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The Great Class Of 1965's "The Boot 'n Beanie Blog"
Monday, 10 February 2003
Our Website Is Online
Hey Guys, Spouse and Friends, The Great Class of 1965's new website is now active. You can reach it as you have in the past, i.e., www.dartmouth.org, OR BETTER YET --- WWW.BIGGREEN65.COM If you have not bookmarked it, you should. It is my intent that this site will be very interative. As you will see, there are interesting links to keep you coming back, as well as for the latest Class news. This blog... short for weblog... has been created so that I can make comments, and you can post to them.
I have set this blog up so that your comments post without my moderation... though I will receive an email noting the posting. So, use your judgement.
And if you don't, I'm certain that a few "netiquette" savvy classmates will offer you the rules. That's it for now. Mike Gonnerman

Posted by biggreen65 at 1:15 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 31 July 2005 9:05 AM EDT
Best of Luck
Congratulations Mike and the Class of 1965. The site looks great. Use it well.

Bull Moose '64

Posted by biggreen65 at 1:06 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 11 February 2003 8:53 AM EST

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