The Great Class of 1965




McGruther At The Helm

To The Class of '65
Some Treasured Dartmouth Tunes
ReadyTo Be Downloaded
Via KaZaA



Recap of Summer Reunion & Much More

Click Here -- Boots 'n Beanie Newsletter - Summer 2010

Hanover Mini Reunion 
   October 8-10, 2010
Join your ’65 classmates and their wives for a fun fall weekend in Hanover!  The 2010 mini’ will be held on Columbus Day weekend, rather than Homecoming; this earlier date will offer peak foliage viewing, an extra non-work day for many and, we hope, more pleasant weather.  For the same reasons “leaf-peekers” will be coming to the area by the busload, so….

The reunion will be based at Pierce’s Inn in Etna, 3 ½ miles from the Dartmouth campus.  We will have the Inn to ourselves; it’s a great place to relax and visit.  Pierce’s offers several rooms and great breakfasts – e-mail to check availability and make reservations.

Linda and Steve Fowler are opening their home adjacent to campus for a wine and hearty hors d’ oeuvres reception on Friday evening.  Their address is 5 Webster Terrace – directions will be provided to registrants.  Special invitees at the reception will be Class of 1965 scholars and legacies.  It is always gratifying to interact with these current Dartmouth students.
Entertainment at the Saturday class dinner will be provided by the Rockapellas, a popular singing group comprised of Dartmouth co-eds.

Scheduled activities are as follows:

Friday, October 8            Noon         Golf at Lake Morey Country Club
                                   7:00 pm     Reception at Fowler’s

Saturday, October 9       10:00 am    Faculty chalk talk at Alumni Hall
                                   Noon         Tailgate-cookout Sphinx grounds
                                   1:30 pm     Football vs. Yale
                                   4:00 pm     Women’s soccer vs. Yale
                                   6:30 pm     Cocktails/Dinner/Entertainmen
 at Pierce’s

Sunday, October 10        9:30 am     Cass meeting at Pierce’s

                                  Noon          Golf at Hanover Country Club


For football and soccer tickets, call 603-646-2466.  Additional activities, such as cycling, kayaking, running, tennis and climbing, will be arranged based on interest. 


Click Link Below.  Complete Form With Remittance. 

Mail To George Wittreich

Click Here To Download Fall 2010 Mini Registration


Meet-up With Classmates At Pierce's

Stars & Guitars
Willie Nelson & Friends

Directions to Dartmouth

By Car
By Air
By Bus
By Train
Local Bus Service



Dartmouth is located in Hanover, N.H., in the heart of New England, near the intersection of Interstates 89 and 91. The College is about 2 1/2 hours by car from Boston, 5 hours from New York, and 3 1/2 hours from Montréal. The town of Hanover, which is home to Dartmouth College and its Tuck Business School, Dartmouth Medical School, and Thayer School of Engineering, is located on the Connecticut River. The river provides the border between New Hampshire and Vermont, and Hanover is about half way up the state and just a bridge's length away from Vermont.

If you are traveling by air, there are several regional airports to choose from. You can also travel to nearby White River Junction, Vt., by bus or train.


By Car

From Boston and points south: Take I-93 north past the Manchester, N.H., toll booth to Concord. Take I-89 north to I-91 north to Exit 13 (Norwich, Vt. / Hanover, N.H.). Bear right off the exit ramp.

Cross the bridge over the Connecticut River into New Hampshire. Continue up the hill on Wheelock Street, pass through the traffic signal (past the Hanover Inn on the right) and drive along the south side of the Dartmouth Green. Take the first left onto College Street and drive along the east side of the green. Take the first left onto Wentworth Street (past Baker Library on the right). At the end of the block, turn right onto North Main Street, then left onto Tuck Mall. The Tuck School is at the end of Tuck Mall and next to the Thayer School of Engineering.

From New York City and points south: Take I-91 north from Hartford, Conn., to Exit 13 in Vermont (Norwich, Vt. / Hanover, N.H.). Bear right off exit ramp. Follow street directions above.

From the west: I-90 intersects I-91 in Springfield, Mass., and I-84 intersects I-91 in Hartford, Conn. From either point, take I-91 north to Vermont Exit 13 (Norwich, Vt. / Hanover, N.H.). Bear right off the exit ramp. Follow street directions above.

From Montréal and Ottawa: Take I-89 south in Vermont to I-91 north. Stay on I-91 to Exit 13 (Norwich, Vt. / Hanover, N.H.). Bear right off the exit ramp. Follow street directions above.

From Québec: Take I-91 south in Vermont to Exit 13 (Norwich, Vt. / Hanover, N.H.). Turn left at the end of the exit ramp. Follow street directions above.

Parking: On weekdays, visitors are encouraged to park in the college's Dewey Field lot (see parking map) and take the campus shuttle bus to and from Tuck. There are a limited number of spaces for visitors—and spaces reserved for those with disabilities—directly opposite Tuck Hall.


By Air

Manchester Airport: The Manchester Airport (Manchester, N.H.) is served by the major airlines. It is located about 80 miles southeast of Hanover. Rental cars are available at the airport, and the drive to Hanover takes approximately 90 minutes. Follow signs to I-93 north, then follow the "By Car" directions from Boston, above.

The Vermont Transit bus company provides transportation from the Manchester Airport to Hanover. Buses wait outside the airline terminal to transport you to the Vermont Transit station, where you purchase a ticket and then continue to Hanover. You may also buy a ticket online. For information, call toll free from within the U.S. 800-552-8737 or visit the Vermont Transit website.

Burlington Airport: The Burlington Airport (Burlington, Vt.) is about 75 miles northwest of Hanover. Rental cars are available, and the drive to Hanover takes approximately two hours. Take I-89 south to I-91 north. Stay on I-91 north to Exit 13. Follow the street directions above.

Logan Airport, Boston: Logan Airport  (Boston, Mass.) is about 120 miles southeast of Hanover. Rental cars are available at the airport, and the drive to Hanover takes approximately 2 1/2 hours. From the airport, drive through the Callahan Tunnel, follow signs to I-93 north, then follow the "By Car" directions from Boston above.

Dartmouth Coach, a local bus service, provides transportation from Logan Airport and from Boston's South Station to The Hanover Inn next to the Dartmouth campus. For more information, see directions below.


By Bus

From Boston: Service to the bus station in White River Junction, Vt. is provided by Vermont Transit.

From New York City: Service to the bus station in White River Junction, Vt. is provided by Greyhound (direct bus becomes Vermont Transit in Springfield, Mass.).

The White River Junction bus station is about seven miles from campus, and taxi service is available.

From Boston's Logan Airport and South Station: Service to the Hanover Inn next to the Dartmouth campus is provided by Dartmouth Coach. For schedule and fares information, call 603-448-2800 or visit the Dartmouth Coach website.


By Train

Amtrak provides daily passenger service from Washington, D.C.; Philadelphia; New York; and intermediate points to White River Junction, Vt. Information is available on the Amtrak website or by calling 800-872-7245 from within the U.S.

The White River Junction train station is about seven miles from campus, and taxi service is available.


Local Bus Service

Advance Transit is a local bus service that serves the Upper Valley region, including Hanover. Visitors, students, commuters, and others are welcome to ride the buses free of charge. Advance Transit also provides shuttle service around campus, including buses to and from remote parking lots. To see the full schedule and route maps, visit the Advance Transit website.










Our Site Is Now Available In
See Bottom For Babel Fish Translation

John "Sotts" Sottile
John David Sottile
The translations will not be perfect due to our use of idioms,
language structures and graphical layouts... However, one
will get the gist of the site.   So, pass it along to friends. 
Don't know the flags? How will you know the language?

Holidays have a way of exaggerating all emotions.  This Holiday Season certainly is no different. Who can go shopping for a gift, regardless of the holiday that one is celebrating, without thinking about our men and women in harms way? And, who can think of a joyeous get-together, without wondering about it being a magnet for terrorism?  Such is the nature of this Holiday Season.  To give attention to the frivolity and honor to serious, several web pages have been added in a musical tribute.  They range from Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer (written by a Big Greener -- perhaps the inspiration for the red nose), through memorable College songs, to serious hopeful messages.  Despite any particular words, all are provided in the Spirit of the Holidays for everyone to enjoy.
Hopefully, there'll be "No Returns" except "Thanks!"
Ho Ho Ho, Mall Santa Mike    
"Pick Up The Phone"
See below for ordering.  If you could buy only one neo-swing compliation CD, this should be your choice.

If you are into the Venturers, Dick Dale, and the total surf-sound,
you will like The Shadows

There are decades of alumni class organizations, each with a specific goal.   And there are probably as many reasons for having a website.  I'd like to meld the two.  And, I'd appreciate your help.    Mike
"The Hanover Plain"
(The angles are great...
The zoom is scary! )

Post A Note For Yourself
Coming Up
Mini & Full Reunions


P.S. For audiophiles who want a CD, The Dartmouth Coop has one for sale at $18.00.  It, too, is from the '60s ( '63-'65 In Concert ) with Professor Paul Wheeler Directing.  I plan on Santa delivering one for backup. ( Ya... I demolished my Dartmouth Band Album recorded on hard 78 vinyl while cleaning it. )  So, Men of Dartmouth, scoop one while they last... or are permitted to last.  Like my transcribed album, this CD has treacherous songs about men, fellows, beer, rum, and heathens.  Ironically, despite the wistful and most favorite, "Dartmouth Undying,"  these words did... they are morte!  As a double irony, the title of the album is "Lest Old Traditions Fail."  And while shopping the Coop, don't forget to get a John Belushi "Animal House" poster. He's dead and the Animals are all but extinct.  This item will soon be big buckos on e-Bay.   "Sotts"

P.P.S.  The jacket says that all proceeds from the sale of this CD go to benefit the Class of '63 Scholarship Fund.  However... the Coop's description states that "a portion" of the proceeds go to benefit the fund.  Ah, couched capitalism at its finest.

On Sale At The Coop
Click Link To The Right

Which Way Did They Go?
We must find them... We are their leaders!
The Big Green College fingers "the press" for Indian image...
Claims that it never officially adopted any symbol or logo.
Today, chaos still reigns after 30 years.
D-students adopt ad-hoc mascots of all sorts.
Without a symbol The College looses big $$$
in licensed products.
It's a Tuck biz-case!
For approximately 50 years, representing 25% of the College's history up to 1972
the year when the College re-awakened its passion for Indian education, 
an innocent  fraud of sorts was created on the students and alumni.
The College overtly approved and co-opted the Indian moniker,
which was created by "the press," and transformed it into
emblems on sports uniforms and College lore.
In 1974, The College banned all use and
references to the Indian symbol.
leaving many alumni bruised. 
Today, The College sits
paralyzed on this
sore wound.
Class of 1965
Embrace the challenge of re-making the Great Spirit
of your beloved College's identity.
It can be done.
Historically, the Indian Era was brief.
Officially, it never was... though for us, we know that it was.
Still, it's time for a make-over.
Done with skill, the leaders will follow once again.  

Besides, Ol' Eleazar was far from unique in its quest to educate Indians.  John Harvard beat Eleazar by 119 years! And as for Eleazar, well what can be said, he was a bulldog... yup, a Yalie!

"Given the highly charged religious atmosphere, it is not surprising that in 1754 Eleazar Wheelock, another Yale-educated minister, founded Moor's Indian Charity School in Lebanon, Connecticut. Wheelock was impressed by the promise of his Indian students (among whom was the future Mohawk leader Joseph Brant), but especially by a Mohegan convert, Samson Occom, whom he had tutored privately from 1743 to 1747. With Occom's help he secured funds from England that allowed him in 1769 to found Dartmouth College, originally intended as a school for Indian youths."


Eastern Universities and Indians

A Very Special Thanks to Jan B. Bent '82 MALS
Director, Alumni Information Resources
Dartmouth College 

"This is the only information I could find, and did check with Public Affairs.  To their knowledge, nothing has been written about the history of the mascot.  Hope the following helps somewhat."  Jan

The "Big Green" Nickname

The first Dartmouth College intercollegiate athletic contest, a baseball game, was played in 1866. At that time, green was adopted by the students as the college color. Green has been associated with the College and its athletic teams ever since.

Starting in the 1920s sportswriters (primarily representing Boston's many newspapers of the day) began to regularly use the nickname "Indians" in their coverage of Dartmouth's football team as it achieved a position of national prominence. The usage was grounded in reference to the College's founding mission in 1769 - the education of American Indian youth (known today as Native Americans) in the region.

For about 50 years thereafter, the nickname "Indians," though never officially adopted by the College, was used actively and interchangeably with "the Green," "Big Green" and "Hanoverians" by the news media and in Dartmouth publications in coverage of the College's teams. The Indian symbol also appeared on uniforms of athletic teams during this period.

In 1972, Dartmouth renewed its commitment to the education of Native Americans. Recognizing the adverse effects of use of the Indian symbol upon the College's Native American Program and its students, an ad hoc committee of the Dartmouth Alumni Council encouraged reduction in use of the symbol. In 1974, the College's Board of Trustees stated that "use of the (Indian) symbol in any form to be inconsistent with present institutional and academic objectives of the College in advancing Native American education."

By the mid-1970s the Indian symbol, which had never been formally adopted by a College governing body, was discontinued.

Since that time, the primary nickname for Dartmouth teams, again never officially adopted, has been the "Big Green." PMS 349, a dark green referred to frequently in relation to the College as "Dartmouth Green," is the specific color used in publications relating to Dartmouth athletic teams and in other College publications.

During the past 25 years, various student initiatives have proposed numerous candidates for a tangible mascot, symbol or nickname that could be a companion or alternative to "Big Green" when identifying Dartmouth athletic teams. To date, none of these recommendations has received sufficient broad-based support from students or alumni to merit adoption.


Eleazar Wheelock may still be a very pious man. 
But this song about him is no longer revered.

"Eleazar Wheelock"
by the
Dartmouth Glee Club
Paul Zeller, Director
from the album  
Of The Early Sixties

Oh, Eleazar Wheelock was a very pious man;
He went into the wilderness to teach the Indian,
With a gradus and a Parnassum, a Bible, and a drum,
And five hundred gallons of New England rum.


Fill the bowl up! Fill the bowl up!
Drink to Eleazar and his primitive Alcazar
Where he mixed drinks for the heathen...
In the goodness of his soul.

The big chief that met him was the sachem of the Wah-hoo-wahs.
If he was not the big chief, there was never one you saw who was;
He had tobacco by the cord, ten squaws, and more to come,
But he never yet had tasted of New England rum.


Eleazar and the chief harangued and gesticulated;
They founded Dartmouth College and the big chief matriculated.
Eleazar was the faculty and the whole curriculum
Was five hundred gallons of New England rum.



Cost of the War in Iraq
(JavaScript Error)

Click For Dartmouth Review's
List & Words Of Banned Songs

More than the Indian Era has bitten the bullet
during the Revisionist Era of The College.