Dear 1965 Classmates:
College Fund: Head Agent Ed Keible
(by telephone) and I met recently in New York City with Sandra Swain-Bromwell, the Class of 1965 Dartmouth College Fund (DCF)
liaison officer. Sandra summarized our fiscal 2003 performance to April 28, 2003 as follows: Donations: $270,640, Participation: 35% (donor base of
While we are slightly ahead of comparable 2002 DCF totals,
many regular donors have yet to step forward this fiscal year. As you know, June 30, 2003 is the end of the current DCF campaign.
Our Class goals this fiscal year are $350,000 and 50% participation. Please make every effort to contribute at whatever level
may be appropriate for you to help us achieve these goals. Also, please remember that we have not only a dollar goal but also
a participation goal. Lets at least achieve fifty percent (50%) of our donor base. That means contributions from 308 65s (216
members of the Class have made contributions as of 4/28/03).
Donations to the Dartmouth College Fund may be: (a) sent
by check (payable to the Dartmouth College Fund) to Dartmouth College, 6066 Development Office, Hanover, NH 03755-3555; (b)
made by telephone by calling Sandra or one of her assistants toll free at (800) 228-1769; or (c) made online by going to a
secure website:
The Class of 1965 can be extremely proud of its Dartmouth
College Fund performance in recent years. Of the five or so classes on either side of the Class of 1965, only the Class of
1964 regularly outpaces us in dollar terms. Participation is, however, another story, where we rank among the lowest of the
classes in our generation. Please do help the College (and the Class 1965) by making a donation before June 30.
Class of 1965 Legacies: Six classmates had a son or daughter apply to Dartmouth for the Class of 2007. Unfortunately, only one
was admitted, Emily Serrell, daughter of Paul Serrell. I understand that Emily will matriculate at Dartmouth this coming September.
August 1-3 60th Birthday Party: Plans continue to develop for our Class of 1965 60th birthday party in Hanover over the August 1-3, 2003
weekend. As previously noted, we will be involved in various service projects during part of the long weekend. Recreational
activities will also be scheduled. Evenings will involve outdoor barbecues in what Im sure will be lovely Hanover summer weather!
Please do plan to come for all or part of the weekend. We have booked Pierces Inn for the weekend so reservations may be made
by contacting the Innkeepers directly at Others may have their favorite Hanover lodging locations,
but if anyone needs assistance please feel free to email me ( or any of the other members of the organizing
committee Mike Bettmann (, Jim Griffiths ( and Ted Atkinson (
Class Website: Please check out the new, improved Class of 1965 website! Mike Gonnerman has led an effort to update the
website and, generally, make it more appealing. Work begun by Ward Hindman has now resulted, through Mikes efforts, in a very
attractive and useful website. You may access the website through and then click on Classes. This
will direct you to the Class of 1965 site.
See you in Hanover in early August!
Hank Amon