Protecting your computer: Dartmouth takes steps to prevent virus outbreaksCollege
moving to keep computers healthy and network running smoothly
September 10, 2003. In the wake of recent outbreaks of Internet infections plaguing colleges and
universities across the nation, Dartmouth has taken a number of steps to try and stop such infections before the beginning
of the academic year later this month.
Computer viruses are attacking both Windows and Macintosh computers in increasing numbers. A vulnerability
in the Windows operating system has put those computers specifically at risk if critical updates are not run.
Students and faculty will return to the campus for the fall term which begins on Sept. 23, and Dartmouth's
computing staff has already begun encouraging system updates and antivirus scans to halt the spread of potentially harmful
computer programs.
Among the steps the College has taken are e-mail messages sent to Dartmouth students about current viruses
and how to avoid them, flyers with that same information made available around campus and distribution of a free CD containing
the most recent updates for the Windows operating system and Norton Antivirus software. The CD will be available to students
when they check into residence halls; they will be encouraged to run the update CD before connecting to the campus network.
Members of the Dartmouth community can find more information specific to the measures the College is taking
at Peter Kiewit Computing Services' Help Desk. Other information on Windows operating system updates is available at the Windows Updates page; general information on virus attacks and updates for Norton Antivirus software is available at the Symantec Web page.