PhotoCredit: Jon Gilbert Fox |

-- From The Hanover Chamber of Commerce Site -- Click Image |
If You Don't Attend Now...
What Are You Waitng For?
Class of 1965 60th Birthday Party
August 1-3, 2003
Hanover, NH
Class of 1965 Mini-Reunion
October 24-26, 2003
Hanover, NH
Class of 1965
40th Reunion
June 13-16, 2005
Hanover, NH
Finally, Mother Nature Relents |

Spring Is Coming Up Crocusus |
Dear 65 Classmates:
A quiet spring on the Hanover plain, an observation that I know Steve Fowlers
wife Linda, Director of The Rockefeller Center on campus, disagrees with since she told me one evening in the Hanover Co-op
that she had never been busier. The Class of 03 (hard to even imagine) is enjoying
its last semester on campus. Winter lingered for a long time, and with it the
pleasant memories of mens hockey finishing third in the ECAC and the womens team bettering them by finishing third in the
country. Controversy, at least, seems to be at a minimum now that swimming has
been reinstated, and Dartmouth has been spared much of the backlash of the conflict in the Middle East.
In fact, Jim Wright recently reported
that applications for Dartmouth rose 16 per cent this year, to a new record, an increase higher than that of any school in
our peer group. The usual spate of Rhodes Scholarships, fellowships from the
National Endowment for the Humanities, and major research grants and awards to the affiliated schools have testified again
to Dartmouths academic excellence. I havent received any word yet about the success
of the football recruiting season, however.
1-3, 2003 Class of 1965 60th Birthday Party in Hanover
Steve Waterhouse again reports on our now-traditional Vail mini-reunion, held this March 7-9 (Visit Page). Once again some aging, but agile, members of the vaunted Class of 1965 gathered
in Vail, Colorado to enjoy some great skiing, shopping, house hunting, superb meals, fine wine and the company of a number
of Dartmouth Alumni who populate the Vail Valley. Our fellow 65's participating
included Ted Atkinson with wife to be Marcia Pryde, Norm Christianson with wife Ellen and son Jay, Chuck Lobitz, Ron Riley with wife Anne, Marshall Wallach and the Waterhouses.
Ron and Anne Riley organized a great dinner at Russell's which is located next to Vail's famous
Covered Bridge over Gore Creek. Ron's excellent staff smoothly handled the boisterous '65 party, and Ron arranged a
number of food specialties along with his signature beef dishes for the group. Ron also disavowed previously discussed
stories about the "interesting" vacuum cleaner sales tactics used in Kansas City several decades ago by three illustrious
members of our Class. The cocktail party included some outstanding food provided
by Steve and Linda at their home on Vail Mountain and a wine tasting focused on Norm and Ellen's wonderful "Canyon Wind" wines. If you have never had their wine, you are missing something special; its distributed
in 14 states, including the NH liquor store in Lebanon, NH [and the Hanover Co-op].
The cocktail party included 14 other local alums plus special Vail citizens like '60 Olympic skier and owner of the
best mountain retail store in the universe, Dave Gorsuch; former 4 Star General, Asst. Secretary of State, NATO Chief of Staff
and Gulf War Leader, Jack Chain; Vail's premier Magazine Publisher, Michael Barry; and
legendary local judge, Buck Allen '71. This group provided for a number of interesting discussions.
For you long range planners, the next Vail ski weekend will probably be organized for March 5-7,
2004, subject to suggestions of other dates.
On a personal note, I got Steve Waterhouse to
admit that as a result of the Mini Reunion parties the last couple of years, he has been elected President of the new Vail
Dartmouth Club. Steve claims he accepted only on the basis that the Club be on a new model, what he calls a Vail "Fraternity"
for local or part time area Dartmouth "Brothers and Sisters". He also told me
that his skiing has improved dramatically, to the extent that last year he lost only to locals with a real skiing background
in Austria and Germany. Our thanks to Steve and Linda for hosting this annual
Your class is providing ample evidence of
leadership in other places in the country, as we added two more corporate directorships to our portfolio. Eastman Chemical Company clearly saw such value in Steve Demeritt that they went so far as to increase the size of their Board in order to give him a
seat! Steve is vice chairman of General Mills, a position he has held since
1999. He joined that company in 1969 and has served variously as president
of General Mills Canada, president of International Foods, and CEO of Cereal Partners Worldwide. Following Dartmouth Steve graduated from Tuck, then served three years as a naval supply officer.
Showing the effects of going to school in snow country, Jim Frank was elected to the board of trustees of the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Team Foundation. The Foundation board is responsible for the funding and support of thousands of aspiring world-class skiers
and snowboarders involved in athletic programs of the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Association, the national governing body for
Olympic skiing and snowboarding. In his paying job, Jim is president and CEO
of Wheels, Inc., a corporate transportation services company, and president of FCE, Inc., the Frank family holding company. He also has extensive board experience, serving in that capacity with WTTW Chicago
Public Television, Northwesterns Kellogg School of Management, and the University of Chicago.
Jim got an MBA from Stanford, and if memory serves had two sons also graduate from Dartmouth. He lives in Winnetka, IL and has a vacation home in Aspen.
Our classs expertise is also sought out in other ways. I received a clipping from Newsday (Long Island, NY) containing an interview with Ed Taber. Ed is head of the institutional asset management group
and senior executive vice president at Legg Mason, Inc. He has been there since
1992, prior to which he was a director at T. Rowe Price with responsibility for taxable fixed-income operations; he was named
Best Bond Mutual Fund Manager by Business Week in 1987. Ed received an MBA from
Harvard following our graduation. For those interested, Ed counseled (this is
last December) patience, diversification among asset classes, and a touch of optimism toward 2003.
Also sought out, this time to appear at the Dartmouth Entrepreneurial Networks
Greener Ventures II symposium, were two members of your class. Ed Keible was flying in from his factory in Thailand to speak on Dealing with Disruption, and Kip Moore came over from Maine to join a panel on Financing. Mike Gonnerman attended, the only other 65 around, as far as I know, and from his report it sounds like Eds plane
did not make it in on time for the conference. Kip is president of Little Diamond
Island Enterprises, a venture capital company he created in Portland, Maine in 1993 to make early-stage investments in technology companies. He was named Maines
Angel of the Year by MESDA, Maines Software and Information Technology Industry Association, for his devotion to investing
in Maines businesses and ensuring their long-term success. Prior to Little Diamond,
he was a General Partner (with Russ Carson) of Welsh, Carson, Anderson & Stowe,
a New York based venture capital firm, and before that Kip was an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Cornell. After
Dartmouth, Kip received a Ph.D. and M.A. in Computer and Communication Sciences from the University of Michigan. For those interested in the Dartmouth Entrepreneurial Network, which has obviously caught the attention
of many of your fellow class members, log on to www.den.dartmouth.edu for a rundown.
I came across an interview in the Boston
Globe with our own Dr. Joel Feldman. Joel
practices plastic surgery at Mt. Auburn Hospital in Cambridge, Mass, and is also an Associate Clinical Professor of Surgery
at Harvard Medical School, where he received his medical degree after Dartmouth. In
the interview he talks about how treatment in his specialty may take months or years to be completed, requiring courage and
perseverance on the part of both patient and doctor. He describes his interest
in plastic surgery (the term plastic covering both cosmetic and reconstructive surgery) as stemming from his desire to improve
the quality of life for his patients. Joel has a special focus on facial features
and on restoration of severe burns, and he has developed many new methods within the field of facial burn reconstruction (such
as moving tissue from one area of the body to the face to help aid in the appearance of normal surface cover). He also teaches other practitioners and residents both in the U.S. and overseas in the newest methods of
plastic surgery on the face.
Thats all for now,
folks. Brigid and I wish you love and happiness.
We hope to see may of you at one of our upcoming get-togethers. Check out that web site: http://www.dartmouth.org/classes/65/.
Bob Murphy
Class of 1965 60th Birthday Party
August 1-3, 2003
Hanover, NH
For those more interested in a visit to Hanover, and for those of us who have some subconscious
notion that perhaps an important date for us may be upcoming in 2003, we are planning a joint 60th birthday party headquartered
at Pierces Inn, 65s home away from home. With luck the weekend will involve a Saturday workday on a Habitat for Humanity or
similar project (see Hank Amons letter). We will also auction, among other things, the Class of 1965 and Dartmouth memorabilia
of our late classmate, Jock Hosmer, with the proceeds to go to the Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund. As a Hanover resident,
I can tell you first-hand that summers in the Upper Valley are perhaps the best season of the year. If you had a Dartmouth
legacy, you have undoubtedly heard of the glories of sophomore summer. So, please mark your calendar for this event.
In addition to attending Greener Ventures II, Mike Gonnerman has been busy redesigning our class website with the assistance of John Sottile '64. He says We
have added a number of webcams and campus photos, and are looking for links to other classmate's www sites. You can
see it at http://www.dartmouth.org/classes/65/. Any comments, suggestions, links etc. would be appreciated. While not doing that work, Mike and his wife have a real life! Betsy
and I have been running for many years, and last year I ran the Mount Washington Road Race and the Hartford Marathon.
The Mt. Washington race was shortened from seven miles to about four, due to bad weather at the summit (29 degrees, winds
of 60-70 mph -- in June!), but still was very difficult -- all uphill. At Hartford I qualified for this April's Boston
marathon, and wonder whether any other classmates will be there? Betsy and I are on the Board of Directors of the
Boston affiliate of the Susan G. Koman Breast Cancer Foundation, which organizes the Race for the Cure in September in Boston. If thats not enough, Mike adds Im also on the Advisory Board of Boston Cure Project,
a new non-profit after a cure for multiple sclerosis (a young entrepreneur I worked with for many years was diagnosed
with MS and decided to work to find a cure -- see www.bostoncure.org). Anyone
left with the energy to contact Mike can do so at Michael@gonnerman.com.
The aforementioned Mr.
Keible was to appear at Greener Ventures II as president of Endwave Corp., a wireless semi-conductor company in Sunnyvale,
California. Heres what they do, straight from their website: Endwave Corporation (Nasdaq:
ENWV) is a leading provider of radio frequency (RF) subsystems for carrier-class, cellular backhaul and broadband wireless
access networks. I couldnt have said that better myself actually, I couldnt have
said it at all. Ed also reports In mid-April I'll
be meeting with one of my closest undergraduate friends, Tom Morton. Tom
is now the VP of Strategic Missile Systems for Lockheed, big deal job! He and his wife Karen live in Santa Cruz, over
the mountains from our home in Palo Alto. Consequently, I somehow see East Coast classmates more frequently than Tom,
shame. If he were a date, he'd be GU, Geographically Undesirable! I
guess the Morton story must be true, because I looked up a site that Ed steered me to and there he is: "We are extremely
proud of the perfect performance record of the TRIDENT II (D5) missile system," said Tom Morton, vice president of Strategic
Missile Programs at Missiles & Space Operations in Sunnyvale. "Achieving 95 consecutive successful test launches is truly
a remarkable feat. You can reach Ed at ed.keible@endwave.com.
24-26, 2003 Class of 1965 Mini-Reunion in Hanover
Needing a birthday present for my golfing Dad and another friend, I received just the
news I needed from Dick Durrance. My latest book, THE PGA TOUR: A Look Behind the Scenes,
is just hitting the book store shelves. I spent a good part of last year following the tour, learning how very hard
those guys work to groove those seemingly effortless swings; coming to admire extraordinarily good Tiger really is -- his
power, concentration, control, imagination, and unyielding confidence are even more impressive seen from inside the ropes;
getting to know how the players like Kirk Triplett and their families manage to live something like a normal life traveling
half of every year with the circus-like TOUR; learning how much effort goes into staging each weeks wonderful show -- meeting
some of 1,000 volunteers who devote a significant part of their year to staging that wonderful show; and discovering that
Gary McCord and David Feherty are even funnier in person than they are on the air. It was a wonderful year, but, I am
sad to report that watching those guys for a year did not shave even a single stroke from my handicap. Books can be found
in bookstores, on the internet, or, if guys want signed copies, from me. I actually
took Dick up on his offer and now have two personally and appropriately autographed copies of his book (which is a beauty)
ready for the upcoming dates. Dick says you can reach him for similar results at ddurrance2@earthlink.net), by phone (970-963-4963, or by fax (970-963-9696).
My fellow New Hampshirite, Dr. Roger Hansen, filled me in on his activities: My principal piece of Dartmouth related
news involves our local Dartmouth Club of Southwestern New Hampshire. After going
through the various chairs, from Book Award Chairman on up to President for three years, I am in my second year as Treasurer. Its been an interesting journey as the Club transitions from a faithful and dedicated
group of members and leaders from classes of the thirties and forties to new, younger leadership of alumni from the sixties
through the nineties. Our current President, Rick MacMillan '66 has done a particularly
great job of innovation with new activities like a community service project helping to do the spring cleanup at the Cathedral
of the Pines in Rindge, NH. This is an outdoor chapel built in memory of Sanderson
Sloan '39 who was killed in WWII. In the
summer there is a picnic to welcome new matriculating students as well as gatherings in the fall and spring. The Annual Meeting in December generally involves a speaker from the College. Its been fun to see the Club rally with a lot of new faces and some old ones. Rick Monahan '65 and wife Duffy attend frequently. I continue
along with my orthopaedic surgery practice, getting away to Barbados in January with friends and to Florida with kids and
grand kids in February. Roger is available to you at hrhansen@monad.net.
from New Hampshire, Rick Mahoney reports on our Phillips Exeter triumvirate. Jack Herney, Dave Weber and I have passed the century mark in terms of collective service here.
Jack is a pre-eminent instructor in history, and has filled several key administrative positions during his career
here. Daves academic field is English, but he is also very involved as the boys
cross country coach and as an important advisor to the Gay-Straight Alliance on campus.
My title is Director of Financial Aid, but I get my biggest kicks as the girls varsity basketball coach. We all love what we do here and think we have many good years left in us.
final e-mail exchange of the quarter (I should probably replace the mailbox symbol I inherited from Allen Zern to a computer screen) was with Jeff Aldred out in Boulder,
Colorado. He told me he was Trying to stay above ground and doing a pretty good job of it. Loving life, married
for the first time and glad that I waited to find the great one that will be my partner for the rest of my life. I still live
in Boulder, Colorado. Here since 1967 when I got out of the Marines. I have been involved with way more startup companies
than I should have, but the run has been more fun than I can say. I now work for American Standard doing Product Development
in their water filtration efforts. I have had the immense pleasure of traveling to Korea, China and Hong Kong recently. I
never thought that I would see those places and now I have. This investigative
reporter learned that Jeffs wife Trudi is a widow whom Jeff has known for 30 years, so he got the family without the diapers,
as he puts it. Obviously it works, since he added Nothing like the best of relationships
to keep the blood pumping. Youthful and vigorous does it. I somehow don't believe that here I am at 60 and wondering just
how I got this far. Never thought that I would, but the day came and passed and now another digit gets added to the total.
I tell most of my friends who are younger than I am that "I am ahead, leading the pack"; sometimes they believe me, but most
times, they just wonder about impending senior moments, especially as I still play the occasional game of Rugby with the Boulder
Old Boys. Interesting is the best part of it all. Gotta keep on learning stuff or the brain goes to pot. Amen. Find him at aldredj@amstd.com.
13-16, 2005 Class of 1965 40th Reunion
our ranks have dwindled with the loss of two classmates. Hugh McGee and Ed Keible provided me with these details. Paul Sowa (Visit Link) passed away on February 3, 2003, at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Hospital.
A memorial service was held in White River Junction. Paul had been battling
leukemia for about two years, but he died quite suddenly of an infection that his immune system could no longer fight. He
was a tough and tenacious football player, a valuable teammate, and fine engineering student. He did not play football our
senior year, instead concentrating on engineering and John Kemeny's new computer language.
Paul was living in Quechee, Vermont at the time of his death; he leaves his wife Joan, and sons Michael 89 and Mark
also lost Al Hotchkin (Visit Link) in February. Al had left McKinsey
& Company to enter the New York City wine scene in the early 1980s. He owned
both Tastings in Midtown and Tastings 2 on the East Side, serving wine by the glass when it first became fashionable. In 1982 he founded the International Wine Center, a wine school, offering classes
and wine club tastings for the trade as well as novices and collectors. He eventually
closed both bars and sold the center, and established the Burgundy Wine Company, where he continued as a fixture on the New
York wine scene as a wine merchant specializing in Burgundy. He leaves his wife,
Deg Rasmussen of Manhattan.
Class of 1965 40th Reunion
June 13-16, 2005
Hanover, NH
Finally (meaning "this is the end") its not too soon to start planning way ahead
for our official 40th reunion only a couple of years from now. If youre a regular attendee, you already know the enjoyment
of seeing old friends and making new ones. Its been remarkable to me how my own post-graduation group of classmate friends
has grown over the years. If you are among the "never" or "rarely attend" reunion group, think seriously about coming back
and seeing both old and new (to you) faces. Its just a relaxed, unpressured vacation among a bunch of folks that, as it turns
out, you really do have a lot in common with. As a big plus, and as I said earlier, Hanover in the summer is gorgeous. Many
reunion-goers tie this trip into a longer visit to New England or the East, as well. Brigid and look forward to seeing you
then. You can see in the picture below that there are nothing but smiles - thats what a Dartmouth reunion is all about!