65 Classmates:
Weve finally migrated from that mysterious New England fifth season mud season into a glorious Hanover spring. The duckboards are gone, the seniors are wandering around aimlessly, and the world
(particularly for those retiring this month, more on that later) seems full of the promise of new beginnings. One thing that is not full, however, is the newsletter mailbag. One
of my esteemed predecessors, Jack Heidbrink, advised me that this should not be
a problem; Just make things up, he told me. So a warning if you see yourself
being described as doing something you cant remember doing, it may not be your memory, but rather my attempt to prompt you
into delivering some real news.
One thing that is certainly real is Steve Waterhouses report on the fourth
annual Vail mini-reunion in March. Well, another great Vail Mini-Reunion for
skiers and non-skiers has ended in a successful time for all, with some 27 participants.
Combined with the Vail and Denver Dartmouth Club folks on Friday, this has to have been the greatest gathering of Dartmouth
grads and friends in Vail ever.
We started early with a party at Linda and Steve Waterhouse's on Monday.
Included in the group were Sue and Jim Aiken, who could not make the actual weekend
due to other commitments. Jim also turns out to be a long time friend of the great USA skier Billy Kidd from their
days together in Vermont. The regular reunioners started showing up on Thursday:
Nancy and Roger Hanson, Sue and Bill Webster,
Elaine Manza and Rick Davy, Marsha and Ted
Atkinson and Carl Boe were joined by locals Diane and Marsh Wallach, and Ellen and Norm Christianson with son Jay.
We gathered for impromptu cocktails and dinner including Norm's Canyon Wind wine, the best in the West!
There were over 40 Dartmouthites skiing on Vail Mountain, and even more, close to 60 in total, shared war stories
and reminiscences at a Seussday "Tails party (In honor of Class of 1925 Dr. Seuss's 100th birthday)! Saturday we had various members of our group skiing through an unusual, strong wind on Vail Mountain that
shut down part of the mountain while others did some snow shoeing. Diane and Tom
Campbell joined the ski group on Saturday at lunch, and Sue and Dick Durrance
joined us on Saturday night at a wonderful cocktail party and dinner hosted by Diane and Marsh Wallach at their magnificent new home in nearby Bachelor Gulch. Dick Durrance brought along some of his recent Golf Photography books for all to enjoy.
Sunday and Monday skiing was excellent as Colorado came thru with some stupendous blue skies, bright sunshine and
warm temperatures. On Monday, we had lunch at Los Amigos, the Mexican style restaurant owned by Ron Riley. Unfortunately for our Reunion, Anne and Ron Riley were off to watch their son race at Steamboat
Mountain this weekend so they were not as much in evidence, but they were in touch. We also heard from but
did not manage to link up with Sally and Dick Avery, as well as Dan Morgan. We hope to have participants photos sent to Mike Gonnerman for posting on the class website.
Vail Dartmouth Club mug shot of invading Class of 65 members

The above photo is just of a portion of the Dartmouth
skiers who ventured on to Vail Mountain March 5, 2004. They represent The Dartmouth Club - Vail Region, The Great Class
of 1965, and The Dartmouth Club of Denver.
In total, we figured that we had at least 45 Dartmouth
skiers on the mountain that day. However, the number could have been higher as not all the group checked in with us.
Later that day, we had a Seussday 'Tails Cocktail
Party with upwards of 60 participants.
Overall, this had to have been one of the largest,
if not the largest, group of Dartmouth skiing folks ever to be... in one group... on a mountain... at one time... anywhere
in the world, other than in the immediate Hanover area!
Next year, we hope to gather together an even larger group
of Dartmouth skiers to set some sort of Guiness Record for our sort of skiing event.
Steve Waterhouse
President DCVR
P.S. The falling snow is real... no digital
magic here... just Mother Nature!
When you receive this, our second mini-reunion of the year, at the Allenberry Resort in Pennsylvania, will be
history. Read Hank Amons letter for
a full report.
The mailbag may be light, but its not empty.
The latest from Richard Joseph: After
fifteen years, Jennifer and I have left Atlanta and settled in Evanston, Illinois and Northwestern University where I direct
the oldest African Studies Program in the US. I made two trips to Hanover last
fall for taped interviews for Dartmouths Oral History Project. It was exciting
re-examining critical events of my Dartmouth career as a student and faculty member: the Civil Rights movement, recruiting
Black students, Malcom Xs visit, John Kemeny, Anti-Apartheid activism, the extraordinary professors and administrators who
taught, mentored, and inspired me. Try him at
A report in a Washington legal journal has Robert
Jake Miller installing a pool table in his judges chambers, with a double tap system currently on order. He has also allegedly requested to be driven to and from court in an antique fire engine. There is some speculation that he believes that he is still at Gamma Delt.
Among our recent travelers are Allen Zern
and Dick Bordeau. Dick reports The
Zerns and the Bordeaus recently returned from a wonderful three week vacation in Patagonia.
We enjoyed summer in the Southern Hemisphere while staying at various lodges and small hotels in southern Argentina
and Chile. Warm and friendly people, spectacular scenery and great food and wine
are common attributes of both countries. We got as far as Cape Horn during a cruise from Ushuaia, the southernmost city in Argentina (and the world) to Punta Arenas,
the southernmost city in Chile. We also enjoyed spectacular hikes and glacier
treks while staying at Explora Lodge at Torres de Paine National Park in Chile and at Lost Notros at the Merino Glacier in
Argentina. We have all vowed to return, we loved it so much and we certainly
recommend it to all 65s seeking new frontiers. More details? Try
June 24, 2004 Class of 1965 Executive Committee
(Bill Webster's)
For some of us, our last glimpse of Ned McCook
was a picture in the Aegis of him sliding down the hill in front of Dartmouth Hall on a food tray obviously purloined from
Thayer Hall. A recent release from the International Olympic Committee informs
us that Ned has petitioned to allow a non-medal senior luge event in the next winter Olympics.
Stay tuned to see how his effort turns out.
Doug Leitch is usually a good source of class news,
from his vantage point as Associate Director of Gift Planning at the College. A
lot of traveling this winter - San Antonio, St. Louis, and New Mexico. Those are among the warmest/sunniest locations in my
"territory" (I'm not senior enough in the Gift Planning Office - yet - to have Florida on my itinerary). Had a nice visit
with Ralph Griffin and his wife Susan Mayo in St. Louis. Missed Zach Hahn in Albuquerque and Phil Edgerton in Santa Fe due to scheduling
conflicts. I also did some personal travel to celebrate my 60th birthday and my first anniversary of working for Dartmouth
in February with a week in Crete (sunny and warm) and a couple of days in Athens. That trip brought to life Hugh Morrison's
History of Architecture. I could gripe about the lack of snow and the colder than average temperatures in the Upper Valley
this winter, but you know that and most of our classmates would probably rather not remember twenty below zero. I've been
working with Bill Webster to increase our class representation in the Bartlett
Tower Society. We've had modest success adding a couple of new members over the past year.
To plan a gift, or just to chat, hes at
Evidently Dave Perinchief has been moonlighting on the side, according to the Newark (NJ) Star Ledger. Chief is credited from anonymous sources in a non-bylined story disclaiming any knowledge of the truth
with providing critical details to Patricia Cromwell on many of her medical examiner novels, leading some to speculate that
he may be joining the many 65 authors with a book of his own.
I noticed in the Boston Globe a sleek figure sprinting up Commonwealth Avenue toward the finish of the Boston
Marathon, and Im certain I recognized Tim McLaughlin. It was either Tim or one of the Kenyans, the picture wasnt very clear, but if anyone has a list of finishers
Id love to see if Tim was able to beat his personal best of 2:19.65.
October 15-17, 2004 Class of 1965
Mini-Reunion in Hanover
Bill Webster was kind enough to send along a Quick news flash on Ron
Knapp. I had him join me for a conference in Alberta in April. It was a long way to go for a full day of speakers,
but the sponsor was willing to put me and a guest up for 3 nights at the famous Banff Springs Hotel, a destination Sue and
I have always wanted to make. Since she couldn't get away and I didn't want to be lonely I invited my old traveling companion
of 38 years ago with whom I trekked to California after graduation (a weak second choice). Knapper has been retired in Bend, Oregon for several years now after working for our government (he says) at
our expense, doing things in the dirt with wheat for third world countries which I don't know whether I can believe or not.
I do know his last residence was Cali, Columbia and I'm pretty sure his business was nefarious. But maybe if he reads this
he will give us all the real story of his working existence. In any case, we
enjoyed what had to be one of the most outstanding, clear days of fantastic spring skiing that Canada, or any other place
has to offer at Sunshine Ski Resort. He flew himself in from Bend in his brother's
single engine 6-seater Cessna which he gets to use over the winter. He is close to getting his instrument rating. He somehow
managed to fly into Canada without his passport and after landing realized it might not be so easy getting back into the states
without it. I haven't talked to him since we parted at the airport in Calgary,
but suggest you use this public forum to find out how he got back into the lower 49, and the rest of the story on him. What happened, Ron?
The Brunswick (ME) Times reports a crane had to be sent to rescue John
Ferdico, who was trapped under his piano when a stack of law books he was editing, but had placed on top of the piano
he was playing, tipped the center of gravity of the piano and it fell on his head. Ferdy
admits he was pounding the keys pretty hard, readying himself for 65s 40th reunion.
June 13-16, 2005 Class of 1965 40th Reunion
Ed Keible e-mailed me that Early in December, Terry and I went to Honolulu to support my
CFO who was running the Honolulu Marathon. She had trained with a group called
Team in Training a charitable organization that supports leukemia and lymphoma research.
I decided to run the last three or four miles with Julie for moral support and we finished the marathon. At the Team in Training tent after the race, I ran into Don Bradley,
who had also run the marathon and finished. He had trained for four months with
Team in Training like Julie. I pointed out to Don that, like him, I had also
finished; unlike him I just didnt start the marathon! So, at least some
65s are bold enough to take on the challenge of 26 miles and finish it. It is
inspirational to see a classmate like Don have the courage to embark on an adventure like the marathon and accomplish the
goal, quite a personal achievement. Although where you finish isnt anywhere near as important as just finishing, Don did beat
10,000 other across the finish line. I see Don off and on at various events. Don is corporate counsel to Wilson Sonsini, the premier law firm in Silicon Valley. You can find out more about the marathon and Don at, which also
links to photos of Don.
Jack Heidbrink responded
to my request for news with Tell 'em that Jack Heidbrink is loving retirement. I keep my mind and body in the classroom by
supervising student teachers Tufts University and Simmons College. I also do my share of baby-sitting for the grandchildren,
Sue and I will be celebrating four birthdays in the month of May. Becca will be 3, Rob will be 2, Joe will be 1 and ???? is
due to arrive on May 23rd. I am keeping in shape by building fences, chasing golf balls and swatting
tennis balls. The best thing about retirement is that I no longer have piles of school papers to read every week. I have been
able to read three times as many books as I could in the "olden days." I challenge the following members of the class
of '65 to write: DeWitt Jones, Tom Barnett, George Brannen, Denny
Bekemeyer, Tom Morton, Eric Knox, Mike Zook, and Bob Busch. Jacks at
And as for Bob Murphy, Im looking toward retirement on the 28th
of this month. Ive had 22 great years at Hypertherm in Hanover. I was employee 43 of 43 (now 17 of 650); we been four times selected as the best place to work in New Hampshire,
and in our one year of eligibility were number 12 on Fortunes list of 100 Best Companies to Work For in the US, pretty heady
stuff. Its a world-class company with world-class people, and Ive had a great
ride. Brigid and I will be off to our Lake George (NY) island for much of the
summer, and plan to keep our Hanover home but to also spend part of the year near her Glasgow, Scotland home. Were looking forward to the stuff that Jack talks about just above, in this case with our nine grandchildren
(so far our daughter Cory 95 gets married this September at the Dartmouth Skiway). Love
and peace to all of you, well see you at one of the affairs described in this letter.
Bob Murphy