Dear Classmates:
you can see, plans for our 40th Reunion are well under way! We will celebrate
this chapter in our Dartmouth lives on June 13-16, 2005. The Committee, co-chaired
by Roger Hansen and Pete Frederick,
has begun to formulate a schedule of events. You will find in this newsletter
an announcement from Roger and Pete, as well as a “cast call” from Jim
Griffiths and Brian Porzak, the organizers of a musical production to be performed
during the reunion.
October mini will take place over the October 15-17, 2004 weekend,
and this newsletter contains information on the event and a reservation form
to be sent to Pierce’s Inn with a deposit. This
will be our 27th consecutive fall mini-reunion in Hanover! We have moved the weekend forward in October to (hopefully) enjoy better weather and
some fall foliage, so the reunion will not occur over Homecoming Weekend which is later that month. Although we will miss the parade, pep rally and bonfire, we have a very attractive Friday evening alternative! Linda and Steve Fowler have kindly agreed
to host a Class of 1965 drinks and dinner party in October at their lovely house in Hanover (at the end of Fraternity Row,
past the President’s house). Otherwise, the usual October mini-reunion
activities are planned, highlighted by our Saturday dinner at Pierce’s.
the Executive Committee meeting, Treasurer Steve Fowler reported that the 1965 Scholarship Fund now totals $126,054! This reflects a contribution of $25,000 by various Class members and the Class itself
during the fiscal year ended June 30, 2004. However, as reported at the meeting, the Class treasury will not be in a position during the current or
upcoming fiscal years to make substantial contributions to the Fund as in the past.
Accordingly, if we are to continue to meet our goal of a $25,000 contribution to the Fund during the 2005-2007 fiscal
years (at which point our total contributions will reach $200,000, giving us four Class of 1965 scholars, one in each undergraduate
class), we will need substantial additional contributions from members of the Class of 1965.
Doug Leitch reported that reunion check presentations to the College will now
comprise not only current use gifts to the Dartmouth College Fund but also the cumulative total of all gifts and commitments
to the “Campaign for the Dartmouth Experience”, which will include, among other things, gifts and commitments
to the Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund. Accordingly, we have a unique opportunity
this year, it being our 40th Reunion year, to make contributions and commitments
to the Class Scholarship Fund and have them be recognized as part of our aggregate reunion contribution to the College. In this connection, we will be able to count commitments to the Class Scholarship
Fund reunion through 2009, which will mark the end of the “Campaign for the Dartmouth Experience”. More on this at the October mini.
the fiscal year ended June 30, 2004, the two existing Class
of 1965 Scholarships were awarded by the College to Eric Jacobson ’04 and Shamara Baidoobonso ’06. As Eric (whom some of you met at the October 2002 mini) has now graduated, a new Class of 1965 scholar
will be selected by the College in September.
Steve Fowler will shortly be sending
out our annual Class dues appeal. For the fiscal year just ended, we had a nice
increase in dues paying classmates, some 342 in all, an increase of 36 over fiscal 2003!
In this, a reunion year, let’s have even more ‘65s support the Class by paying the $60 annual Class dues
($20 of which is allocated to the Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund).
you in Hanover at the October 15-17 mini-reunion!
Hank Amon