The Great Class of 1965

Bartlett Tower Society



Class of ’65 Executive Committee Meeting
Bartlett Tower Society
Reporting From The July 10, 2006 Meeting
At Bill Webster's Home in Old Saybrook, CT
Jim Griffiths, Bob Blake, Bob McConnaughey, John Sottile, Ken McGruther,
Bob Murphy, Jim Hamilton, Mike Gonnerman, Doug Leitch, Stu Keiller, Tucky Mays, Bill Webster, Hank Amon, Brian Porzak and Roger Hansen

Bill Webster
Planned Giving
Past:  President,
 Alumni Fund 

Planned Giving
The Bartlett Tower Society
There are several “planned giving” arrangements through which Classmates can donate to The College. Bill Webster and Doug Leitch outlined these programs and their efforts to increase Class participation.  Classmates are encouraged to click on the Bartlett Tower Emblem for complete details and links on The College site. 
Bill has set a goal of 25 classmates to be participants by the end of the current fiscal year.  As of the meeting, 16 Classmates wear the Bartlett Tower Pin. 
Campaign details will be forthcoming.

Bartlett Tower Society

Including Dartmouth in your charitable planning is one of the most personal ways to express your philanthropy. We are forever grateful for this commitment, and honor those who remember Dartmouth in this way with special recognition as members of the Bartlett Tower Society.

Named for the tower inspired by President Samuel Colcord Bartlett as a symbol of building upon the past for the benefit of the future, the Society celebrates this special form of philanthropy.


In considering these options, or alternative plans, you should consult your attorney or financial advisor about how these principles apply to your own situation. The Dartmouth Gift Planning Office staff is happy to work with you and your advisors in arranging a gift plan that best suits your objectives.

We look forward to welcoming you as a member of the Bartlett Tower Society.


Click On Emblem For Details

Your Plan Manager: Kaspick & Company

In 2003, after extensive review, Dartmouth hired a nationally-recognized firm, KASPICK & COMPANY, to assist with the management and administration of our charitable trusts, pooled income funds, and gift annuities. By making this change, Dartmouth joins the University of Pennsylvania, Johns Hopkins University, the American Red Cross, the Nature Conservancy, and other well-known non-profit organizations throughout the United States that now work with KASPICK & COMPANY.

The review that led to our decision to hire KASPICK & COMPANY highlighted three key objectives for our planned giving program:

  • A sophisticated investment approach that blends the principles of endowment management with the special tax and income needs of planned gifts;
  • Accurate and timely administration—payments and tax reports—for our donors and beneficiaries; and
  • The highest quality reporting and consulting support available, befitting the legacy of trust instilled by Dartmouth’s donors in its planned giving program for more than 50 years.

Our new partnership with KASPICK & COMPANY will enable us to achieve these goals.

The Investment, Gift Planning, and Controller’s offices are jointly responsible for the quality of Dartmouth’s planned giving program. Hiring KASPICK & COMPANY has resulted in improved service to all donors and beneficiaries.

To learn more about Kaspick & Company click here to visit their home page.