Dear 1965 Classmates,
This Newsletter is full of news about the mini-reunion just past,
our 35th reunion yet to come, important events in
our classmates'
lives and other goodies that you have been waiting impatiently to hear about
so here goes.
Twenty six members of our class, along with 28 wives, friends and children were in Hanover for 65's 20th Anniversary
Fall Mini-Reunion, headquartered at Pierce's Inn, in Etna. Bob and Sharon Blake organized the entire event, including
an outstanding buffet before the football game and several other meals and receptions. Bob and Sharon have done a fantastic
job with our mini-reunions, as anyone who has attended one can attest.
Those who were there for all or part of the weekend included Hank Amon and Karen Kolodny, with Carly and Joey; Ted
Atkinson and Marcia Pryde, with Emily, 99; Mike and Ellen Bettmann; Bob and Sharon Blake; Carl and Mimi
Boe; Tom Campbell and Dianne Sautler, with Peter; Jim and Carol Danielson; Larry Duffy; Steve
and Linda Fowler; Mike and Betsy Gonnerman; Jim and Debbie Griffiths; Jack and Sue Heidbrink; Jock
Hosmer and Brenda Rand; Dick Jones and Chloe; Sven Karlen; Bob and French McConnaughey, with
Scotty, 99; Ken McGruther; Bob and Brigid Murphy; Mike and Jeannine Orr; Brian Porzak and Amy Jo Neill;
Roger Rines; Nick and Judy Rummo, with Emily, 01; Dan and Peggy Southard; Brian Walsh and Linda Patchett;
Steve and Linda Waterhouse; and Allen and Judy Zern.
Among the highlights of the weekend, aside from a surprise victory over Cornell in football, was a reception in the Class
of 1965 Galleries at Webster Hall. You will recall that Webster now houses the Rauner Special Collections Library as well
as the 1965 Galleries, which are nothing short of magnificent. Phil Cronenwett, librarian for the Special Collections, talked
about the building and our Class' role in its renovation. The 1965 Galleries have become one of the most popular study areas
at the College since their completion. They offer beautiful views through tall windows over Baker lawn to the west, with Baker
Library and Sanborn House in the background. To the east are views of Rollins Chapel and Dartmouth Row. The galleries have
traditional, comfortable furniture, data ports for laptops and air conditioning in the summer. With over 200 of our classmates
contributing to their completion, the 1965 Galleries are an enduring legacy of which our Class can be tremendously proud.
Be sure to see them on your next trip to Hanover.
1965's first mini-reunion was held twenty years ago, at Pierces, October 4-6, 1979. It was attended by Larry
Duffy, who organized it, Jock Hosmer, Ken McGruther, Gary Bucher, Dick Lochridge, Carl Boe, Dick Bordeau, Bill Webster
and Jack Heidbrink, along with an unrecorded number of wives, friends and children. Almost all of that "hard core" still
come to mini reunions when they can make it. I don't have an official count, but I would bet that upwards of 100 classmates
have been to one or more mini reunions since the first one.
At the Class Executive Committee Meeting held on Sunday morning of the mini-reunion weekend, the Class decided
to commence the establishment of a Class of 1965 Endowed Scholarship Fund with a $10,000 gift from the class treasury.
The class treasury's contribution is "seed money" to get the fund started toward the $50,000 minimum the College requires
for a named scholarship fund established by a class or club. Until contributions bring the fund to the $50,000 level, income
from the fund will be added to the general scholarship pool; after we reach that level, a student will receive a financial
aid award each year as a "1965 Scholar." The Class endorsed an objective of creating at least four such named scholarship
funds at the $50,000 level, and then increasing the size of each of the four funds over the years so that they could provide
a more significant contribution to the recipients' needs.
If you want to direct all or a part of your contributions to the College to financial aid, The Class of 1965 Endowed Scholarship
Fund is a good place to start.
From the electronic mailbox comes the following from Pete Frederick: "After 3 ½ good years
in Stockholm we are moving on to the next adventure. For the 14th time in the 33 years we have been married we are packing
up, this time to come home. We will be in Washington, DC as of August 23." Pete and Marcia's new address is RD 3, Box 231,
Fenwick Island, Delaware 19944.
By regular mail, I received this note from Tom Meacham: "Jane and I had a nice visit in Anchorage from Tom Klepetar,
65, his wife Joanne and their three sons and daughter, Amy, 98. The Klepetars were on a two week camping and sightseeing and
fishing vacation in south central Alaska. Surprisingly, the notoriously wet August weather in this part of Alaska cooperated,
and they saw all the sights and caught some salmon, which grow bigger with each re-telling of their stories!" Tom's
e-mail address is meacham@
Richard Joseph wrote: "I always knew that someday I would have to become involved in the Caribbean and use all that
I had learned towards the betterment of that region. Well, that day is almost upon me as I am helping to create an Institute
of Caribbean and International Studies in St. George's University in Grenada. The successful private School of Medicine has
now expanded into a full university. Although I was born in Trinidad, my father and his forbears were Grenadian. We intend
to cover the entire Caribbean Basin." Richard can be reached at
Larry Duffy is one of our classmates who have reinvented themselves in recent years. He sent a card recently
with this update: "I'm about to begin my second year as a classroom teacher in the 5th-6th-7th-8th grades of the little country
school in Piermont, NH (going north from Hanover about 23 miles on route 10). For all the '65's looking to do something different
for their remaining "working years", teaching is a terrific option. I trained and became certified through a unique program
right here in Lebanon, NH (the Upper Valley Teacher Institute) which specializes in making teachers out of career-changing
adults. Focus is on 9 months of in-class placement in area schools, teaching kids under an experienced teacher-mentor. Anyone
interested, please call me." I know from talking with Larry at the mini-reunion that he is really enjoying his new career;
if I recall correctly, he is teaching math and history. Larry lives in Orford, and can be reached at 603-353-2166.
Tom Wise wrote a card that said, "In June, I gave a lecture to the Department of Psychiatry at Dartmouth Med School.
The new Med School campus is great. More important, the family went to England this summer on vacation. Catherine is a sophomore
at Georgetown, while Lizzie is a junior in high school. Karen, my wife, works at the Kennedy Center as a volunteer. I'm still
a shrink and a high handicapper." Hmmm...those of us who aren't shrinks keep saying golf is really a mental game... Tom's
e-mail address is
John McGeachie has joined the growing ranks of 65's who are moving out of the full time working world: "I retired in
1998. Live within walking distance of our eldest son's house and our two grandchildren. Serve on the Board of Directors
of Engines, an internet software company started by our youngest son, Andrew. Overseeing major house renovations. Emma and
I are busier than we were when I worked!" John can be reached at
And finally, Gary Bucher sent the following news by way of an e-mail forwarded by Jim Griffiths: "Jamie is a freshman
at Whitman College. Jim Freedman was the speaker for the 1999 graduation ceremonies. I was hoping to be in Hanover for homecoming,
but its parents weekend at Whitman so Jamie gets the nod. Am still running between Portland [OR] and Cleveland on a
regular basis as well as to Asia, so life has not become quite what I had hoped when moving to the Pacific Northwest, although
I certainly cant complain about life when I'm there. Best to all." Gary's e-mail address is
The press took note of several of our classmates' accomplishments and activities over the last couple of months.
The sound bite versions of some of those articles follow:
The Wall Street Journal had a short piece that mentioned that Dick Lochridge, president and CEO of his own Boston-based
consulting company, Lochridge and Co., has been named a director of John H. Harland Co., a check printing company.
The Reverend George Rutler, priest of the Archdiocese of New York, author and scholar, spoke to a group at Princeton
about cultural literacy and the identity of the university. The article, in the Princeton Weekly, noted that George
is the author of many books, including The Seven Ages of Man, Crisis of Saints and Brightest and Best: History of
Vic Mair, professor of Chinese language at Penn, was mentioned in an interesting New York Times article entitled,
"When No One Read, Who Started to Write" According to the article, many scholars think that only the Chinese, Sumerian and
Mesoamerican writing systems, among all of the early systems, seem to be clearly independent inventions. Vic was mentioned
as holding a contrary point of view about the Chinese system, and was quoted as saying, "the Chinese writing system may well
have received vital inputs from West Asian and European systems of writing and proto-writing," and "We simply do not know
for certain whether the Chinese script was or was not independently created."
FOR 1965'S 35th REUNION
Whether you are a purist and think of it as the last reunion of the 20th century, or take the more common
point of view that its the first reunion of the 21st century, you will want to be in Hanover Monday to Thursday, June 12-15,
2000 for Dartmouth 65's 35th reunion. Reunion Chair Mike Bettmann and an enthusiastic reunion committee are making
plans for an interesting and exciting four days. To quote from Mikes recent letter to the Class, "My real hope for our 35th
Reunion is that we can bring a lot of folks back who have not been actively involved with the class and that this will be
a comfortable welcoming experience."
Mike and his committee are open for suggestions about the reunion program, but some of the activities already planned include
a stay at the Moosilauke Ravine Lodge on Sunday night, followed by a Monday climb of Mt. Moosilauke, various lectures and
symposia, athletic events, breakfasts, picnics and dinners. One symposium will be on '65 in the Arts, and others will deal
with where we are and where we are going, in various ways. Our headquarters will be the Fayerweathers.
Send back the card you recently got in the mail telling Mike you plan to be there, put it on your calendar, and make your
travel arrangements NOW. It should be a great time.
GOAL SET AT $1,065,000
Hank Amon, Head Agent, announced at the October Executive Committee meeting that the College has initially
established a Class of 1965 goal of $1,065,000 for our 35th reunion. Hank will be assisted by reunion giving co-chairs Russ
Carson and Chip Hayes, as well as a reunion giving committee, in raising this generous gift from our Class. A key
change for this year is that all giving to Dartmouth during the July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000 period will count toward our
goal. That means that not only unrestricted gifts to the alumni fund will count, but that gifts to Friends groups, Sponsors
programs and other restricted purposes (including the new Class of 1965 Endowed Scholarship Fund mentioned above) will count
towards our goal.
You will be hearing in the next several months from a member of the reunion giving committee. Please be as generous as
possible when the call comes.
Our Class has been among the most active and creative sponsors of projects on behalf of the College and its
students for the last several decades. While the Webster Hall project is certainly the largest and most visible, Steve
Waterhouse, Projects Chairman, mentioned several others at the mini-reunion that are ongoing and important.
We contribute annually to the Athletic Sponsor Program, which makes possible campus visits as part of the recruiting effort
for athletically talented applicants. This year, one of the students we sponsored for a trip was accepted, and has enrolled
in the Class of 2003. His sport is Men's Soccer, and he plays Forward.
We continue to sponsor several students who wish to participate in the freshman trips but who cannot afford to do so on
their own. Each year, we get a number of letters thanking us for our assistance and saying how important an event the trip
was in the new student's introduction to Dartmouth.
Other projects include the Memorial Books Program, and the Native American Awards, which are given out each year during
Commencement weekend.
If you have ideas for projects in which you think the Class might play a role, contact Steve at 5 Clement Road, Hanover,
NH 03755 or
In recognition of our Class' overall activities and the breadth and significance of our contributions to the
College, the Class of 1965 received a Special Recognition Award at Leadership Weekend in September. A photograph of our delegation
at the weekend receiving the award is on page 8.
That's all for now. Send Ted news of what you've been up to, either with the card in your newsletter or at
Best wishes for the Holidays,