Class of 1965
Mike Bettmann (
August 2003
Hanover Mini-Reunion October 24-26, 2003
The Class of 1965s Hanover mini-reunion
will be held this year over the October 24-26 Homecoming Weekend, with football and other athletic contests against Columbia.
Our mini-reunion headquarters will, as usual, be at Pierces Inn in Etna, with innkeepers Cindy Pierce and husband, Bruce Lingelbach.
Enclosed is a reservation form for the
weekend to be sent directly to Pierces Inn, together with a deposit. If you plan
to stay at Pierces, please note that Cindy and Bruce have eight rooms and a bunkroom.
The rooms range from $60 to $80 per night and the bunkroom is $30. If
anyone has a question for the innkeepers, you may email them at or call them at (603) 643-2997.
Friday October 26
6:00 PM
Family style dinner at Pierces or on own
7:00 PM
Alumni Parade and Bonfire, Hanover
(assemble on Lebanon St. near St. Denis Church
on Jim and Debbie Griffiths hay trailer)
Saturday October 27
7:30 AM Breakfast @ Pierces
10:30 AM Tailgate Brunch near Sphinx
12 Noon Football vs. Columbia
4:30 PM Joint Cocktail Reception with 64s/66s @ Rauner Library
6:30 PM Cocktails @ Pierces
7:30 PM Dinner @ Pierces (followed by the
Sunday October
8:00 AM
Breakfast @ Pierces
9:00 AM
Class of 1965 Meeting @ Pierces
This will be our 26th consecutive
fall mini-reunion in Hanover. Please join us and invite any son(s) and/or daughter(s)
currently attending Dartmouth to join us for dinner on Saturday.