The Great Class of 1965

Class Officers Weekend '05


Once A Year...
Dartmouth invites, convenes, and graciously hosts the Officers of all Classes.  During the two days of session,  The College instructs new officers on their roles, inspires attendees with progresses and plans, provides forums for exchanging ideas and concerns, plus awards alumni for their outstanding contribution to The College.
There are two social centerpieces to the weekend; the Alumni Reception & Dinner on Friday where the Alumni Award is presented to an outstanding alumnus, and the Luncheon on Saturday where the Young Alumni Distinguised Service Award is presented.  This years recipients are David Orr'57 & Kaja Schuppert '95, respectively.
Throughout the two days, other awards are also present. 
This year's theme was
"Energizing Our Classes."

L-R:  Carl Boe, Hank Amon, Bob Blake, Kate Aiken '92 (Class VP and daughter of Jim Aiken '65),
Roger Hansen, Mike Gonnerman, John Sottile, Jim Griffiths
Sifting through the tours, talks, activities, and awards of the weekend, one comes away with a couple key elements that are relevant to Classmates who were not there to be energized by the ambiance, or stuffed with way-too-many rumakis at the reception.
1.  Online Dues Payment
2.  Reduced Alumni Magazine Assessment
3.  Conflicted Class Notes, Newsletter & Web Functions 
Online Dues Payment:  A few Classes have done this on their own; now,The College has its "solution." Recent Classes claim that there's been an increase in dues-paying classmates from online payments.  For ancient and honorable Classes (->50 years out), it's most likely a waste of energy and money. For the in-between Classes, (that's us) it requires a decision that costs $375 per year plus 2% of all collections... AND does not obviate a manual system if classmates insist on paying by check.   More to follow.
Reduced Alumni Magazine Assessment:  Certainly DAM has been the elephant at the cocktail party w/r/t Class Dues.  It has turning the Classes into "goon" squads icing non-paying Classmates.  The economics were such that the Classes could not carry the burden WHICH EQUALLED OVER 67% OF THE DUES.  While there are arguments from all sides, there is no arguing that DAM was divisive and needed dollar-sharing make-over.  One could also argue whether DAM was an instrument of The College for editorial content or a publication of the Classes for Class Notes.  More to follow.
Conflicted Class Notes, Newsletter & Web Functions:  Mercifully, the Great Class of '65 has shown its greatness in this area, because it is apparent from even two years ago that some Classes are having severe TURF BATTLES over who owns the news, and who should be responsible for its dissemination.  DAM holds that Class Notes should be reviewed for accuracy... Newsletters are also "sniffed as well. Ah, but then there is WWW---the Wild-West-Web, broadcast emails via listservs and 1-2-Many, regular e-mail servers, plus now blogs and RSS feeds.  Eleazer, ol' sport, it's a whole different world!  Regardless of our Class harmony, there are legitimate issues to be addressed.   More to follow.
Considering that the latter point has not been, nor is anticipated to be a problem, plus considering that online payments, though convenient, are have not been, nor are critical to the overall goal of reaching-out to classmates, one deduces that the AWARD WINNING NEWS is that The College has taken an important step toward class cohesion which vectors positively with our Class direction.


Hanover Inn Tavern
The Real Meeting Of The Minds

Friday Evening Reception
Nancy Pierce (Pierce's Inn) w Beaus

'65s Meet '05
Kaitlin Jaxheimer '05 w Mike & Hank

The Great AND GALLANT Class of '65 was pleased to welcome Kate Aiken '92 (top) back to our table.  She has joined us in previous years.  Kate is VP in her Class, and the daughter of our Jim Aiken.  Also joining us this year was Kaitlin Jaxheimer, '05 (above).  Kaitlin is her Class' inaugural Treasurer.  She was the sole officer from her Class to return to Hanover.  Obviously, the "Officers and Gentlemen" of '65 could not allow for such lonely situations to remain!  Both women are always welcomed  back to our table.