Class of 65's 45th Reunion

Reunion Communications Plan & Program

First Letter
Second Letter
Third Letter
Already Packing
Attendance Intentions
Ask A ? - Make A Comment
Mountains Beyond Mountains

Coming Sooner Than You Care To Think
The Ultimate Reality Show


Be There! Communications Plan



OBJECTIVE – Build maximum attendance at 40th Reunion.

Develop broad understanding of 40th Reunion as a special opportunity to renew and develop friendships with Dartmouth classmates and spouses.


Generate awareness of variety of intellectual, sports and social activities.


Continue to build the emotional connection with Dartmouth.


Provide context and support for class fund raising initiative.




Coordinate communications in class newsletter, alumni magazine and class Web site.

·         Newsletter (Bob Murphy)

o        December: include Reply Postcard #1

o        January: text due 12/2

o        April: text due 3/28


·         Alumni magazine (Ken McGruther)

o        February: text due 12/2

o        April: text due 2/21


·         Web site (Mike Gonnerman)

o        January: graphics and text due 1/3, include:

§         Event schedule

§         Post Response listings

§         Reunion committee

§         Email gizmo: message campaign w/ friends

§         Establish link with Hanover Web site

o        Winter/Spring: continue updates


Create and Maintain Attendee Email Address Book

·         Send periodic updates (“Hold’em strategy”)


Send Invitation Letters from reunion leadership (Roger Hansen/Pete Frederick)

·         Letter #1 w/ Reply Postcard #1: mail 12/10

·         Letter #2: mail 2/15

·         Letter #3: mail 4/11


Utilize information from spreadsheet w/ interest & intent (Pete Frederick) in communications materials and on Class Web site


Coordinate message with Reunion Giving (Ed Keible)


Ask Jim Hamilton for a drawing w/ caption (Letter #2)


Send an early tchotchke item with event logo to all classmates (defined as a “cheap showy trinket” in advanced marketing circles) in Letter #2


Telephone/mail campaign based on affinity groups


Idea: Old photo collage as leadership Letter #3 enclosure/Class Web site item


Idea: Consider email message campaign (contact your friends) via Class Web site


Idea: Do something with a John Sloan Dickey quote






November 26                            Forward First Letter/Postcard Text to Hanover


December 1                              Newsletter: Basic info to Bob Murphy


DAMagazine: Basic info to Ken McGruther


Class Web site: Basic info to Mike Gonnerman


December 2                              Info text for January Newsletter to Bob Murphy


Info text for DAM February to Ken McGruther


December 10                            Reply Post card #1 into current Newsletter (Hanover)


                                                Letter #1 and Reply Postcard #1 Mailed


December 30                Web site development

            Event schedule

Post Response listings (source for All Other communications)

            Reunion committee

                                                            Email gizmo: message campaign w/friends


January 15                                Establish 65 Reunion Web page link


                                                Coordinate with Reunion Giving (Ed Keible)


                                                Telephone/mail campaign w/ affinity groups

                                                            Crew:                Bill Webster/Rick Davey

                                                            Ski:                   Dick Durrance

                                                            Rugby:             Steve Fuller


Track spreadsheet w/ interest & intent (Pete Frederick)


Post Responses on Class Web site (Mike Gonnerman)


February 15                               Letter #2 w/ updated schedule/registration form/teaser


                                                Create Attendee Email Address Book


                                                Send email Update #1 w/ tentative schedule


February 21                               Draft info text for DAM April


March 28                                   Draft info text for April Newsletter


April 11                                     Letter #3 w/ updated schedule + old photo collage
