Minutes From Recent ExCom Meeting/Class Officers Weekend
Attached for your information is a copy of the Minutes
of our recent Executive Committee meeting held on June 26, 2002 at Bill Webster's summer home in Old Saybrook, Ct.
The Minutes were prepared by Class Secretary, Ken McGruther.
Please note that Class Officers Weekend is scheduled for
Hanover on September 13/14, 2002. Although there is a full program on Friday, September 13, the more important
day would appear to be Saturday, September14. There will be a dinner at Leede Arena on Friday evening, at which President
Wright will speak. Depending on the schedule of those Class Officers who plan to attend, we might try to organize
a 1965 dinner on Thursday evening, September 12, or Saturday evening, September 14. Would all Class Officers please
let me know whether they are able to attend Class Officers Weekend and, if so, whether they would prefer a 1965 dinner
on Thursday or Saturday. My preference would be Saturday as I will probably travel to Hanover on Friday morning.
thanks and I hope everyone is having a good summer, the markets notwithstanding!