The Dartmouth Class of 1965 assembled at Pierce’s Inn in Hanover on October 23, 2005 to conduct a wide-ranging
review of Class issues. In attendance were Ken McGruther (President), Hank Amon
(Alumni Council Representative), Jim Griffiths (Head Agent), Bob Blake (OOH Mini Chair), Carl Boe (Newsletter Editor), Mike
Gonnerman (VP for Projects), Steve Waterhouse, Ted Atkinson (45th
Reunion Co-Chair), Gary Herbst, Bob Murphy (Treasurer), Steve Fowler, Bob McConnaughy
(Mini Reunion Chair), Peter Frederick and Roger Hansen (Secretary). The meeting
was called to order at 9:00 a.m.
The Minutes
of the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Class held on July 11, 2005 and of the Class Meeting of June 15, 2005 were
approved without revision.
The Class
President, Ken McGruther, reported on the successful Fortieth Reunion, thanking the Fredericks and the Hansens for their efforts.
He also thanked those responsible for the delightful Homecoming/Mini Reunion this weekend – Bob and French McConnaughey,
Jim and Debbie Griffiths, Steve and Linda Fowler, and Bob and Sharon and Blake. He
noted the attendance at last night’s dinner by Chris Farmer ’08, one of our Class of ’65 Scholarship recipients.
Ken also
read a letter from Kale S. Bongers ’07, a ’65 Scholar, describing his experience at Dartmouth and thanking the
Class for our support.
Spouse Relations. Ken has been in touch with Karen Harvey, who offered suggestions to make wives of
deceased classmates feel welcome at class activities. He will pursue this further.
The Class
Treasurer, Bob Murphy, presented his report, indicating that our current bank balance is approximately $48,000. Additionally there is close to $2000 left in the reunion account, which Mike Gonnerman, Reunion Treasurer,
will be sending along to the Treasurer. By the end of the fiscal year the combination
of scholarship funds raised in the reunion auction plus the portion of the current dues earmarked for the Scholarship Fund
will have brought the fund balance to our goal of $200,000; thus allowing us to support four scholars.
The recent
agreement between the College and Dartmouth Alumni Magazine to keep the cost to the classes at $10 per alum per year will
save the class about $4000 to $5000 per year. Further, the $20 portion of our
annual class dues designated for the Scholarship Fund will be available for other projects.
Agent’s Report
The Class
Head Agent, Jim Griffiths, advised us that the focus during the next five years will be on participation. The Campaign For The Dartmouth Experience continues until 2009. The
solicitation of the general alumni group begins in late winter to early spring of 2006.
Jim is working on the organizational structure for the campaign, and asked for those present to indicate their willingness
to work on the campaign. Each volunteer will be asked to contact six to eight
Tower Society: Bill Webster will doing a mailing and web posting soon.
The Class
President then initiated a discussion of a potential class activities and projects for the coming years. Particular note was also made of the goal to increase participation of class members in all phases of class
activities. Mike Gonnerman, VP for Projects, noted that “projects”
can be thought of as activities or purchases of $10,000 per year or less. Suggestions
included the Tucker Foundation internships, another activity with an organization like COVER, and/or “hard assets”
which can be permanently identified with the Class. Mike welcomes any further
Hank Amon
represents the Classes of ’65 and ’66 on the Council. He is also
on the Council’s Athletics Committee. The next Council meeting is in December.
He reviewed
the Alumni Magazine funding plan which was presented at Class Officers’ Weekend.
This lowering of the subscription rate carries with it the proviso that there be no further culling of the class lists.
Other attendees at the COW were Mike Gonnerman, Carl Boe, Jim Giffiths, Bob Blake,
John Sottile, and Roger Hansen.
The meeting
was adjourned at 10:40 a.m.
David Spaulding
is the new VP of Alumni Affairs of the College.
dates have been set for the next few years.
Class donations
were reviewed. The Memorial Book Fund has a limit of $40 per book and its balance
is getting low. It was moved and voted that we would transfer $1000 into the
fund and increase the per book limit to $50.
was moved and voted that we would give an additional $100 to the Freshman Trip in recognition of the students who taught us
the “Salty Dog” at the reunion. It was then moved and voted that
we would make the following donations this year:
Steve Waterhouse
will again organize the Vail Mini, including ‘65s and the Vail Dartmouth Club and any other Greeners available on March
3 to 5, 2006.
OOH Mini
Chair, Bob Blake, informed us that Class sponsored activities must be registered with the College in order to be sure that
we are covered by their liability insurance policy.
Editor, Carl Boe, was congratulated on the quality of his first Class newletter. It
was sent electronically to 90 classmates for whom we had addresses. It is felt
that we can acquire up to about 250 addresses in the near term and should seek to reach a point where we can send the newletter
electronically to virtually everyone. Meanwhile we will have three hardcopy newletters
annually, with one being late August or early September primarily for registration material for the Mini. Carl will establish a calendar for the newsletters.
The excellent
work of John Sottile ’64, our webmaster was recognized. A motion was made
and voted that we make John a member of the Class of ’65, assuming his and the College’s willingness to do so. Ken will speak with John.
A draft
of the new constitution which seeks to clarify the roles of the Alumni Council and the Association of Alumni is on the College
website and will be discussed at the Association Meeting later this morning. No
vote on the constitution will occur until the spring. Association Officers will
be elected today.