Class of 65's 45th Reunion

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Dartmouth 1965: “Still On The Road”

40th Reunion: June 13-16, 2005

Registration Information



Alumni Name:                                                                                     Please list your size for the following item                                                                                                                                                     (S, M, L, XL, XXL)


Shirt                                                       Jacket                                                     Hat Size                                                               


Badge Name:                                                                                                                                                                                      


Home Telephone:                                                               Email Address:                                                                                   


Can we list your email address on our Class Web site?                            Yes                No          Please check one




Name:                                                                                                    Badge Name:                                                                      


Please list  your size for the following item (S, M, L, XL, XXL)


Shirt                                                       Jacket                                                     Hat Size                                                               



Please list additional guest with details on the back of this form.


Special Needs:                                                                                                                                                                                    


Expected Arrival Date:                                                                                      Time:                                                                   


Expected Departure Date:                                                                                 Time:                                                                   


Do you have possible interest in Golf                         Yes                No          Please check one

Do you have possible interest in Tennis                     Yes                No          Please check one

(for details on Golf & Tennis please go to


Registration Contest (Win an incredible prize at our reunion!):

Guess total number of Class of ‘65 40th Reunion Attendees        __________


Registration Fee:  Includes all events & meals as listed on the schedule from Monday dinner – Thursday breakfast)


                Class of ’65                                                                            X  $375   =            $                            

                Spouse/Partner/Guests                                                   X  $350   =            $                            

                Guests, 13 and Under                                                          X  $150    =            $                            

                Total Due:                                                                         “Class of 1965” =    $                            


Housing not included. Registration Fee 100% refundable if notified by May 31, 2005


Mail Payment and Registration Form to:                                      Mike Gonnerman

Make checks payable to “Class of 1965”                                         65 Washington Drive

                                Sudbury, MA 01776


Pete Frederick:                           

Roger Hansen:           

Mike Gonnerman:               


Dartmouth 1965: “Still On The Road”

40th Reunion: June 13-16, 2005

Registration Information



Alumni Name:                                                                                     Please list your size for the following item                                                                                                                                                     (S, M, L, XL, XXL)


Shirt                                                       Jacket                                                     Hat Size                                                               


Badge Name:                                                                                                                                                                                      


Home Telephone:                                                               Email Address:                                                                                   


Can we list your email address on our Class Web site?                            Yes                No          Please check one




Name:                                                                                                    Badge Name:                                                                      


Please list  your size for the following item (S, M, L, XL, XXL)


Shirt                                                       Jacket                                                     Hat Size                                                               



Please list additional guest with details on the back of this form.


Special Needs:                                                                                                                                                                                    


Expected Arrival Date:                                                                                      Time:                                                                   


Expected Departure Date:                                                                                 Time:                                                                   


Do you have possible interest in Golf                         Yes                No          Please check one

Do you have possible interest in Tennis                     Yes                No          Please check one

(for details on Golf & Tennis please go to


Registration Contest (Win an incredible prize at our reunion!):

Guess total number of Class of ‘65 40th Reunion Attendees        __________


Registration Fee:  Includes all events & meals as listed on the schedule from Monday dinner – Thursday breakfast)


                Class of ’65                                                                            X  $375   =            $                            

                Spouse/Partner/Guests                                                   X  $350   =            $                            

                Guests, 13 and Under                                                          X  $150    =            $                            

                Total Due:                                                                         “Class of 1965” =    $                            


Housing not included. Registration Fee 100% refundable if notified by May 31, 2005


Mail Payment and Registration Form to:                                      Mike Gonnerman

Make checks payable to “Class of 1965”                                         65 Washington Drive

                                Sudbury, MA 01776


Pete Frederick:                           

Roger Hansen:           

Mike Gonnerman:    

Enter subhead content here

Dartmouth 1965: “Still On The Road”

40th Reunion: June 13-16, 2005

Registration Information



Alumni Name:                                                                                     Please list your size for the following item                                                                                                                                                     (S, M, L, XL, XXL)


Shirt                                                       Jacket                                                     Hat Size                                                               


Badge Name:                                                                                                                                                                                      


Home Telephone:                                                               Email Address:                                                                                   


Can we list your email address on our Class Web site?                            Yes                No          Please check one




Name:                                                                                                    Badge Name:                                                                      


Please list  your size for the following item (S, M, L, XL, XXL)


Shirt                                                       Jacket                                                     Hat Size                                                               



Please list additional guest with details on the back of this form.


Special Needs:                                                                                                                                                                                    


Expected Arrival Date:                                                                                      Time:                                                                   


Expected Departure Date:                                                                                 Time:                                                                   


Do you have possible interest in Golf                         Yes                No          Please check one

Do you have possible interest in Tennis                     Yes                No          Please check one

(for details on Golf & Tennis please go to


Registration Contest (Win an incredible prize at our reunion!):

Guess total number of Class of ‘65 40th Reunion Attendees        __________


Registration Fee:  Includes all events & meals as listed on the schedule from Monday dinner – Thursday breakfast)


                Class of ’65                                                                            X  $375   =            $                            

                Spouse/Partner/Guests                                                   X  $350   =            $                            

                Guests, 13 and Under                                                          X  $150    =            $                            

                Total Due:                                                                         “Class of 1965” =    $                            


Housing not included. Registration Fee 100% refundable if notified by May 31, 2005


Mail Payment and Registration Form to:                                      Mike Gonnerman

Make checks payable to “Class of 1965”                                         65 Washington Drive

                                Sudbury, MA 01776


Pete Frederick:                           

Roger Hansen:           

Mike Gonnerman:               


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