
Dartmouth 1965 45th Reunion: June
14-17, 2010
October, 2009
Dear Fellow '65s,
This letter is the first notice that will come your way regarding our 45th Reunion
in Hanover on June 14-17, 2010. Like many of us, you are probably already planning your trips and activities for next
year and we want to reach out to you now so that you can put these dates on your calendar and make plans to join us for what
we hope will be an enriching, restful, and memorable gathering of classmates and families back on the Hanover Plain.
Your Reunion Committee is planning an exciting list of activities to renew your spirit:
socially, intellectually, and physically. Highlighting some of the activities that we have planned, Dartmouth's new
president, Jim Kim, is tentatively scheduled to join us for a book-club-like discussion of Mountains Beyond Mountains, Tracy
Kidder's compelling story about Kim's pre-Dartmouth years fighting infectious diseases with colleague Dr. Paul Farmer in Haiti,
Peru, and other third-world countries. New since our last reunion is the availability of "Reunion Alumni College" seminars
on a wide range of intriguing topics. And, of course, there will be those times to just sit, chat, catch up with old
classmates, and continue to make new friends. We are also pleased to report that we have succeeded in being assigned
the newest and most comfortable dorms on campus: the McLaughlin Cluster just north of the White Church and SAE. Parking
and our Class tent headquarters will be immediately adjacent for maximum ease of access.
As this is a "mid-week" reunion, we know that many of you have not yet retired and
will need to take vacation time to attend. We also know that many of you will have spouses/significant others, and family
members in tow. Mindful of this, we are working hard to ensure that there is "something for everyone," and all at a price
that is affordable.
Enclosed is a reply post card upon which you should indicate your intentions before
mailing it back to our registration coordinator, Hank Amon. We understand that your plans may be only preliminary at
this point; however, your early and positive indication of interest is the #1 way to assure that your fellow classmates will
know of your plans and decide to join us. In addition to this traditional "snail mail" approach, those with email addresses
will soon be receiving an electronic Evite invitation where you will be able to record your attendance plans as well as see
the names and emails of other classmates who have responded. It is important, therefore, that you include your current
email address on the return post card regardless of your current attendance plans. In addition, we hope to have a Facebook
page up and running soon that will also provide a place where you can communicate electronically with other classmates, including
reaching out to old friends. Finally, our Class website will be updated regularly with information at: www.dartmouth.org/classes/65/.
Less than eight months from when you receive this letter we will gather together once
again on the Dartmouth campus. Many of you may recall that sunlit September day in the Bema when we first came together
as a class in the fall of 1961, or sauntered into Webster Hall with our beanies on to hear the lecture on our summer reading:
"The Crime of Galileo," or learned what a "round of snaps" was from Coach Hamilton or some upperclassman. We hope both
to recapture that spirit when we come together in June and to make new memories together.
As we celebrate our common heritage as Dartmouth alumni, our reunion offers us a chance
to reconnect with one another, even if only for a few days. We are hoping that our effort to put together an exceptional program
worthy of your attendance. Please SAVE THE DATES and return the enclosed postcard as soon as possible.
In the Dartmouth Spirit,
For your 45th Reunion Committee
Ted Atkinson & Bruce
You need to be in Hanover in June.
Tell your friends and family you will
Still On The Road!