Thanks to the efforts of Bob Blake and Donn Barclay, our local area rep, we stayed at the terrific Disney World hotel
Shades of Green, enjoyed visits to various Orlando tourist sites and gathered at a delicious and fun dinner at Antonio's Saturday
A highlight of the dinner was our Special Guests Dean Thad and Polly Seymour, who now live in the Orlando area where
Thad still teaches English at Rollins College, where he once was President.
The different venue gave us a chance to catch up with classmates such as Alan and Mary Alice Stewart and Donn, who had
not been back to the campus in over 40 years.
Activities were pretty much "on your own" which still made it hard to choose from a menu of Magic Kingdom, Animal World,
Epcot Center, MGM Studios, Universal Studios, and Sea World -- but among us we saw them all.
Ted Atkinson and wife Marcia along with son Teddy, Jim and Debbie Griffiths, Alan and Mary Alice Stewart, Donn Barclay,
Bob and Sharon Blake, and Ken and Linnie McGruther all agreed that this particular venue is worth re-visiting, and tentative
plans have been made to do so for our 2009 Out-of-Hanover Mini-Reunion.
So, start planning now to join your classmates there... and to "score" some Mickey Ears while there.