Dear 65 Classmates:
A typically glorious New England autumn
has grudgingly given way to frosty mornings and several good dumps of snow. The
College is deeply engaged with the Town in discussions over the development of two separate geographic areas the North Campus,
embracing the area that once held the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, and a downtown area of several blocks that some
of us recall as the home of The Green Lantern. The normal Town-Gown issues are
involved, but if past experience holds we will once again reach a resolution that is satisfactory on both sides.
The mini-reunion
over the October 24-26 Homecoming weekend was unusually full of activities. Since
I was called out of town on grandchild-sitting duties, Im relying on Hank Amon
to report: We had the usual good time in Hanover this past weekend. The weather, for once, cooperated. It was rather cold for the
parade and bonfire but Saturday and Sunday were warmer and partly sunny - no rain or snow! A
good football game where Dartmouth prevailed over Columbia 26-21. They almost
collapsed at the end but held on. We had a nice reception at Linda and Steve Fowler's after the bonfire on Friday evening, the usual tailgate near Sphinx before the game, a joint reception
with the '64s and '66s in the Class of 1965 Galleries at Rauner Library after the game and Class dinner at Pierce's Saturday
evening, highlighted by Steve Waterhouse's presentation of the Dartmouth Alumni
Award to Jim Griffiths, the 6th member of the Class to receive this award (Waterhouse, Webster, Blake, Zern and Chiu). We
held a Class meeting Sunday morning and then many of us stayed for Jim Griffiths' 60th birthday party, also held at Pierce's.
Jim had virtually all of his extended family at the dinner Saturday and for the
party on Sunday. Most all live in the Upper Valley.
Attending the weekend were: Sharon and Bob Blake;
Linda and Steve Waterhouse, with friends Jay and Karen Johnson; Nancy and Roger Hansen; French and Bob McConnaughy; Linda and Steve Fowler; Gary Herbst, with sons Christopher and Nicolas; Debbie
and Jim Griffiths, with friends Les and Anita Buckland; Brian Walsh; Diane and Marshall Wallach, with sons Marshall and Forbes;
Peggy and Dan Southard; Mahala and Rich
Beams; Mimi and Carl Boe; Ellen and Mike
Bettmann; and Hank Amon, together with wife Karen Kolodny and daughters Carly
and Joey.
Our class meeting was held over the
weekend, the complete minutes of which can be found on our class website. To
summarize, Treasurer Steve Fowler confirmed that we remain solvent, with a balance
in the class treasury of some $27,500. The Class of 1965 Scholarship fund now
stands at $100,000, halfway to our goal of endowing four scholarships at a level of $200,000.
Contributions to this fund must be made specifically to the fund itself; to this end, please note (and use!) the coupon
at the end of this newsletter. The class is contacting the fifty or so classmates
who have had no contact with the class or the college over the past five years, and ascertaining their interest in continuing
to receive the Alumni Magazine (a cost born by the class).
October 15-17,
2004 Class of 1965 Mini-Reunion
New Hampshire
Considerable discussion ensued as to the most advantageous
scheduling for our traditional fall mini-reunion. Please see Hanks letter for
the details and reasoning behind scheduling our regular mini on these dates.
Discussions were also held on options for a further out-of-Hanover mini-reunion to be held
in April or May 2004. After reviewing suggestions by Ron Knapp (Bend, Oregon),
by Bill Webster and Mike Orr (the
Asheville area in North Carolina), by Mike Bettman (rafting or Lake Placid, NY)
and by Ken McGruther (the Shenandoah Valley), a decision was made to visit Allenberry,
PA. See Hanks letter for details.
May 7-9, 2004
Class of 1965 Mini-Reunion
final scheduling note from Linda and Steve Waterhouse. This is a reminder that 2004 is here, snow is already flying in the Rocky Mountains and the fearless Class
of 1965 has another Winter Mini-Reunion being planned for Vail Colorado, March 5-7, 2004.
Schedule those dates and head for the mountains! The newly formed Dartmouth
Club of the Vail Region has already set its winter season schedule plans to include joining with the Class of 1965 for a joint
cocktail party on Saturday and maybe a ski day on Friday. The Club has a membership from Classes as young as 1946 to
as old as 2001. For any of you who think you are too old to ski, think about
this -- some of the Vail Dartmouth Club's members were undergraduates at Dartmouth in the year most of us were born! It has
just been announced that Vail has repeated as the #1 Ranked Resort for the second year in a row and the 12th time since the
ratings began in 1988, in SKI Magazine's "Top 60 Resort Guide", so come and join us.
March 5-7,
2004 Class of 1965 Mini-Reunion in Vail
I suppose it doesnt quite qualify as a mini-reunion, since
there were only two of us, but Brigid and I spent a glorious ten days in September with Carol and Jim Danielson at their home in East Wenatchee, WA and vacation home on Lake Chelan, WA. The ostensible purpose of the visit was to attend their son Drews wedding, but it quickly became clear
to both our generation and Drews that it was the old folks who knew how to have the good times. Jim is senior partner in Jeffers, Danielson, Sonn & Aylward in Wenatchee, and claims that he enjoys
his trial practice too much to retire. Daughter Kari is a partner in the 20-lawyer
firm, and daughter Kristin and son Drew are still within commuting distance for Carol.
I reach Jim at
Faithful readers of the Alumni Mag will have noticed the
recent article on Robert Frost, and classmates may have spotted the author as none other than our own class poet Mike OConnell. I found the article exceptionally both in its writing
and the information it conveyed. Ive also had the good fortune to read both of
Mikes published volumes of poetry Rt. 4 Baraboo and My Buckets Got a Hole In It. I
guarantee you would enjoy them and Mikes references to his time at Dartmouth; order from Hugger Mugger Publishing, E10469
Sunset Road, Baraboo, WI 53913.
Also belonging in the mini-reunion category is this October meeting recounted by Dave Pearsall. Carolyn and George
Brannen, Karen and Steve Fuller, and Margie and Dave Pearsall got together on Kiawah Island, SC in October to celebrate life, health, Dartmouth, and AXA memories. We enjoyed beautiful fall weather, seafood, bird watching, kayaking, and beaching. Dave is a general surgeon in eastern NC and received intensive therapy from the group
regarding the joys of retirement. George is a urologist at the University of
Washington who specializes in oysters and clams. He recently peaked his career
by performing the worlds first cystoscopy of a geoduck giant clam. [I did check
these words, since Daves handwriting indicates that he may have written this card sometime during the actual cystoscopy.] Steve is a retired printer in Ohio, and is traveling in increasingly small circles
on a new sailboat in the Great Lakes, scene of our own next mini-reunion.
A note from the college informed me that Dr. James W. Aiken became
the Chief Executive Officer of the Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology on June 16, 2003. Most recently, Jim
Aiken was employed by Pharmacia Corporation, now Pfizer following the merger of the two companies on April 15, 2003. Jim is a native Vermonter. He grew up
in the Burlington area, graduated from Dartmouth and later received his Doctorate in Pharmacology from the University of Vermont.
After a two-year fellowship in London, he joined Eli Lilly & Co. In 1977
Jim moved to The Upjohn Company in Kalamazoo, Michigan; when Upjohn merged with the Swedish company Pharmacia in 1995, Jim
relocated to Stockholm where his positions included Director of Biology. In 1999,
Jim returned to Pharmacia's headquarters in New Jersey; Pharmacia merged with Pfizer, and Jim will be retiring from Pfizer after a combined 32 years in the pharmaceutical
industry. Jim also has had adjunct faculty appointments at both the Indiana University
and Michigan State University Medical Schools. Jim is married to Sue Aiken. They
have two grown children; Kate, living in New York City, and Rob, a recent graduate of the UVM. Jim enjoys skiing; fly fishing,
golf, painting and sculpting, opera, and walking. Jim and Sue will live in Breckenridge, CO.
Frank Bellizia checked in with a new profession that may interest classmates: My wife, Kim, and I have
recently opened a franchise of an international consulting firm known as The Entrepreneur's Source. We are consultants
and coaches for people seeking to go into business for themselves. We take them
through a process of exploring their goals and needs and then eventually show them franchise opportunities which might
help them meet their goals. (We have been running an ad in the classified section of the DAM, so check it out.) We work
with a lot of disenchanted corporate types, as well as people who have been downsized, spouses looking for a career, people
looking for a next career, and many more. It is fascinating work which connects nicely to my career in higher education and
to Kim's former life in marketing and sales. We live in Suffield, CT, and spend as much time as possible on the Maine coast.
We hope that eventually our new "retirement profession" will lead us to a life in Maine. And now that I have given an update,
I'm going to challenge Bruce Gottschall, Tom
Sakmyster, Keith Young and any other '65s from Sig Ep who haven't checked
in lately to do the same! You can contact Frank to avail yourself of his services
Rick Mahoney wrote from Exeter, NH to tell me
not about his own career but that of Dave Weber.
Dave retired this year after 17 years as head coach of Exeters cross country team, and he went out in style as his
team captured the New England Prep School championship. The tributes in the school
paper The Exonian were many, coming from undergraduate team members, graduates, and his coaching peers. Dave, who will continue to teach at Exeter, was the first in our class to serve as a Dartmouth Trustee.
He is quoted as saying My source of fulfillment in coaching has not been
tied to winning, and he says of cross country Its a sport that rewards patience and commitment and honesty and a certain kind
of courage. He clearly is beloved by both his athletes and his students.
Another of our academics, John Haskins, wrote from
DC that he is Now a professor in the School of Professional Studies at Trinity College in Washington, DC. I teach Post Graduate courses in both the MBA and Master in Nonprofit Management Programs. I also teach at George Mason University and UNVA as an adjunct professor.
Contact John at
An old Hanover buddies, Dan Corbett, sent a card from
Juno Beach, FL where he hides during the cold months. This summer Carmen and
I walked about 400 miles of the Appalachian Trail. We hope to complete other
portions, including the part passing through Hanover during our 40th Reunion.
Ive been a patient of Jim Cooper, who has a local practice, weve been tenants
of Chris and Bill Oberlink, and neighbors of Mary Alice and Al Stewart in Juno Beach. Our new address (Seminole Condominium,
20 Celestial Way #201, Juno Beach, FL 33408) is downsized sexagenarian quarters. Our
Maine post and beam house in Woolwich, off the north end of Route 1, provides land to build two more residences off the Kennebec
River. Shelter Institute nearby may afford an opportunity to recreate a 17th
Century Fairbanks or Capen House in the 21st Century by this student of Hugh Morrison at Dartmouth, who practices law and
teaches history at Palm Beach Community College off the south end of Route 1. Dan
did not report on whether he still plays rugby, but you can ask him yourself at
When last heard from, Claude Liman was recovering from
the destruction of his shoulder when his bicycle was hit by an SUV. Rocks now
writes to say the shoulder has healed, and he is back to his beloved golf where he held a 1-handicap prior to his accident. My 17-year old son Jesse and I drove to Colorado last March on his spring break to
play golf in Denver and Boulder with Chuck Lobitz and John Meck 67, both ski team
friends from Dartmouth days. We played one round at the Boulder CC on March 17,
a day before three feet of snow fell. I have a picture of us there taken by Matt Morrison, who did not play due to a rib injury but who came out onto the course
from his nearby house to photograph and heckle us. Think Ill retire from teaching in June and play much more golf! An attached news article details Rockys club championship at his Strathcona Club, where his name now appears
in the trophy case next to that of the junior champion, Jesse Liman.
Finally, from our round the girdled earth department, the fascinating story of Andi and Rob Overton, who checked in from Barcelona, Spain, on their way to . . . well, Ill let Rob tell the story. I just received the September Boot and Beanie and was motivated by your threat of
a description of your mother's birthday party to send you some information. It's
inconvenient to send you the Green Card, but perhaps I can scratch out a short note here.
My wife Andi and I live on our 50' sailboat, currently in Barcelona, Spain for the winter. We both retired in 2000, Andi from her job as technical editor and HR director of
a software company, and I from my position as Senior Associate at Wagner Associates, Inc., a firm specializing in mathematical
applications and software. We sold our house, cars, boats, and everything else
except 'Akka' and set sail for the Caribbean and Bahamas. We crossed the Pond in the spring of 2001, spent a summer (so called)
in the British Isles, and then came to the Med, where we plan to stay for at least one more year. We spent the summer cruising the Western Med (Riviera, Corsica, and Balearics) and plan to spend next summer
in Croatia. We're looking forward to returning there, though our Croatian is
a bit rusty after 33 years! We try to get back to the States once or twice a
year, mainly for me to meet with the US SAILING's Racing Rules Committee (which helps to write and amend the Racing Rules
of Sailing), to compete in and judge National sailing events, and to visit our daughter Lisa Overton Copeland '93. Visit our recently (September 2003) updated website,,
where there are stories of and pictures from our adventures. I have visited the
website, several times in fact, and I can tell you that Rob and Andis story is fascinating.
Check it our for yourself.
June 13-16,
2005 Class of 1965 40th Reunion
Thats all for now, folks. Brigid and I wish you peace, love and happiness in this New Year.
We hope to see many of you at one of our upcoming get-togethers.
Bob Murphy