"It is, Sir, as we have said, a small inn, and yet there are those who love it" to paraphrase Daniel Webster. While Pierce's
Inn in Etna is old and just a bit on the funky side, it remains in our hearts as a warm and easy place to gather at least
once a year in the autumn for good fellowship, good food, maybe have a glass or two, and to conduct class business.
Again this year Cindy and Bruce hosted a houseful of '65s, topped off by a Saturday night dinner featuring attendance
of our latest Class of 1965 scholar and a performance by the Decibelles. Friday night Steve and Linda opened their home to
us both before and then after the Homecoming festivities for a delightful evening. Unlike in most recent years we were also
treated to great weather for the parade and bonfire and for Saturday's outdoor activities, and an excellent football game culminating
in a Dartmouth win. Just as in many past years, we also were treated to snow-covered ground on Sunday morning.
Ah, New Hampshire!
But the snows just made the warm hearthfire and warm spirits at Pierce's that much more appreciated, and about 20
classmates joined for the class meeting Sunday morning. Roger will be putting out minutes and an update in the forthcoming
Alumni Magazinie, and Carl will be capturing highlights of news for the Newsletter which will be out in hard copy soon.
Bob Blake through various sources will be getting out plans for forthcoming Minis held away from Hanover, including ones
in Europe, Florida, and the West Coast, along with a special emphasis on getting together probably in one of the large East
Coast cities to celebrate our collective 65th birthdays in 2008. And the now-annual gathering of Dartmouth skiers
at Vail will take place in 2006 on the weekend of March 3-6th.
The Class Treasury, ably attended to by Bob Murphy, is in good shape. As we run to the end of our commitment to support
the Scholars Project in mid-2006 it will become even more flush, so Mike Gonnerman will be on the lookout for interesting
proposals for Class Projects which we will dive into starting sometime in 2006. Give it a think, and if you come up with any
good ideas by all means weigh in to Mike or myself -- or better yet, bring them with you to future Class gatherings. The general
emphasis, we thought, would be on building closer bonds with the current students, but there is also strong support for something
that is a physical testimony for the bonds that still tie the Class of 1965 to the College, and always will.
Next years in-Hanover Mini, which again will be coordinated by Bob McConnaughey who did such a terrific job this year,
will be the weekend of October 14-16th, which should be prime foliage time as well. Next year, and at least through 2008,
our Mini will coincide with Homecoming. So whether it's to Hanover, or wherever we get together around the world, come home.
We look forward to seeing all of you.