Ken McGruther |

President 2005 - 2010 |
Dear Classmates...
At the conclusion of our very successful 40th Reunion, new Class Officers were elected for the next five years. And, I am privileged to be your Class President.
Already, on July 11th -- fresh back from the Reunion -- many of the other newly
elected officers meet for our first Executive Meeting. It was a lively gathering with many new ideas being proposed.
Over the next weeks and months, the ideas which muster approval will be announced.
Arching over every consideration was, and will remain, the concept of "broadening participation"
by all Classmates, and especially those, who for various reasons, have not participated. In September
of 1961, we all are entered Dartmouth and became Lifelong Members of The Great Class of '65.
I, and all the officers, want to make certain that every '65 enjoys the benefits of this membership at the level that he wishes.
Stay tuned... Our channel is 2-way. MORE
Ken McGruther
The Quinquennial |

Changing On The Quarterdeck |
Click For Coming |

Mini & Full Reunions |
