle back to the Hanover Plain is a most welcome opportunity, even though
it was a tough decision to leave the Maine coast.
The campus and town are both changed and yet still the same - it's not exactly our campus
of the 1960s, but it sure feels like home in many ways. The best part of my new job, though, is traveling to various parts
of the country to renew old acquaintances and build new ones with Dartmouth alumni and to talk about the College, both where
it's been and where's it's headed. I've already had the chance to chat with several 65s and look forward to seeing more of
our classmates in the course of my travels. The parts of the country I cover for the Office of Gift Planning include Connecticut,
the northern half of New Jersey, most of Pennsylvania except the Philadelphia area, Ohio, Michigan, and Texas (I also cover
most states between Michigan and Texas as secondary areas when the opportunity arises). My objectives, besides connecting
and reconnecting personally with fellow alums, are to encourage membership in the Bartlett Tower Society by letting our office
know that your will or estate plan includes a provision for Dartmouth and to plant the seed of considering future gifts to
the College through the advantages of one of these types of gifts. I'm making an effort to visit any and all 65s in those
areas where I travel primarily to keep the connection to Dartmouth alive with as many classmates as possible and to become
better acquainted with the communities where they live and work. No hard selling - guaranteed. If you have an uncontrollable
urge to do that planning now, or if you just want to beat Doug to the punch, you can get him at Douglas.C.Leitch@Dartmouth.edu.
Here's the big news, or as we remember Ed Sullivan
saying the REALLY BIG news, which I will let the inimitable Ted Atkinson relate in his own words.
Ted Atkinson and Marcia Phelan Pryde were married in New Canaan, Ct. on May 10, 2003. Ted is a graduate of Dartmouth and The
Amos Tuck School and runs his own strategic consulting company, working with clients such as Wrigley, Pfizer, and KitchenEtc.
Marcia has a BA and MBA from the University of Colorado at Boulder, where she is a member of the Advisory Board for the Leeds
Business School. She is an executive recruiter and a partner at ATKearney in Stamford, Ct., specializing in searches in the
financial industry and in supply chain for industrial companies.
"We first met in 1991, when Marcia recruited me out
of a Connecticut consulting firm and placed me as Vice Chairman of a New York advertising agency. Shortly after that, she
moved to Colorado to open ATKearney's office there. We remained friends over the next 6-7 years, talking on the phone 3-4
times a year, having lunch once a year, and sharing family news on Christmas cards.
In May of 1998, my wife of 30 years, Ann, passed away
from brain cancer. Unknown to me at the time, Marcia was getting a divorce from her long-time husband and was preparing to
move back to Connecticut. That October, a mutual friend fixed us up on a blind date, not knowing we knew each other. We agreed
to go out friends until we each met a person we could build a relationship with -- but decided to fall in love instead. After
4 1/2 years of ups and downs (she actually has stayed at Pierce's!), we decided last fall to get married; we tested our resolve
during a hiking trip in the Swiss/French Alps, got my kid's and her father's permission, and finally got married in May.
We had a good turn-out from 1965 at the wedding -- Sue and Bill
Webster, Jeannine and Mike Orr, Debbie and Jim Griffiths, Linda and Steve Waterhouse -- as well as
other Dartmouth friends, including daughter Emily ('99). We're living in New Canaan, both working too hard and traveling too
much, and getting ready to drive to Hanover tomorrow for our joint 60th birthday party."
It's a great story. Send your congrats to Ted (and commiserations
to Marcia) at tacons@aol.com. Ted is the one with the biggest smile above.
Of course, and particularly at our ages, the joy seems
to always be tempered with sorrow. I have notification of the deaths of two recent classmates, whose full obituaries either
have been or will be included in the Alumni Magazine. John Bell died on December 3, 2002 in Katy, Texas. At Dartmouth,
He was active in the Glee Club and in Phi Tau. He leaves his wife Marie-Luise Bell, and children Erich, Christian, and Ingrid.
I do not have any further details.
On May 6, 2003, Tom Marks was killed in an automobile accident in Leesburg, Virginia where he lived. Tom was active and respected in Virginia symphony
music, and had been active in the Dartmouth Symphony Orchestra and the French Club as an undergraduate. He leaves his wife
Lucky Marks, and children Jethro, Paolo, David, Theo, and Vincent.
Our class lost a long-time friend as well with the
passing in August of Reg Pierce '46, our perennially genial host at Pierce's Inn. Hank Amon
provides more details below, and I received this anecdote from Jim Griffiths, who along with Debbie and Brian Walsh
attended Reg's funeral service in Hanover. Following the service, some 200 attendees were invited to Pierce's where Reg's
widow, Nancy, approached Jim. With that inimitably warm Nancy smile, and with tears in her eyes, she told me the last thing
Reg did before his first stroke the weekend of our COVER mini-reunion, was to bring over Brian's watercolor painting that
we presented to him last fall homecoming. He displayed it on the table in the lounge with a wonderful personal thank-you to
the "Great Class of 1965" He truly loved Dartmouth, loved our class, and the "Reserved for Class of 65" sign is still
over the closet door where his drums and cymbals are stored.
Thats all for now, folks. Brigid and I wish you love and happiness. We hope to see many
of you at one of our upcoming get-togethers. Check out that web site, once again its at http://www.dartmouth.org/classes/65/.
Bob Murphy
Class of 1965 40th Reunion
June 13-16, 2005
Hanover, NH
Finally (meaning "this is the end") its not too soon to start planning way ahead
for our official 40th reunion only a couple of years from now. If youre a regular attendee, you already know the enjoyment
of seeing old friends and making new ones. Its been remarkable to me how my own post-graduation group of classmate friends
has grown over the years. If you are among the "never" or "rarely attend" reunion group, think seriously about coming back
and seeing both old and new (to you) faces. Its just a relaxed, unpressured vacation among a bunch of folks that, as it turns
out, you really do have a lot in common with. As a big plus, and as I said earlier, Hanover in the summer is gorgeous. Many
reunion-goers tie this trip into a longer visit to New England or the East, as well. Brigid and look forward to seeing you
then. You can see in the picture below that there are nothing but smiles - thats what a Dartmouth reunion is all about!
