"Hold Your Gold, Pardner"
Naw, this ain't no stick up... it's a mix-up...
or sumpin' like that!

Dear Classmates,
I have received from Susan Young, Alumni Relations, the following information regarding the confused mailing of
the Class Dues notice to all Classes. The remainder of this page is verbatim.
Bob Murphy
Class Treasurer
Here's the scoop:
1. The corrected version of the first dues mailing started hitting the US mail last Friday, Nov. 11. Ten
thousand went out on Friday, another 22,000 on Monday and the remaining 4,500 on Tuesday.
2. This revised
mailing includes a card from Alumni Relations explaining the problem and apologizing for it. In addition, the outside
envelope also has a stamp that reads "Revised Dues Notice Enclosed". The bottom portion of the letter which is
the actual dues slip they return with their payment also has been marked with "Revised Dues Notice" so that both the Wheelock Plan
treasurers and the Ledyard Bank can identify the correct dues slip.
3. In my initial email regarding the problem,
I indicated that the revised mailing would go out first class. Due to permitting issues and expediency these went
out third class, not first. A significant delay would have resulted from adjusting everything to accommodate the
first class postage so I made the decision to go with third class. My apologies for the misinformation in the
first email.
4. Ledyard National Bank has been instructed to return any payments from the incorrect mailing
to us so that we can make sure the right class and alumnus/nae receives credit for the dues payment.
5. There
is a rumor floating about that we outsource the dues mailing to India. That is absolutely false. The preparation
of the database and letters is done here in Blunt and sent to a mail house in Portland, Maine for processing.
6. Please instruct your classmates to simply throw away the erroneous notice and wait for the correct
one before sending in their payment.
7. All costs associated with the revised dues mailing will
be absorbed by Alumni Relations. The classes will only be charged for what would've been the normal first dues
mailing expenses.