In 1998, the Class of
1965 established the Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund with the goal of raising annual contributions to the Fund of $25,000,
based upon a fiscal year of June 30.
The Scholarship Fund
has operated on the basis that, for each $50,000 contributed to the Fund, the College would designate one Class of 1965 Scholar. If it were able to achieve its goal, the Class of 1965 would ultimately have during
each academic year four Class of 1965 Scholars, one in each Class.
As of June 30, 2000, the Class had raised its initial $50,000 and the first Class of 1965 Scholar was named by
the College. At June 30, 2002 and June 30, 2004, the Class of 1965 had raised
additional amounts of $50,000, respectively, thereby entitling the Class to three Class of 1965 Scholars.
As of June 30,
2006, the Class of 1965 achieved its ultimate goal of raising $200,000 and will now be able to support four Class of 1965
The Class of 1965 Scholars
for the 2005/2006 year were Orinola A. Gbadebo-Smith ’06, Kale S. Bongers ’07 and Christopher A. Farmer ’08.
At its annual fall mini-reunion
in Hanover, the Class of 1965 invites one of the Class of 1965 Scholars to attend its dinner on Saturday evening at Pierce’s
Inn and to comment on his/her experiences at Dartmouth.
Dartmouth Alumni Council May 18-20, 2006 Meeting Hanover, New Hampshire
To: Members of the Classes of 1965 and 1966: As your representative on the Alumni Council, I attended the 192nd
meeting of the Dartmouth College Alumni Council on May 18-20, 2006 in Hanover. Association of Alumni Constitution The
highlight of the meeting was the unanimous vote of the Alumni Council to adopt the proposed new constitution for the Association
of Alumni, as recommended and presented by the Alumni Governance Task Force (AGTF), chaired by Joe Stevenson, Class of 1957.
As many of you know, the AGTF was commissioned by the presidents of the Alumni Council and the Association of Alumni in February,
2004. The AGTF was asked to address the deficiencies of the current alumni governance system and to produce a single
unifying constitution for the Council and the Association. The proposed Alumni Association constitution seeks to invigorate
Dartmouth alumni governance and strengthen the traditional partnership between Dartmouth and her alumni. Under the
proposed constitution, the voice of alumni will be strengthened by (a) an innovative Alumni Liaison Board with a direct, meaningful
relationship with the Board of Trustees, (b) a widely representative Alumni Assembly of approximately 125 members (which will
take the place of the Alumni Council and where each Class up to the 50th reunion will have its own representative) and (c)
a trustee nomination process that encourages two-candidate elections (with one-person, one-vote balloting), making it easier
to be a petition candidate and substantially leveling the playing field for all as regards campaigning. The proposed
constitution is the result of debate and compromise over a two-year period by the AGTF, which comprises nine members,
several of whom have been publicly at odds over the past five years but have now found unanimity in drafting and agreeing
upon this proposed document. The proposed Alumni Association constitution will be distributed to all 66,500 Dartmouth
alumni beginning in mid-June, and an alumni wide vote to adopt the constitution will be commenced in September. A two-thirds
vote of alumni voting by mail and other appropriate means will be required to enact the new constitution. All members
of the Classes of 1965 and 1966 are urged to read the proposed constitution and related documents when they are received and
to cast their votes. If anyone has any questions regarding the proposed constitution, I would certainly be pleased to
try to answer them. Dartmouth Student Body The 192nd meeting of the Alumni Council witnessed much greater involvement
among Councillors and the student body at Dartmouth. In addition to a lobster dinner held with the Class of 2006 in
Leverone Field House on Thursday evening (at which members of the senior class and Councillors sat with each other at numerous
tables for eight), students also joined Councillors for lunch on Friday at the Hanover Inn and participated in small-group
discussions on various topics. Further, Councillors were, for the first time, offered an opportunity to attend undergraduate
classes and to witness first hand today’s students (and professors) in action. Athletics Committee As a member
of the Athletics Committee of the Alumni Council, I attended a meeting on Friday morning at which Athletic Director, Josie
Harper, Assistant Athletic Director, Bob Ceplikas, and various members of their respective staffs were present. The
meeting was held in the renovated Alumni Gym (the renovations are nearing completion and are quite spectacular; the new fitness
center is truly state-of-the-art). Josie, as she does every six months, provided an overview of the state of Dartmouth
athletics including not only varsity sports but also club and intramural sports. She reported that Dartmouth coaches
were “generally pleased” with the admission level of recruited student athletes in the Class of 2010 and indicated
that the Athletic and Admissions Departments had worked much more closely this past year in the review process. Bob
Ceplikas then described all of the new athletic facilities being constructed, including Varsity House behind the east stands
at the football field and the new artificial turf football field that will be installed for the 2006 season. The
Committee discussion focused primarily on the state of club sports which now comprise 26 different clubs (many of which have
achieved national prominence) and involve some 900 students. There is a demand for the College to recognize additional
club sports (for example, women’s lacrosse and women’s soccer have filed applications) but budgetary and space
limitations prevent any additional recognition at this time. The Committee was presented with a Student Assembly Report
entitled “Club Sports at Dartmouth” which lamented the lack of facilities and College funding available for club
sports at Dartmouth. I would note that, when junior varsity and freshman teams were eliminated some years ago, club
sports saw an immediate growth in interest and activity. After much discussion and comments from the student representatives
at its meeting, the Athletics Committee unanimously adopted a resolution calling upon the College, as a top priority, to install
at least one new artificial turf field near Sachem Field which would be available primarily for club and intramural sports.
Alumni Survey During a plenary session of the Alumni Council, it was revealed that the Communications Committee is
working on an alumni survey which will hopefully be undertaken next year. This survey of all Dartmouth alumni will be
the first attempt in a number of years to measure Alumni sentiment on a host of issues. Class of 2010 At the Saturday
luncheon, Karl Furstenberg, Director of Admissions, reported on the enrollment of the Class of 2010. This past year
Dartmouth received 13,937 applications, a record, surpassing the 12,756 applications received for the Class of 2009.
Of those who applied, 2,149 were admitted and 1,083 will matriculate. The Class of 2010 will be 48.5% male and 51.5%
female, the highest female level in the past five years. Roughly two-thirds of the new Class come from public schools
and one-third from private schools. The geographic distribution is consistent with past years, with 6.6% of the students
being classified as “international”. Approximately 30% of the incoming class are students of color, with
Asian American being the largest single group (13.7%). Fully one-third were valevictorians and approximately 92% were
in the top 10% of their respective high school classes. Finally, of note, 11% (119 students) of the Class of 2010 are
legacies. Kate Aiken’92 At Friday’s dinner, Kate Aiken, Class of 1992 and daughter of Jim Aiken, Class of
1965, was presented with the “Young Alumni Distinguished Service Award” by the President of the Alumni Council.
Jim and his wife were on hand to witness the presentation. Congratulations to Kate! I wish everyone an excellent
summer and would be pleased to hear from you regarding any matters concerning Dartmouth ( The next meeting of the Alumni Council (and perhaps last, if the new constitution is adopted) will take place in
Hanover on November 30 - December 2, 2006. Hank Amon, Class of 1965