March, 2010
Dear Classmates,
Our first letter and emailings inviting you attend our 45th Reunion
on June 14-17 resulted in a spectacular 128 classmates and guests saying “yes we will be there” with an additional
40 responding with a “we hope to join you. And in the days and weeks ahead, many of you will be contacted by one or
more classmates who knew you through one or more campus affiliations (fraternity, team, activity, dorm) inviting you to join
us. Meanwhile, your Reunion Committee continues to work on putting together a range of events and activities that will make
for a memorable gathering of our class in celebration of our 45th year since graduation. Below, you will find more detailed
information about how to register and begin making more detailed plans for the trip back to campus.
Why Should You Come and Join Us? Let Us Give You Some Reasons:
1) There’s nothing like Hanover
in June, especially for a canoe ride on the Connecticut, a walk to the Bema, or just watching the world go by on one of Hanover’s
Main Street benches.
2) Much has changed on the Dartmouth campus
in recent years, including the spacious new dorms that have been made available to our Class, new classrooms and athletic
facilities, but much also remains the same.
3) Play golf, tennis, go hiking or biking,
or just lounge on the Hanover Inn porch with a fresh cup of Joe from Lou’s.
4) Comfortable, spacious rooms have been
set aside for our Class in the new McLaughlin Dorm Cluster.
5) Attend the Memorial Service to commemorate
our departed classmates.
6) Dartmouth’s new president,
Jim Kim, will join us for a book-club-like discussion of "Mountains Beyond Mountains,"Tracy Kidder’s compelling story
about his pre-Dartmouth years fighting infectious diseases with Partners in Health colleague Dr. Paul Farmer in Peru and,
of special relevance during these tragic times, Haiti.**
7) Participate in a program
of panels and displays of our classmates’ a vocational endeavors based on the related themes of “Our Creative
Side” and “Redefining Retirement through Innovative Options and Opportunities.
8) A “Reunion Alumni College”
will sponsor series of lectures and seminars by faculty members on a wide range of intriguing topics.
9) Enjoy great food and libations catered
by The Hanover Inn at our several Class events, including a celebratory dinner in Alumni Hall with special entertainment planned
and a final night dinner at The Hanover Inn.
All of us who have been involved in planning this 45th Reunion are excited about the diverse listing
of events being planned, but it will be ever so much more enjoyable if you are able to join us.
The Cost and Where to Stay
The cost of the full reunion has been set at $395per person – and that includes meals catered
by The Hanover Inn, beverages, entertainment, activities, reunion keepsakes, and, most importantly, a chance to rekindle memories
with old friends and make new ones. Our class has been assigned space in the new and spacious McLaughlin Cluster dorms at
a rate of $40 per person per night. These dorms are located just north of the White Church on the newer, north end of campus
where our Class tent will also be located. Lodging is not included in the Class registration and a College
housing packet will be mailed out in mid-March. You can also visit the College reunion website to get the names and number
for the many B&Bs, inns, and hotels in the area at www.alumni.dartmouth.edu/reunions. College housing refunds will be made only if your written cancellation is postmarked by May 17. There
is a $25 non-refundable cancellation fee and there will be no housing refunds after this date.
If you have not already done so, now is the time for you to make your intentions definite by registering
and paying “on line.” Your early registration will help to build
a list of attendees that will be published in future mailings and on our Class website which in turn will help to encourage
others to join us. The simple steps to register are:
2. Click on the Reunion site
3. Click on the registration page
4. Fill in the registration and payment information
This portal will be monitored by your Reunion Committee and, in particular, by our reunion registrar,
Hank Amon. If you are not able to register on line, please either fill out the form that is included with this mailing
and send it to reunion co-treasurer Dick Avery at the address provided on the form or call him directly at 781 987-4488, or
email him at rjaverycoh@aol.com with your information. Cancellations postmarked by May 31st will receive a full
reunion fee refund.
Travel Tip
For those of you contemplating the journey to Hanover by air, the discount airline Southwest has
inexpensive, web-only fares from many major U.S. airports into Manchester (MHT) where you can rent a car at reasonable rates
for the 75 minute ride up I-89 to the Upper Valley. However, rates do go up as you get closer to the date of the flight
so be sure to book early (www.southwest.com).
In the Dartmouth spirit,
For your 45th Reunion Committee Ted Atkinson & Bruce Wagner
* * * * *
** To order a new or used copy of the
book online, go to www.amazon.com and type in "Mountains Beyond Mountains." Current prices range upwards from $6.50 for a used, paperback version. Kidder
is a wonderful storyteller and Kim figures prominently in his story of the work of Paul Farmer and Partners in Health. (Also
see http://standwithhaiti.org for what they are doing in Haiti.).