Dear '65 Classmates:
Describing the appearance of Dartmouth and Hanover for the Spring
Newsletter is, I have come to realize, something of a shot in the dark. I'm composing this in late March, and I can tell you
that it's quite pleasant now with the first flowers and hints of green starting to appear, but there's a reasonable chance
for a good-sized dump before you actually read this. Such are the risks and rewards of life in New England, where we have
just had the warmest New Hampshire winter in 122 years.
The primary topic of town-gown conversation lately has been
the possibility of Dartmouth purchasing Hanover High School and Middle School, which some of you will remember are across
Lebanon Street from the open end of the football stadium, and relocating the schools out to Reservoir Road, not far from the
old ski jump. This proposal has gained favor from local citizens interested in reducing the overall cost of the school renovation/construction
project, but has raised fears among others of undue College influence in downtown development (particularly coming on the
heels of last year's purchase by the College of 19 downtown properties, mainly student rentals). The situation was not resolved
with the passage of two somewhat contradictory proposals at the School District meeting this month, so the future appearance
of downtown Hanover is still an open question.
Not so questionable is the level of fun when members of the
Class assemble. Steve Waterhouse reports on the March 8-10 mini-reunion in Vail. "Another lovely weekend in Colorado has come
to an end. A few hardy members of the Class of 1965 gathered to ski the mighty Vail Mountain again. At some point during the
weekend or the planning for it, we exchanged Wah-Hoo-Wahs with Debbie and Jim Griffiths, Ellen and Norm Christianson
plus their son Jay, Ann and Ron Riley, Marshall Wallach, Gretchen and Chuck Lobitz, Sue and Dick Durrance,
and Diane and Tom Campbell.
The weekend actually got started a couple of weeks earlier when
Tom and Diane Campbell stopped in to ski with Linda and me for a day. We had one of those great Colorado ski days with little
competition for the slopes and made some great runs. As happened last year, when the Griffiths arrived for the Vail Mini Reunion
weekend, so did the snow! Last year, Jim fought his way through a huge storm in New Hampshire, and then skied through 35 inches
of fresh powder in Vail. On day one of his visit this year, the snow was flying fast and furious again. Fortunately, the second
and third days were all blue skies and wonderful Colorado sun so Jim and Debbie did finally get to see the awesome mountain
landscape in this part of the world.
During our weekend adventure, we got to ski some of Vail's finest
runs, including the China Bowl and the "double diamond" Blue Ox with our intrepid, larger than life Norm Christianson leading
the way. At six foot, nine inches, Norm is a great sight to follow roaring down the ski hills. His slightly shorter son, Jay,
a part-time Vail Ski instructor when he is not away attending College, is still growing so Dad may yet be surpassed. Jay was
recognized by all of us as the best skier in the group, a great guide and as having great tolerance to put up with us bumbling
old folks.
In addition to skiing, we managed to chow down at some of Vail's
more interesting eateries and gather with a number of other Dartmouthites in the Vail Valley from the Classes of '53, '60,
'66 and '67 for a massive cocktail party with some 41 attendees at our house on Saturday night. Our Class Master Wine Maker,
Norm Christianson, once again provided bottles of his now famous "Canyon Winds" Colorado Chardonnay and Cabernet wines for
an informal wine tasting. True to our Dartmouth heritage, we came close to drinking a record per person bottle count.
As an early invitation to any other interested skiers or just
plain fun loving folks, we will gather again for Vail III next year on March 7-9. We are organizing a "ski camp" after the
weekend, and will be participating in an outstanding new ski program in Vail, called "Master Camps" March 10-15. This program
is scheduled to be run seven weeks next year. This is more than just "follow the instructor" type ski training. It involves
spending Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday in a very organized program of individualized coaching, skiing drills,
a daily video of ski runs for each participant, afternoon "dry land" training discussions and a review of the video runs.
I have participated in clinic weeks both last year and this year, as have some of my Vail friends, and all levels of skier
can take "Master Camps" and gain improvement.
If you enjoy the snow and the mountains, come join us in Vail
next year, March 7-9, 2003. If you have a possible interest in taking the "Master Camp" March 10-15, please let us know and
we will get you the details." You can reach Steve and Linda at stewater@aol.com.
June 26, 2002 - Executive Committee Meeting in Connecticut
Hank Amon let me know that, even though he
is (or was at the time) in Helsinki, he's still firmly at our helm. "Is winter over (at least for us northerners)? Did we
ever have one? Anyway, spring training has begun and the crocuses are up in Central Park. So, I have been in contact with
Bill Webster, and he has kindly agreed to host a Class of 1965 Executive Committee meeting on Wednesday, June 26, 2002,
at the shore in Connecticut. Please mark your calendars and reserve this date!
I met yesterday with Jamshed Bharucha, the Dartmouth Dean of
Facility for the Arts and Sciences, and discussed with him our Class proposal for a teaching excellence award. He was most
enthusiastic and had many good thoughts and suggestions. I will prepare a report after making further inquiries among various
College constituencies and intend to make a presentation to the Executive Committee meeting in June."
Hank also let me know that The American Institute of Architects
has awarded its 2002 Institute Honor Award for Architecture to Venturi, Scott Brown and Associates for its renovation of the
Rauner Special Collections Library, which, of course, includes the Class of 1965 Galleries. There was a formal reception on
April 5 at Rauner to celebrate this award.
Brigid and I had the good fortune to spend a weekend at Stowe
with Mike Hughes and his wife Dorothy Williams, as both of our wives were attending a conference on behalf of Dartmouth-Hitchcock
Medical Center. Among other things, Mike and I had a chance to ski together and generally renew an old acquaintance from the
days when Mike's former company was a banking client of mine. Mike is a co-founder in 1984 of Silvatech Corp., headquartered
in Bethel, Vermont. As a consulting engineer, Mike had originally designed a computer-controlled scanning system and carriage
for his current partner's sawmill; when other operators started asking for similar equipment, the business was born. Check
it out at www.silvatech.com.
I also had a Hanover visit from Norm Christianson, just
prior to his leaving for the Vail mini-reunion. Norm was on an Eastern swing marketing his Canyon Wind wines, and had just
come from convincing the Hanover Co-op to stock his wines. After a long career circling the globe as a geologist, Norm and
Ellen settled in Colorado to raise their son Jay. The vineyard they started is recognized as the best in Colorado, and Norm
says the Cabernet has recently been given a very good "87" rating by Wine Spectator and been awarded silver medals at recent
taste-offs. Steve Waterhouse has introduced Norm to the owner of Sherry-Lehmann, arguably the top wine store in the country,
with the hope that Canyon Wind might be stocked there. Son Jay is maintaining the New Hampshire legacy by attending St. Anselm's
College in Manchester.
Dartmouth continues to benefit from the generosity of the Class
of '65, both as a class and as individual alumni. Most recently the College received a $1 million gift from Russ Carson
to underwrite hardware and software upgrades for faculty teaching and research efforts. Some 280 faculty members benefited
from Russ' original gift in 1996, a program designed to allow faculty resources to keep pace with technological change. Russ
has been a member of the Board of Trustees since 1999, and is a co-founder of Welsh, Carson, Anderson, & Stowe, a private
investment firm in New York City.
The Class, as you may know, contributes to the DOC Trips Scholarship
Fund to assist those who would otherwise be unable to participate in the Trips (known in Ye Olde Tymes as "Freshman Trips").
A note from Justin Barnard '02, DOC Trips Director, says in part "I wanted to thank you for the Class of '65's generous gift
to the DOC Trips Scholarship Fund this past year. With your gift and others, we were able to provide aid for 128 students.
In all, 948 students went on trips amid some of the most beautiful weather that New Hampshire has ever seen. All came back
to Hanover excited about Dartmouth and their experiences in the woods."
And, of course, don't forget that annual, fun-filled fall frolic!
For the football fans, the prize recruit has been quarterback Dan Shula, son of Dave '81 and Leslie '81, and grandson of Don
Homecoming Mini Reunion
November 1-3, 2002 - Hanover

On the New Hampshire front, Glenn Currie reported from
Concord that "I still haven't figured out what I want to do when I grow up. In the meantime, however, the consulting business
has been going well and I have been writing a little bit for the Concord Monitor (60-70 pieces over about 10 years)." Glenn
was kind enough to enclose a couple of articles that he said would "fill you in on what Suzanne and I have been wrestling
with". I certainly identified with his piece on having both his daughters marry and leave the family home, after 15 years
in New Hampshire, and I empathized and laughed at the article on cleaning out his parents' home. "I believe [magazines, etc.]
procreate when left alone together. I am particularly suspicious of an affair between the Redbooks and the Rotarian magazines,
although I think the McCalls are also fooling around." Great stuff. You can reach Glenn at GlennKC@aol.com.
Tom Meacham asks if anyone caught Tom Brokaw's
Winter Olympic coverage piece on the Army's 10th Mountain Division in WW II. Tom reports "Brokaw gave a good capsule history
of the legendary 10th and its campaign in Italy, and the far-reaching effect of its members on the postwar growth and popularity
of skiing and ski resorts in the US. Brokaw interviewed six aging vets from the 10th, around a blazing fireplace.
I was amazed and pleased to see that one of the six vets was
Dartmouth Army ROTC's own Sergeant-Major William R. Brown, looking as gruff and no-nonsense as ever! I'm sure that every Army
ROTC member at Dartmouth has vivid memories of Sgt.-Major Brown as the archetypal, quintessential "Army sergeant" for the
ages -- the kind of person Hollywood movies starring John Wayne are made about -- but Sgt.-Maj. Brown is the real deal. He
retired from the Army and moved to Vail, where he was slope manager for many years. I think he still lives in the Vail area.
He was inducted into the US Ski Hall of Fame (which is located at Vail), in recognition of his establishment of the US Junior
Nationals ski competitions after WW II. Unexpectedly seeing his face and hearing his trademark gravel voice again on a TV
piece about the Winter Olympics brought some vivid college memories back to me. I can virtually guarantee you that no classmate
or Dartmouth alum who went through Army ROTC when Bill Brown was at Dartmouth has ever forgotten him."
The peripatetic Richard Joseph wrote to say "I will be on leave
from Emory University as a Senior Fellow of the United States Institute of Peace in Washington during spring and summer, 2002.
While writing a book on Political Renewal and Conflict in Africa, I will help formulate new approaches to development and
security in Africa and the Caribbean."
The College sent along an article detailing the career of Roger
Snyder, retiring after 22 years in a variety of government positions in Manassas, Virginia amid accolades from fellow
workers, politicians, and the city manager. My favorite anecdote was the tale of his appearance before the Board of County
Supervisors to urge adherence to the county plan, with wife Cindy strumming the guitar and Roger singing "Stand by Your Plan"
to the tune of Tammy Wynette's "Stand by Your Man". (It reminded my of my group performing "Runaround and Sue" to an Inns
of Court meeting.) As then Director of Planning and Zoning for the county, and most recently Director of Community Development
for Manassas, Roger is leaving an enviable reputation: "Everywhere he goes, Roger really has left an impact" and "He's brought
some innovative approaches in helping us think about the future. He has been an asset to the community."
Steve Banta forwarded a clipping from the
Philippines. "A Director of the Amateur Rowing Association of the Philippines, Steve Banta was cited in 2001 by President
Juan Antonio Samaranch of the International Olympic Committee for his distinguished contribution as a volunteer to the development
of sport and of the Olympic Ideal and for the promotion of friendship and solidarity among people." You can reach Steve at
Here's an update on Ward Hindman's professional life:
"Last week I started work at Lockheed Martin here in Fort Worth as a Systems Engineer for the F-22. I'll be helping in the
Support and Training part of the program. LM works a 80/9 work schedule that gives us every other Friday off. This happens
to mesh with the schedule for Class Officers Weekend so I'm planning on attending that. On the other hand, I do not think
that I can take off for a mid-week Exec meeting. Please make note of my new e-mail address: ward.h.hindman@lmco.com.
The only part of this note I find incongruous is the "other
than that, not much" comment from Mike Bettman. See for yourself: "We spent a weekend with the Linda and Steve Fowler
at the College Grant - very cold and crusty snow, and a mile walk into the cabin - but it was truly beautiful and peaceful,
and we followed two moose down the road for about a mile. Also very inexpensive. We'd never been there before, although the
Fowlers have gone often, with their son and his fiancée, both big DOC members. Other than that, not much - just got back from
two weeks in Australia, half as a visiting prof in Melbourne and half vacationing and all enjoying the great exchange rate
and the great wine. Hope to see some of you before the next mini-and incidentally, we're planning on having a cocktail reception
with the '66s and maybe either the '64s or '67s after the football game."
June 13-16, 2005
Class of 1965 40th Reunion |
One of the delights of this job is keeping in touch with classmates
and the often intriguing things they are doing. I'm now finding, in my second year on the job, that some of my early stories
are reappearing in my life. When I ran Charles Atkins' letter about his development of a vacation rental villa on St.
John in the Virgin Islands, I also sent it to my daughter Cory '95 who was looking for a vacation spot with school friends.
She was there in January, and met Chuck's daughter Rachel Atkins '90 who, I take it, was the resident hostess at the time.
See www.greatexpectationsusvi.com. Then, making an impromptu visit to the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Emergency Room (to be stitched
up by a psychiatry resident, somewhat scary) I noted a colorful chart on the wall and recognized it as a "Broselow Tape",
developed by our own Dr. Jim Broselow as a color-coded aid to match bags of medical equipment appropriate to children
of each color size depicted on the tape. Definitely a "six degrees of separation" experience.
Th-th-th-at's all for now, folks. Please take a second to fill
out the enclosed green card, or better yet send me an e-mail at bob.murphy@hypertherm.com and let me know what you are up to. I am totally incapable of
manufacturing class news, so I need your help and, besides, your story is interesting to your old friends and classmates.
Do it now.
All the best from Brigid and me for a warm and very welcome
spring. Don't forget to keep up to date at www.alumni.dartmouth.org/classes/65. The name says it all.
Bob Murphy
October 3-6,2002
Hong Kong Mini-Reunion |
From the President
Dear 1965 Classmates:
As Spring slides by, October 2002 looms on the horizon! So,
mark your calendars for the out-of-Hanover mini-reunion being organized by classmate Sing Chiu in Hong Kong! Sing is planning
a program which contemplates an arrival in Hong Kong on October 1 and a departure on October 6. He has arranged for a special
rate at the Conrad Hotel. Sing has organized a fantastic program that includes walking tours of Hong Kong Island and Kowloon,
a trip to Macau, a day at one of Hong Kong's famous racetracks, museum tours, a visit to Hong Kong's well known stock exchange,
dining at fine Hong Kong restaurants, including a dinner with President Jim Wright (who intends to be in Hong Kong during
the mini on his way to Beijing) and, of course, shopping. Come explore one of the most remarkable cities in the world and
combine your visit with a trip to another part of Asia! I lived in Hong Kong for four years and look forward to my return.
Many other classmates have also indicated their intention to participate. So, use those frequent flyer miles or take advantage
of the many flight promotions on offer to join us in Hong Kong in October! Those interested in participating in this exciting
mini-reunion should contact Sing by email (singchiu@hk.linkage.net). Please also copy me (camon@whitecase.com) so that we can keep tabs both here and in Hong Kong on those
who plan to travel to Asia.
Whether or not you are able to make it to Hong Kong in early
October, I certainly hope you will be able to be in Hanover on November 1-3, 2002 for the Class of 1965 annual Hanover mini-reunion.
This year's mini will be the 25th anniversary of our fall mini-reunion program, which began in 1978 at the suggestion of Steve
Waterhouse. Let's have the biggest turn out ever to celebrate this anniversary! We have Pierce's Inn booked as usual, but
there are, of course, many other alternatives for lodging in the Hanover area. The Homecoming football game this year is against
The Class Executive Committee is planning to meet on Wednesday,
June 26, 2002 at Bill Webster's summer home on the Connecticut shore near Old Saybrook. It has become an annual tradition
to have an Executive Committee meeting at Bill's summer house, a beautiful spot located right on Long Island Sound. Bill and
Sue are gracious hosts for this two to three hour meeting. Early arrivals may even hook up with Bill and others for a round
of golf on a lovely links course near Bill's house. While I hope as many Executive Committee members as possible will be able
to attend this meeting, other classmates should certainly feel free to drop by if they live nearby or if they will otherwise
be in the area. Let me (camon@whitecase.com) or Bill (william.webster@ubspainewebber.com or pwwowteam@aol.com) know if you are interested in attending.
Thanks to all of those classmates who have paid their Class
dues. With the increase this year to $60.00 per classmate and the designation of $20.00 of such amount for the Class of 1965
Scholarship Fund, the Class has raised approximately $6,000 for its Scholarship Fund by way of dues payments. You will recall
that we need to raise $50,000 to designate a Class scholar. Having surpassed this amount last year, Erik Jacobsen '04 was
the recipient of our initial scholarship award. He will now continue to be a Class of 1965 Scholar throughout his time at
Dartmouth. We are now well on the way toward raising our second $50,000, at which time the Class will have its second Class
of 1965 Scholar. Our goal is to raise this amount over a two year period, so we would like to have $25,000 raised by this
summer. To date, over $5,000 in additional gifts for the Scholarship Fund have been received from classmates, including one
very generous gift of $2,000. Contributions to the Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund may be sent directly to Steve Fowler, our
Class Treasurer, at 5 Webster Terrace, Hanover, NH 03755. Steve's telephone and facsimile number is (603) 643-4593 and his
email address is smf@rathlaw.com.
While contributions to the Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund certainly
help the College to expand its scholarship program, such contributions do not, however, count as part of the Dartmouth College
Fund annual campaigns. Gifts to the DCF may be earmarked for scholarships but these dollars are used for general, current-use
scholarships. Since the Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund is an "endowment" scholarship fund, it is separate and apart from the
DCF program.
But, please do also remember the Dartmouth College Fund! June
30 marks the end of the 2002 annual campaign. Last year, Ed Keible and his team raised over $352,000 which was 117% of our
Class goal! As in the past, leadership gifts ($1,000 or more) played an essential part in our Class giving as 56 classmates
contributed a total of $301,800! Let's try to expand our number of leadership donors but remember that no gift is too small.
Please be as generous as possible in making your gift to this year's DCF!
Best, Hank |
