CarniVailers and Friends,
It's 2008... A Year to
"Leap to CarniVAILtm"!
Feb 28 - Mar 3, 2008
Vail, Colorado
The Hanover Winter Carnival never offered as many opportunities
for so much fun and camaraderie in the snow.
Are you scheduled to be there? If not, what is holding you back?
The snow is flying and the skiers are happily sliding
down Vail Mountain.
Soon Dartmouth-Tuck alumni and friends
by the numbers will be gathering
for a weekend of old Winter CarniVAIL fun
on the number one ski mountain
in North America, if not the world!
Best regards from Vail,
Steve Waterhouse '65, T'67, President, Dartmouth Club of the Vail Region,
And The Officers
/ Executive Committee Of
Gerry Huttrer '60, Alan Danson '60, Joe McHugh
'60, Sara Jardis '93, Diane Boyer '78,
Jane and Tom Healy '56, Jim Butterworth T'91,
Stacey Sapp '93,
Sarah '95 and Peter Millett DMS '95, Steve
Cheheyl '67,
Alana Hanks '05 and Richard Pomboy '60
The snow has been falling heavily in Vail, the
slopes are open, and the skiing is great. Therefore, it is time once again to get our plans together for skiing, playing
in the snow, and attending a great Dartmouth and Class of 1965 tradition that will take place on Vail Mountain at
the end of February into the beginning of March!
This information may dyplicate some other
info you receive by email, concerning "1965 only" details! Welcome to CarniVAIL-2008, or
as we have said for this Leap Year..... Leap to Vail in 2008! This is an event for 1965
skiers, and non-skiers alike, who want to venture out to Vail, Colorado for a delightful, long "Leap Year" weekend, and enjoy
a few days of fun as well as a bit of serious discussion with other alumni of Dartmouth, Tuck, Thayer, or DMS.
Yes, this is an alumni event involving all the
of Dartmouth's alumni organizations; and most importantly the Great Class of 1965.
Every CarniVAIL event is open to all students
and alums.. In addition, we have "1965 Only" events planned so you will have the opportunity to both mix with all alumni
and with just our class participants! And many of your Classmates are helping put this CarniVAIL-2008 together!
Last year, we highlighted the historical importance of the Dartmouth involvement in the
10th Mountain Division with special recognition of "Sarge" Bill Brown and Jake Nunnemacher'42 & his family.
This year, we intend to celebrate the work of Dartmouth folks in Olympic Skiing, particularly
the outstanding work of Vail Club member Tryg Myrhen with the Para-Olympics. We think this is a particularly
fitting subject for CarniVAIL, given the exceptional ground breaking efforts of Vail Mountain to help disabled vets renew
their lives thru skiing, ably led by Cheryl and Bill Jensen, the outgoing President of the Vail Resorts Mountain Division.
(***Read the brief summary below) This will be another important feature of the Leap Year Ball!
have some marvelous experiences on offer.......
Ski North America's greatest ski mountain;
Dine and dance at the "Leap Year Ball"
Discuss the strategic implications of "US-China
Relations" and other world events with friends and experts;
Learn about environmental issues from our GRNSS
Visit Vail's art galleries & shops;
Be the first on the mountain with the sun coming
up... or
Just hang with your '65 friends in a mini-reunion
accompanied by many others sharing the Dartmouth spirit!
Other activities.... There are many activities in Vail Village,
Lionshead, Beaver Creek, and the other towns in the area to keep anyone busy for days... Here are a few ideas...
- Art Galleries.... There are many in Vail Village, and the rest of the Valley
- Shopping.... The finest winter clothing, sports equipment and home furnishings
in the mountains are found at the Gorsuch stores, but there are many more shops to keep any hearty shopper busy for the weekend.
- Colorado Ski Museum... lots of info on the US Olympic skiers, the Tenth Mountain
Division and even a few Dartmouth alums
- Cross country skiing, snow shoe trips, skating, etc. all are available
- Spas, swimming pools, etc. facilities are available at places like the Sonnenalp
- Restaurants.... The Vail Region is blessed with many fine eating establishments
- Gore Range Natural Science School - We are organizing 2 different events run by
this group to give those who participate a better understanding of some of the environmental aspects of the area. GRNSS
is one of a dozen very unique environmental science schools operating around the world. GRNSS has become a
key element in the education programs for students and adults throughout the Vail Valley Region.
It is very important to remember that some
of the facilities and seating are limited so you need to reserve in advance via the Tuck website as outlined on http://tuck.kintera.org/carnivail
Make your reservations as your interests
require, and please expand our contact base by sending this information on to your friends! Lots of details below,
but let us know you are planning to come and we will send more information as it is available. The
year 2008 is the time for 1965s to "Leap to CarniVAIL!"
Regards, Steve and Linda Waterhouse
CarniVAIL-2008 Major Events
Thursday, February 28th
- Dinner for the 1965s in Vail Village for early
Friday, February 29th
- The famous CarniVAIL kickoff "photo op"
at the Vista Bahn. Be there so we can set a new record of the number of Dartmouth alumni and friends in
the picture.... Last year we had 100!
- Lunch at Sarge's Shelter on the mountain.
Those of you who were with us in 2007 had the opportunity to meet a very special man who is a legend in Vail, at Dartmouth,
and in the history of the US Army and the 10th Mountain Division, Sarge Bill Brown, the Shelter's namesake, and his lovely
wife Rouene.
- Gore Range Science Seminar, Session 1: For non
skiers or interested parties, we are developing a short exposure to mountain wildlife with the experts at Vail's unique
private environmental science school.... Details will be available in early 2008.
- Apres Ski Annual DCVR Winter Cocktail Party....
We had so many folks at the Club's annual winter cocktail party last year that we pushed out in to the Sonnenalp Hotel's
main lounge. This year we have reserved the larger, glass conservatory space. And through out the evening,
award-winning adventure photographer Tyler Stableford '96 from Carbondale, CO, will present a digital slideshow of images
from assignments around the world.
Tyler Stableford '96 - Photographer
Award-winning adventure photographer Tyler Stableford
'96 from Carbondale, CO, will present a digital slideshow of images from assignments around the world at the Sonnenalp
Hotel on Feb 29, 2008. Included will be a cover story Tyler shot for 5280 magazine this year about Colorado's underground
coal miners, as well as features on Colorado skiing, Iceland's hot springs and glacier caves, and Greenland sea kayaking.
Tyler was recently named one of the 7 "World's Greatest Adventure Photographers" by Men's Journal
- Dinner with the 1965s at one of Vail's many great
CarniVAIL Time Schedule
(Participation Fee of $20)
Friday, Feb 29, 2008
9-9:15 AM Start at Vista Bahn with the annual Photo
11- 1 PM Gore Range Science Seminar, Session 1
(Details being developed)
12- 1:30 PM Lunch at Sarge's Shelter, Mid Vail
4:30 - 6 PM Cocktails in the Conservatory: Special
showing of Adventure Photography by Tyler Stableford '96, and the official recognition of the Dartmouth Club of Vail ,
Sonnenalp Hotel (Reserve @ $25)
Dinner - Open; to be arranged by individuals and groups
March 1st
- The Dartmouth/Tuck CarniVAIL Ski Races.
This is still under development as we have yet to secure a time on the very busy Nastar Race Course. We will keep you
- Gore Range Science Seminar, Session 2: For non
skiers or interested parties, we are developing a short exposure to the mountain wilderness with the experts at
Vail's unique private environmental science school.... For those interested, this may involve a short snow shoe
hike on top of Vail Mountain. Details will be available in early 2008.
- Osman Tuck Alumni Lifelong Learning (TALL) Program Seminar .... Last year,
we had a very successful discussion of Alternative Energy
as the major "intellectual component" of CarniVAIL.
This year we will have 2 sessions.
The Main Session will begin at 4:30 PM in the Sonnenalp with to discuss "US-China Relations" with participants who will outline the current business and
personal aspects of this situation. Importantly, we intend to discuss some of the long term strategic
issues for the US that are not yet receiving much attention, but are going to substantially impact the future of the
US.... And all our lives! The Panel will be headed up by Bob Howell, Tuck Professor and DCVR Club member, as Panel Moderator and
include: - Andrew Bernard, Tuck Professor and Director of the Tuck Center for International Business - Tony Llano T’04,
Business Development Manager for the Agricultural Division of John Deere recently coordinated the multimillion-dollar acquisition
of Southern China’s largest tractor company - Ken McGruther D'65, retired US Navy Captain, former Professor at the
US Military War College, and Special Advisor to US Intelligence Agencies on the long term US strategic issues
as they pertain to China - H. J. Markley T’74, John Deere Division President and Tuck Overseer - Edward Zhou
T’02, Partner & Vice President of DAC Management, equity investor in China With Special Commentary from "early
days" of working visits to China by
- J. Brian Quinn, Tuck Professor Emeritus, on his personal
discussions with the country's leaders - Steve Waterhouse D'65 T’67 on some personal episodes that added "color"
to one's involvement in China
2) Early bird breakfast session We will also have a session before the slopes open up (7:30-9 AM; probably at the Lodge in Vail so one
can jump on the Vista Bahn lift at 9 sharp!) in which Professor Andy Bernard will discuss his current research and the
"activities of the Tuck Center for International Business."
We hope
to have the principal underwriter of the TALL program, Steve Osman '56 T'57, with
us for this weekend, maybe with members of his family.
- The CarniVAIL Leap Year "Ball"...
In recognition of this special Leap Year weekend, and as a thanks to Julius Caesar for planning the calendar with
the Leap Year feature, we are going to emphasize things Italian at our first ever CarniVAIL Dinner - Dance. This
should be a magical evening with superb Sonnenalp food, music provided by the band of Colorado music legend Kathy Morrow.
We are also very pleased to announce that Canyon Wind Wines, one of the finest vineyards in the West, is providing wine
for the dinner, courtesy of 1965 Dartmouth alumnus Norm Christianson, his wife Ellen and son Jay who own this vineyard.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
7:30 - 9:00 AM Osman TALL breakfast &
discussion of Int'l Business (Reserve @ $10)
9:15 AM -3:30 PM Ski Day - Open to be arranged
by individuals and groups
10-12 AM ????CarniVAIL Ski Races (Details
being developed)
11- 1 PM Gore Range Science Seminar, Session 2 (Details
being developed)
Lunch - Open to be arranged by individuals and groups
4:30 - 6:30 PM Osman TALL Seminar on "US-China
Relations" - being organized by the Tuck School in the Fischen Kempton Room, lower level, Sonnenalp Hotel (No Charge;
Guests of the Tuck School)
6:15 - 7:15 PM Cocktails, lower lobby, Sonnenalp Hotel
(Included with Dinner)
7:30 - 10:15+ PM CarniVAIL "Leap Year" Dinner/Dance
and Celebration of Para-Olympics, Bavaria Rooms, lower level, Sonnenalp Hotel; with live music, and surprises for sure!
(Reserve @ $90)
March 2nd
- Dawnbusters Skiing and CarniVAIL Sunday Brunch...
For the second year, we have talked Vail Resorts and the Game Creek Ski Club in to opening up the mountain an hour early just
for a small contingent (maximum of 70) of the Dartmouth group, and hosting a brunch on the mountain in
the Game Creek Bowl at the famous Game Creek Ski Club. Have you ever wanted to ski some of the greatest ski trails
on any mountain with no one else in sight? That's the opportunity this event provides!
- Dinner with 1965s on Sunday evening has become
a special tradition that has led to some very, very interesting conversations about things old and things new.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
7:30 PM Dawnbusters early ski start - limited
to 70 participants (Reserve @ $30)
9:30 PM CarniVAIL Sunday Brunch, Game Creek Club,
Ouzo Trail, Game Creek Bowl on Vail Mountain
Balance of day - Open; to be arranged by individuals
and groups
On Monday, March 3rd
We make up the day of skiing, lnch and dinner to
fit the needs of any 1965 folks left in Vail
CarniVAIL Reservations/Payments System
- You can reserve for events, and pay $175
for all the events of CarniVAIL events or for individual events to be attended via the Tuck on-line charging system.
You will be asked to pay for each person attending
CarniVAIL 1) a general event charge of $20, and reservations for any or all of four events 2) Friday Cocktails ($ 25
for room, service, hors d'oeuvres; there will be a "cash bar" for drinks), 3) Saturday breakfast Seminar ($10 for a light breakfast),
4) Saturday Cocktails, Dinner and Music ($ 90 for room, service, hors d'oeuvres at cocktails, 3 course dinner, wine
at dinner and Kathy Morrow's band music/dancing; and a "cash bar" for other drinks), and 5) Sunday Dawnbusters Brunch
($ 30 for early skiing and brunch at the Game Creek Club)
- Or you can send a check made out to
the "Dartmouth Club of the VAIL Region" to our Treasurer, Gerry Huttrer at Box 2425, Frisco, CO
CarniVAIL Discount Suppliers
We have negotiated discounts with a number
of parties to lessen the overall costs of CarniVAIL. Make use of these, and remember the pass word..."Dartmouth"
a) Ticket discounts
- We will have Ski Lift Ticket discount coupons available at the beginning of 2008. You can email Steve Waterhouse Stewater@aol.com, and he will mail them to you, or pick them up over
the CarniVAIL weekend. Starting Friday morning at 8:35 AM at the Vista Bahn ticket area, we should have some alumni
standing around looking for you!.... These will provide roughly a 25% rate reduction, and will be useable
for the 2 weeks around the CarniVAIL weekend. You need to have them in hand when you buy your tickets.
b) Van and Limo rides - "Airport
to Vail" ride discounts via our partners Colorado Mountain Express (http://www.ridecme.com/ass.htm) or telephone 1-800-525-6363. Mention the pass
code "Dartmouth" and they will give you a discount of 10 to 20% on the fare to book a van or private limo ride from the airports
to any of the Colorado Mountain Resorts they serve. This is valid during the 2 weeks around the CarniVAIL weekend.
c) Ski goggle
discounts via Habervision (http://www.habervision.com/), Many members of the Club have enjoyed the new
high tech, polarized ski goggles and sun glasses provided by HaberVision only thru their online website. Our
"Dartmouth" discount is roughly 50% of the full price! This is a permanent discount for Dartmouth alumni and friends
so use it at any time in the year.
d) Ski Rentals at the
Gorsuch Ski Shop courtesy of our adopted big greener, and former US Olympic racing champion, Dave Gorsuch. Talk to "Billy"
Schoff (BSchoff@gorsuchltd.net) or any of the folks in the ski shop and mention "Dartmouth."
e) Wine discounts from
our loyal Dartmouth alumnus Norm Christianson '65 of Canyon Wind (http://www.canyonwindcellars.com/), are available on all of their products it you email
Norm or his son Jay, Sales Director for Canyon Wind.... 970-464-0888 or canyonwind@gvii.net They can ship wine to many states, or you may be
able to arrange for a pickup at their tasting rooms in Georgetown, CO near the Colorado Visitor Center, or the main vineyard
in Palisades, CO.
f) Ski Instructors and Mountain
Guides - There is a modest discount available for those who wish to utilize the services of Vail Ski Instructors
for private lessons or simply cutting any lift lines. It is also possible to line up Mountain guides for an hour to
on the Friday or Saturday to show you around parts of the mountain. Email Maggie Meeks (MMeek@vailresorts.com) at least one week in advance to make these arrangements.
CarniVAIL Lodging Ideas
We do not attempt to organize housing for
everyone because there are just too many variables. However, we can suggest these ideas.....
- The Sonnenalp Hotel is one of the finest
mountain resort hotels in the world with an excellent spa, on-slope ski storage, fire places in rooms, etc....... but
they currently ask for minimum stays in the order of one week. They can be reached at 970-476-5656.
- We may possibly have a discount
opportunity at the just about completed Vail Plaza Hotel and Club Complex which is the closest major hotel operation to
the Sonnenalp Hotel. They are still awaiting a certificate of occupancy, but should be operational shortly. The
best way to book at the moment is through the Vail Valley Partnership at (970) 479-1046. Try on the pass word "Dartmouth,"
and maybe you will gain some benefit....
- We also are talking to the biggest hotel
in the region, the Marriott Hotel in Lionshead, about an arrangement. At this writing, the details are not yet
available. Marriott does not have direct website for Vail. Guests can call (970) 476-4444, or go to Marriott.com
and click on link to Vail, CO Should you contact them, you can mention the pass word "Dartmouth," and
maybe you will gain some benefit....
- The Ramshorn Lodge is a smaller lodge
in Vail Village with very easy access to the slopes. It is located midway between the Vista Bahn and Gold
Peak lifts with some rooms having an unobstructed view of the slopes. They have a few 2 and 4 bedroom
condos available for short rents. You can call them directly at (970) 476-5646, and mention "Dartmouth"...
- Another source of condo or house rental
space is Vail Reality .... 970-476-8800. If you go this route, please mention to them that you are calling
on the recommendation of broker "George Lamb" for the "Dartmouth" group. George (e.g. a senior Realtor with
Slifer Smith Frampton, Vail's largest property sales real estate operation) says that the Vail Reality group is
high quality, and dedicated to rental situations.
BACKGROUND Winter Para-Olympics
Some may ask "What is Para-Olympics?" The simple answer is that the Para-Olympic program
is amongst the finest developments in the history of skiing.
Winter sports for athletes with disabilities gradually increased after the Second World War,
when wounded civilians and soldiers attempted to get back on skis. A number of pioneers such as the Austrian Sepp Zwichnagl,
both of whose lower legs had been amputated, tried using skis with artificial limbs. Another innovation was the use of the
mono-ski with stabilizers (i.e., small stabilizing skis mounted on ski poles). This innovation led to the first mono-ski competition
in February 1948, with 17 participants from all over Austria. The event gained popularity and the following year the first
Austrian championships were held in Badfastein, Austria.
In the '70s the first multidisciplinary skiing competitions began. In 1974 at Grand Bornand
in France, the first World Championships included downhill skiing and Nordic (cross-country) skiing for both amputees and
the blind.
The first Winter Para Olympics were held in Örnsköldsvik, Sweden in 1976, with downhill and
Nordic skiing competitions for amputees and the blind and a sledging demonstration. The success of the first Para-Olympic
games led to a second event in Geilo, Norway in 1980. In 1984, the Para-Olympic Games were held in Innsbruck, Austria. For
the first time, during the Sarajevo Winter Olympics, 30 athletes on mono-skis took part in the Super G. In 1988 the Para-Olympic
games were again held in Innsbruck, not at the Olympic facilities in Calgary, Canada, due to financial reasons. A total of
397 athletes from 22 countries took part in the event. Seated skiers joined in both downhill and Nordic competitions. In 1992,
the Games took place at Tignes-Albertville in France. For the first time there were displays of downhill and cross-country
skiing for mentally-handicapped athletes. The 1994 games in Lillehammer were marked by the debut of ice sledge hockey, the
Para-Olympic version of ice hockey. In 1998, the Nagano games were the first to be held outside Europe, thus showing increased
media interest in the Para Olympics. And the explosion in interest has only grown thru the Para-Olympic events in 2002 (Salt
Lake City), 2006 (Torino, Italy) and the growing expectations for 2010 (Vancouver, Canada).
The concept of disabled individuals enjoying winter sports has been taken to a new level by
the pioneering work of Vail Mountain, led by Cheryl and Bill Jensen, with disabled soldiers being treated at Walter Reed
Hospital in Washington DC. Individuals with many different injuries, and quality of life problems, have been
invited to Vail..... and taught to ski! The results and the personal growth have been nothing short of spectacular.
Now many ski areas have picked up the idea, and the concept is being used around the country to help men and women, the real heroes
of our time, regain respect for their own skills, and reasons for the continued personal development of their lives.
Become A
We have organized this weekend with a fairly
low entry cost of $175 for all the group events so as many alumni as possible will be able to attend. To pull
this weekend off in this way, we need underwriting support from those able to do so. As with last year, we
are not going to "campaign," but rather just ask those with the wherewithal to help out to send a check for any amount ($25,
100, 250, 500, 1000 or whatever you want to send) to the "Dartmouth Club of Vail Region" via our Club Treasurer,
Gerry Huttrer, at Box 2425, Frisco, CO 80443. We will really appreciate your extra support to
sponsor something that is unique in the world of today.... a Dartmouth tradition for "everyone" organized by Dartmouth