Its been a quiet summer at Dartmouth and on the Hanover plain. Traditions with which we were not familiar during
our undergraduate days are reminders of how the College changes with the times. Sophomore summer, the summer fling weekend,
and Tubestock on the Connecticut River are new to us, unless weve been fortunate enough to have our children follow in our
Big Green footsteps. Some of the activities of Zeta Psi, which led to the permanent closing of the fraternity in May,
may have stirred vague memories of the excesses of our all-male college days. Of note: the colleges yield of freshmen
has substantially exceeded expectations, leading to financial offers to defer entrance for a year as well as application to
the town to build temporary dorms.
We have here some reports on class activities, details on class projects, wonderful plans for the next few years, and even
a Class of 65 mystery! Get out your calendars:
October 19-21, 2001 - Hanover (Homecoming) Mini-Reunion |
Yep, its coming up to that fabulous and fantastic fun-filled fall frolic (is that alliteration, you English majors?), under
Larry Duffys skillful hand. Check out the schedule and sign-up sheet at the end of this missive.
The date above was confirmed by your Executive Committee, which met on July 18 in Old Saybrook, Connecticut at Bill
Websters lovely home. In addition to Bill, attending were Hank Amon, Mike Bettmann, Bob Blake,
Carl Boe, Bob Ernst, Steve Fowler, Mike Gonnerman, Jim Griffiths, Ken McGruther, and Mike Orr. It
was noted at the meeting that The Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund has been increased by $6,620, enabling the Class to reach
the necessary $50,000 threshold for the first scholarship. Our first scholar will be chosen by the College from this years
entering Freshman Class. It was agreed that our Scholar would be invited to the Saturday night Mini-Reunion dinner.
To raise funds for awarding an annual Scholarship it was unanimously agreed to raise Class dues by $10 to $60, with probably
$20 of that to go towards the Scholarship Fund (the remaining $40 matches our actual class operating expenses.) More details
on these items are in Hank Amons letter toward the end of this mailing.
Also discussed at the meeting was the next out-of-Hanover mini-reunion, although it was agreed that the Steve Waterhouse
special in Vail was hard to top. Not to fear, with particular inspiration from Sing Chiu check
this out:
October 3-6, 2002 - Hong Kong Mini-Reunion |
Yes indeed, we are venturing far afield at Sings suggestion and hope to attract you to this corner of our 65 world.
As it happens, Dartmouth President Jim Wright will be passing through on his way to Beijing, and will be our special guest.
If youve been thinking about someday getting around to a trip to the Pacific Rim, this is the time to do it! Details
will follow, but think seriously about this special opportunity. Closer to home, well have a 60th Birthday Party mini
somewhere in the USA during 2003, with discussion and planning to be done at our October mini-reunion in Hanover.
Photo courtesy of Old Saybrook, CT Organized Crime Task Force
Still have your calendars or Palms out and running? If you were at our 35th Reunion in Hanover last year, or if you
only heard about the fun, or if youre a believer in round numbers and only come to reunions ending in zero, mark down the
dates below.
June 13-16, 2005 - Class of 1965 40th Reunion |
This is a Monday to Thursday gig. We do know for a fact that The Class of 1965 Players, being organized by Brian
Porzak (Director) and Jim Griffiths (Musical Director), will arrange their world premier performance
on the Wednesday (June 15) of the Reunion. It is unthinkable that any of us would miss this remarkable debut!
We have a couple of new initiatives to ponder and talk about at our future meetings. First, one of our Class projects
is to obtain books of literature (fiction and nonfiction), poetry and photography, as well as substantial articles that might
have been published by members of the Class of 1965. The purpose would be to assemble these materials somehow, perhaps
in a display case, in the Class of 1965 Webster Hall Galleries or otherwise to make this compendium available in the Rauner
Library. Accordingly, we would like to seek information from class authors/writers/poets/photographers about their publications.
Those of you who have published (or those who are aware of classmates who have published) can provide information to me, Sven
Karlen (our Special Projects guru), or any other class officer about these matters. You can find contact information
on our class Website. Should be fun.
Second, Dick Bordeau has a fascinating idea, especially for the numerous 65 entrepreneurs. Im summarizing,
but contact Dick at after this spurs your interest. The venture initiative is a class project that I originated. The idea originated
through a friend who is a trustee of Babson College. Seven years ago, he convinced five entrepreneurs (like himself) to donate
five percent of their founders stock to Babson's endowment. Those five were also asked to go out and find five more donors
each who would do the same by the first anniversary date. This entire effort achieved great visibility because it was launched
at Babson's annual Executive of the Year Dinner in front of an audience of several thousand well-heeled alums and outside
supporters. From its origin the concept took off and now Babson enjoys a substantially larger endowment augmented by a sizeable
(and growing) venture capital pool.
I concluded that if Babson can pull this off, surely Dartmouth and its affiliated schools can knock the ball out of the
park. I originally contacted Dartmouth officials about this three to four years ago and received a fairly tepid response
mainly, I think in retrospect, because they were anticipating major personnel changes in the endowment area. Now, with the
changes completed, they have actually begun to embrace the idea, even establishing a Director of Venture Initiatives, Mr.
Peter Glenshaw. Others are also aware of our Class sponsorship of this idea including Win Johnson, Cary Palzell and Bruce
Smith in endowment and development. I have offered to work very closely with all of them to help insure that Dartmouth realizes
the full potential of the leverage of this concept. It is very clear that Dartmouth is well behind its Ivy counterparts in
tapping its true potential. Hank and I very much hope that our Class receives proper recognition for initiating this
project and I personally hope that we can develop a core of Classmates who, because of their complimentary professional careers,
will help spearhead its implementation over the next few years across all Dartmouth's Alumni Classes. It could achieve unprecedented
results and also be a heck of a lot of fun in the process.
Bruce Wagner sent me the official press release announcing his appointment as Vice President of Marketing
and Corporate Communications for MSX International, a Michigan-based provider of technology-driven business services that
enable customers to significantly improve their competitive advantage. Clearly a big business MSX has sales exceeding
$1 billion, and over 14,000 employees in 23 countries. Bruce confesses to some surprise at moving from a consulting
role to actually signing on with the client, but hopes to have fun helping some good people create a global company.
Showing his true Dartmouth colors, hes hoping this doesnt turn into that last ski run of the day, ending in an ignominious
face-plant! Reach him on
A card from Thunder Bay, Ontario from Claude Liman notes his separation just shy of 20 years of marriage,
sad but necessary, but Rocks says he is on the mend and still in love with life. Hes running and biking daily, and promises
to kick butt on the cross-country ski circuit next winter. He biked through Hanover early this summer on his way to
Marthas Vineyard and then his 40th reunion at Deerfield Academy. Youll find him at
After 36 years of filing these things in the circular file, Im going to write something. Sit up and take note, classmates,
at this green card from Dave Mulliken. His older son David graduated this year from Dartmouth after
three letters in the middle distances, just like his old man did for Ellie Noyes lo these many years ago. Unfortunately,
Dave conspired with Sven Karlen (who also has an athletic son at Harvard) to send his younger son Doug to
the Crimson to play volleyball, explaining that the Big Green does not support mens volleyball as a varsity sport. Assuming
you forgive Dave for this minor transgression, you can dial him up at
Its always reassuring to know that you actually read what I concoct! Gary Herbst writes that he
has recently retired from J. P. Morgan, and read the news about Bruce Gottschalls award in the last Newsletter.
Gary is interested in talking with Bruce about his career in the non-profit world, and asked for Bruces e-mail address (which
I dont have). Can someone help Gary? Bruce, are you listening? Contact him at, and see him at the October mini.
The final item in my mailbox is from Brad Hawley, another retiree who remains active in infectious disease
education as Professor Emeritus (sounds distinguished) after his retirement in 1999 from Wright State University. This
past May he received one of three special recognition awards from the Infectious Disease Society of Ohio. Brad also
retains his Dartmouth activity by meeting monthly for lunch with the Dayton Dartmouth Alumni group, joining recently with
the Cincinnati Club for an evening at the Cincinnati Pops (which he notes is led by Erich Kunzel 53). Find Brad at
As many of our news items seem to center on the younger generation, Paul Pringle's daughter, Jennifer,
a Dartmouth graduate, Class of 1994, was married on Saturday, July 14, in Plainfield, New Hampshire at the Home Hill Inn to
Jon Fahey. Hank Amon attended the wedding and reception along with Rich Beams.
One of our Class projects is an annual contributory participation in the Athletic Sponsor Program. We have been informed
by Bob Ceplikas '78, the Program Director, that our recent contribution helped make possible the campus recruiting trip of
prospective student-athlete, Alexandria Otto, of St. Louis, Missouri, whose sport is field hockey. Lexie was admitted
to Dartmouth and will join the Class of 2005 in September! She cited her first-hand view of the "Dartmouth Experience"
as being very influential in her decision to choose Dartmouth.
Finally, the class mystery. This summer, while doing renovations in French Hall (known to us as South Wigwam Dormitory),
a member of Dartmouths Building and Grounds crew came across a note hidden in a wall. It was written by a classmate,
possibly in desperation as he finished a freshman year in the Wigs, and he somehow slipped a notecard into the wall.
A copy of the card appears below: will the real Tom please step forward and solve this mystery?
Who is the author of this artifact, almost 40 years old,from South Wigwam?
Dear 1965 Classmates:
The Class of 1965 Executive Committee met recently at Bill Websters home in Old Saybrook, Connecticut, and I would like
to take this opportunity to highlight several items discussed at the meeting that Bob didnt mention.
Treasurer Steve Fowler reported that the Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund has reached $50,000, entitling us to a named scholar
from this falls incoming freshmen class. We should all be extremely proud of this achievement. Our ultimate goal
is to grow the Scholarship Fund to $200,000 which will enable the Class to have, at all times, a named scholar in each of
the freshman, sophomore, junior and senior classes. For now, we hope to increase the Scholarship Fund to $75,000 by
June 30 of next year and to $100,000 by 2003. Under guidelines established by the College, I understand that the specific
scholarship award is $2,500, being 5% of the $50,000 Scholarship Fund.
As noted, our goal is to add $25,000 to the Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund during the course of this year. Hopefully,
many classmates will be moved to contribute to this Scholarship Fund on a regular basis. Importantly, the Class of 1965
Scholarship Fund is, for now, considered to be outside the Dartmouth College Fund (the new umbrella term which incorporates
the old Alumni Fund). Accordingly, contributions to the Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund will not count towards the annual
Dartmouth College Fund until (hopefully soon) the College goes to a system which credits all Dartmouth philanthropy in each
fiscal year toward a single annual class goal. You may recall that this system was in place during our 35th Reunion
but on an experimental basis. To complicate matters further, donations to the Dartmouth College Fund may be earmarked
toward scholarship needs but this means the Colleges General Scholarship Fund rather than the specific Class of 1965 Scholarship
Fund. In any event, we are off to a great start with our Fund and lets make every effort to keep the total growing!
As Bob noted, the Executive Committee approved an increase in Class dues from $50 to $60 starting with this falls appeal.
Last year, we had a total of 320 dues payers in the Class of 1965. This represents slightly less than 50% of our base.
Steve Fowler and I are going to make every effort to increase this total, specifically since a portion of the dues will now
go toward our Scholarship Fund. Steves initial Class dues mailing will be sent this fall and please make every effort
to join the ranks of Class dues payers.
The Executive Committee voted to continue our funding of four on-going programs. Specifically, we have earmarked
$500 to the annual 1965 Academic Achievement Award and 1965 Service Achievement Award for graduating Native American students;
$500 in annual financial aid for freshmen to participate in the Freshmen Trip Program; $500 as an annual contributory participation
in the Athletic Sponsor Program; and $250 to an annual contributory membership in the Friends of Baker Library.
As regards new projects, please note the appeal elsewhere in this newsletter which seeks to identify classmates who may
have published works of fiction, nonfiction, poetry or photography or who may otherwise have contributed noteworthy articles
or stories to periodicals. The Executive Committee also discussed two new, potentially exciting projects, and we hope
to have more detail on these to present to the Class during the October Mini-Reunion.
Finally, although the results are as of this writing still preliminary, a round of snaps to Head Agent Ed Keible and his
team of volunteer callers for having exceeded our goal of $300,000 for the Dartmouth College Fund campaign ended June 30,
2001. Cash receipts are approximately $330,000 but a significant number of pledges ($55,000) remained outstanding and
were (hopefully) to trickle in early this month. Final figures will be provided by Ed in a wrap up letter. This
achievement is particularly significant following, as it does, our 35th Reunion year.
See you in Hanover on October 19-21, 2001 for the Mini-Reunion at Pierces. Lets hope for better weather than we had
last year!
Hank Amon, President |
Larry Duffy ( Mike Bettmann (
Homecoming Weekend (the Columbia game) is again the time for our fall mini-reunion. HQ is at Reg and Nancy Pierce's Inn
in Etna, where we have been every fall since 1979. Their rooms are $40-68 and the bunkroom is $19. Other lodging possibilities
are the Best Western in White River Jct. @ 802-295-3015, Lake Morey Inn in Fairlee, VT @ 802-333-4311, or contact the Alumni
Office for many more. Activities include golf at Lake Morey (contact Duffy for tee times), hoss-ridin' (contact Sharon
Blake 781-235-3139), canooo-in' @ Ledyard (603-646-2753), tennis @ Pierces', and/or whatever else you'd like to do in this
beautiful season of autumn in New England.
Friday, 10/19: |
6:00 PM Family style dinner @ Pierces 7:30PM alumni parade and bonfire, Meet at St. Denis' Church on Lebanon
Street and get on Jim & Debby Griffiths' hay trailer |
Saturday, 10/20: |
7:30 AM breakfast @ Pierces' 10:00 AM tailgate @ Sphinx Noon: Football v. Columbia After game : Meeting
at Rauner Library Class of 1965 Galleries 5:30 PM bar open at Pierces and dinner for kids 6:45 PM dinner for adults,
kids 13 and older, and '65 legacies Later PM: Entertainment by the Aires, and frolicking into the night. |
Sunday, 10/21: |
8:00 AM breakfast at Pierces', class meeting until about 10:30 Later: Whatever. There will be golf on Sunday
at about 1:00 PM. |
--Tear Off and Send In to Register (Even if staying elsewhere)--
Mail this form by October 12 with deposit check for $30 to: Pierces' Inn 261 Dogford Rd. Etna, NH 03750 (603-643-2997)
Names (you/wife/"other"/kids): ________________________
Address: ________________________ ________________________ ________________________
Phone: ________________________
E-mail: ________________________
Lodging at Pierces needed ________________________ ________________________ |
Family Dinner Fri. at Pierces' adults___ kids___
Sat. Breakfast at Pierces' adults___ kids___
Sat. Tailgate front of Sphinx adults___ kids___
Sat. Bar/Dinner at Pierces' adults___kids<13___older kids___
Sunday breakfast at Pierces' adults___ kids___ |